Politics and Religion

A question:
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 121 reads

How come the "ignore user" link is missing on your posts ?

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 11:52:47 AM

brooks51101 reads

off the top of my head, more to follow and contribute if you wish

1.  Choice = infanticide for the convenience of the "mommy"
2.  Investment = confiscate your hard-earned money to pay for shit that doesn't work or to pay for votes
3.  Institutional racism = whitey did it
4.  Black lives matter = whitey did it, but we libs nor blacks really don't care either, see 34
5.  They did it too = guilty
6.  Racist = whites
7.  Whites = racist
8.  Differ on policy with Obama = racist
9.  War on Women = sexist, the only confirmed kill in this war was by Kennedy
10.  Immigration reform = dem voters to be put on the dole
11.  Voter ID laws = prevent them fro cheating to gain power to rule over you
12.  Liberty/freedom = outdated ideas
13.  Discussion = lib lecture resulting in a insult or two
14.  Truth = the just don't believe in it
15.  Equality = special rights for some, at the expense of whites
16.  Jealousy/Envy = the core of their ideology
17.  Facts = inconvenient
16.  Blacks = a constituency to take for granted, exploit and then screw - now to the back of the bus
17.  God = something to be feared
18.  Morals = we don't need no stinkin' morals
19.  Gubment = God
20.  Abortion = the most holy sacrament of their religion, see 19
21.  Women = sheep, see 16
22.  Fair = anything that screws my political opponent, see 18
23.  Hypocrit = lib, even they know it
24.  Money = not yours even though you foolishly think that you "earned" it
25.  Diplomacy = capitulate/surrender
26.  America/Americans = sucks, our fault no matter what it is
27.  Income inequality = confiscate from producers to give to losers
28.  Islamic terrorist = misunderstood victims, see 26
29.  American soldier = pretend to respect, see 26
30.  US Allie = chump
31.  US enemy = Republicans, red states, see 26
32.  Gun control = confiscation
33.  All lives matter = racist
34.  Cops = the real criminals
35.  lie = tactic to get their way, no moral issue, see 18

Other truisms - they hate the successful, whites and people who think that babies are human - or anyone who dares to disagree with them.  The more you tell the truth the more hysterical they become.  They have lost the argument with the first name-called.  They are happy to screw any individual for the "greater" good" never needing to demonstrate the greater good.

Let's have fun - let the name calling begin!  Let's try to original and creative boys and girls


-- Modified on 2/13/2016 1:58:15 PM

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 2:05:15 PM

How come the "ignore user" link is missing on your posts ?

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 11:52:47 AM

brooks5118 reads

gee, I don't know.

I expect that kinda childish shit from the politically correct left, but certainly not the right. Are you FORCING people not to ignore you ? That kinda speaks to a personality issue, something you might wanna work on. Geez, everyone else here has an  ignore user link. You think you're kinda "special" or something------ ?--------------:)

brooks598 reads

another name-calling lefty to join bigguy, laffy, and bigpapa just because you disagree . . . talk about childish

I didn't put that much thought into it had no idea posting under an alias that had that effect - thanks, now I do.

Accusers usually project how THEY think.

Paranoia can be treated by a healthcare professional, good luck with that.

Now go away and read someone who you agree with, you will feel better

86H13LTP136 reads

Hillary didn't do anything wrong = She's guilty as fuck but she's got dirt on Obama that could nail his ass along with her so let's just pretend it didn't happen so we don't have to try and beat The Donald with an old socialist .  

30,000 killed by guns each year.= really it's 20,000 suicides and 10,000 homicides but that doesn't fit our agenda since just heroin alone kills 11,000 a year.  

Blacks get arrested 4 to 1 over whites = sure it's because they commit 4 to 1 crimes over whitey but that doesn't fit our agenda .  

More to follow .... But I'm thirsty

If so, this transcends politics, it's just "weird". Why did you do it ?

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 12:22:21 PM

Sounds like a gutless lefty tactic to me----------LMFAO!

brooks5100 reads

see my list for an accurate translation - or not if you are afraid!

-- Modified on 2/14/2016 9:32:35 AM

brooks5128 reads

90% are 12-17 yo gangbangers that weren't children when they were 5.

Do their black or brown lives matter?

86H13LTP102 reads

Let me get you up to speed quick . I fear a 15 yo muzzie with gun long before I fear a long in the tooth farmer because the young ones have no fear and they are the easiest to indoctrinate with that false Prohet BS .  

Those who haven't been need to STFU and let us win

Here we coddle our fat ass little 15 yo's and  give them 7th place awards . Fucking  liberal Punks !  When did the fat pussy start making the rules . In Rome they threw them to lions . Those days are coming, watch and see .

...knocks up a hooker.  I wonder if in that case the married, father of four, hypocritical, thumping Republican trick will call it "infanticide."

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 2:15:20 PM

brooks591 reads

so I take it from your response that it is ok with you and your team to deliver all but the head, stab forceps through the skull, scramble the brain, finish delivering the rest of the baby to put in the trash can or, if juicy, to chop into parts and sell them?

some "choice"

you guys try to hide the barbarity behind a word -  "choice".  I have said often, do what you want but at least have the courage to admit to baby-killing.

reality and using real words scares the crap out of libs. their pussy selves hide think that words can hide their support of crimes against humanity.  we see you for what you are, monsters.

how can a decent human being support infanticide?

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