Politics and Religion

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows him to be a fool. -William Shakespeare....
86H13LTP 458 reads
1 / 12

Finding your love one wrapped in a sleeping bag with 12 ga next to them is a lot better than seeing your loved one after  jumped  infront of a semi and look like a splattered deer . Regulate the heroine ODs then come back for the guns .  

You don't fool Anybody lefty

saltyballs 131 reads
2 / 12

Definition of POG:

1) People Other than Grunts (US Army Infantry) or 2) Permanently On the Ground (US Air Force, US Naval Aviation and US Army Aviation).  

A POG sits clueless while Operators execute the mission

86H13LTP 118 reads
3 / 12

do a match shoot to benefit a charity . The place rents basic M-1 garands - originals .  

I will rent two and we can each pick one out ourselves . 5 shots to adjust sights . 600 is the place's longest so we will go 10 shots for $1000 per shot at the 600 . It's all state of the art electronic scoring at this place so no cheating can take place in the butts .  

Put your money where your mouth is want to be boy !

-- Modified on 10/20/2016 1:56:22 PM

GaGambler 96 reads
4 / 12

Those odds are about the same as Cheesy accepting a fair bet ever again.

Maybe if you give the ball less one some favorable odds (and a loan" maybe he will find those missing balls.  

I'd take you up on it, just for shits and giggles, but my eyes are now so bad I might not even be able to see the target, much less hit one. Thirty years ago, maybe. Today, not a chance, but I am man enough to admit it and I can still put them all in the black with a side arm at 25 yards, a skill more likely to save my life someday that hitting anything a third of a mile away.

Nice to see you back Gunny.

86H13LTP 71 reads
5 / 12

You can get them for around  $225 for that Glock 17 ?? I think you mentioned on here once . Make sure you check the manufacturing date because they do fade over time . I prefer the orange front sight with the green rear sights . They help a lot for day shooting and a ton for low light conditions . You can also buy prescription shooting glasses for the lame range . There are one or two companies that also make inexpensive reading lens safety glasses . Get the full lens not the bifocals . Bifocals make you lift your head obviously .  Lame Range fun only unless you plan on wearing glasses 24/7. When train tactical , as with anything else , you have practice like you play . The night sights will really help with that . I have the tools so can put them on for you if needed when I spank you at a pistol range . Let's find steel movers and really make it interesting .  

He may go for it since he's a salty SEAL-Ranger-Delta-ForceRecon wanna be . He might have READ about shooting at distance with a basic Garand in his jerkoff material Soldier of Fortune rag .

saltyballs 75 reads
6 / 12

......miniature balls are way too small to be of any use to anyone. It's good to see you have at least one righty buddy left since all the other rats here have bailed from Trump's sinking ship.

86H13LTP 95 reads
7 / 12

and beating off to the pictures that you are declining the chance to prove you are a descendant of Robert Rogers ??? I'll even pay for your range fee and ammo . It's the least I could do with the 10k you would be handing me

saltyballs 114 reads
8 / 12

The psychology of a braggart is thinking that they are okay and wise, suitable to instruct others in their great knowledge. Honestly, I have nothing to prove to you or anyone here, I've met a few people of your ilk, always bragging about their "big guns" and what they can do with 'them, most are deeply insecure about themselves and therefore, in order to avoid or repress the pain or anxiety of being/not being something they don't want/want to be, they exaggerate about themselves. It arises mainly due to a poor self-esteem and in some cases, certain delusional thoughts.  

My advice, go back to whatever institution you were at before now and seek medical help ASAP

saltyballs 105 reads
10 / 12

.........to fight or hunt with bare hands." any dick can point, pull a trigger, and shoot with a gun.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 70 reads
11 / 12

Not sure what you're trying to say...but fuck it, I'll put on my fatigues, paint my face and sharpen my bayonet...I'm all in...CHARGE!!!!

Timbow 71 reads
12 / 12

Posted By: saltyballs
.........to fight or hunt with bare hands." any dick can point, pull a trigger, and shoot with a gun.

-- Modified on 10/21/2016 2:43:24 PM

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