Politics and Religion

" We have to pass the law to see what's in the law " - Pelosi
86H13LTP 221 reads

If that's how you do things I'd love to sell you a horse .  

Idiot Dems

86H13LTP207 reads

Were 100% right .

Dems and Obama ( " I don't live in the 80s ) mocked Romney when he said Russia was the biggest global threat to America . Now the Dems main false claim is Russia Russia Russia when it's really disgruntled " agency " people supplying WikiLeaks. You know , some of the few people on the planet that dude would have picked up the phone for .  

They mocked and mocked and now Dems are going to elect a complete and total " C " ( criminal ) just so they can say they won something because victories are few and far between for lion food people .  

The corruption isn't going to fly this time so I hope those responsible realize they could very well be held accountable for their actions .  

Why would anyone who visits this website on a regular basis hate Trump ?  Because he is super wealthy , has QB character and hot chicks have dropped their pants for him forever . It's called jealousy you jellyfish . Get over it and vote for the person we need to possibly unfuck this mess .  

Want to see a coward , where is anonymous at ? The big Hillary guy from day 1 is in hiding until November 9th because Trump is hanging tough .

bigguy30119 reads

They both sound, too much alike with their response comments. Lol

Posted By: 86H13LTP
Were 100% right .  
 Dems and Obama ( " I don't live in the 80s ) mocked Romney when he said Russia was the biggest global threat to America . Now the Dems main false claim is Russia Russia Russia when it's really disgruntled " agency " people supplying WikiLeaks. You know , some of the few people on the planet that dude would have picked up the phone for .  
 They mocked and mocked and now Dems are going to elect a complete and total " C " ( criminal ) just so they can say they won something because victories are few and far between for lion food people .  
 The corruption isn't going to fly this time so I hope those responsible realize they could very well be held accountable for their actions .  
 Why would anyone who visits this website on a regular basis hate Trump ?  Because he is super wealthy , has QB character and hot chicks have dropped their pants for him forever . It's called jealousy you jellyfish . Get over it and vote for the person we need to possibly unfuck this mess .  
 Want to see a coward , where is anonymous at ? The big Hillary guy from day 1 is in hiding until November 9th because Trump is hanging tough .
-- Modified on 10/25/2016 6:08:10 PM

Sorry, Shakespeare, you can't unfuck the coffee. You'll have to live with your bastard, I'm afraid.

As for Romney...yeah, I admit he's a notch up from Donny. So on a scale of one to ten I'll give him a one.

Russia is indeed a threat, like any dog with a loud bark. But your wannabe's conniving? T'ain't the way to silence a mutt. And you might decide to get down on your knobby knees and pray it doesn't come to that.

LasVegan200 reads

Trump is right, to a point but only in a very limited manner.  It IS all rigged.  NOT our elections.  But DEFINITELY our healthcare system.  Personally, I can not complain as my healthcare benefits come courtesy of my military service and are excellent.

But why can't WE do better, not democrats or republicans, but WE as a country?  We should be ashamed of ourselves that we do not have a system that puts the healthcare of our citizens before the profits of a few.  ALL of our political representatives are at fault.  It defies logic they can not get together and come up with the most amazing healthcare plan, that serves all Americans, for the price we pay overall as a country.

No question we, by far are the best country in the world on all counts.  But why can't we do something about this?  Yes, this would require a very complicated solution but we should still be able to figure it out.  Shame on us!

bigguy30207 reads

I don't need Obamacare myself and have private medical benefits.
The real problem is the GOP and health insurance companies working against the American people.
They don't give a shit and it's all about profit and not people.

Posted By: LasVegan
Trump is right, to a point but only in a very limited manner.  It IS all rigged.  NOT our elections.  But DEFINITELY our healthcare system.  Personally, I can not complain as my healthcare benefits come courtesy of my military service and are excellent.  
 But why can't WE do better, not democrats or republicans, but WE as a country?  We should be ashamed of ourselves that we do not have a system that puts the healthcare of our citizens before the profits of a few.  ALL of our political representatives are at fault.  It defies logic they can not get together and come up with the most amazing healthcare plan, that serves all Americans, for the price we pay overall as a country.  
 No question we, by far are the best country in the world on all counts.  But why can't we do something about this?  Yes, this would require a very complicated solution but we should still be able to figure it out.  Shame on us!
-- Modified on 10/25/2016 6:07:00 PM

That severely limited the pool. AND in the poorest most uninsured and unhealthy states. Y'ask what're they thinking? They're reckoning to kill health care and now the fools figure they reckoned right!

Aw, we'll see what happens. Wouldn't think anyone on this board is stuck with the ACA.

LasVegan132 reads

Why aren't we voting ALL of those assholes out of office?

GaGambler204 reads

Does anyone remember "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" or that $2,500 dollar annual saving we were all supposed to get?

Now even Obama is saying it's "only the first step" and was never supposed to be the actual solution.

LasVegan163 reads

But we should be taking no prisoners.  There is enough blame to go around for the state of our healthcare system.

GaGambler151 reads

I was all set to disagree with your predictable response about ObamaCare being great and the obstructionist GOP being totally to blame and then you throw me a fucking curveball.

Yes, there is PLENTY of blame to go around, My biggest issue with ObamaCare is it gives us the worst parts of Socialized medicine and the worst parts of the "old" system of insurance companies pretty much dictating how health care is priced, even to people without insurance who pay for their health care directly, which really should be criminal.

A real overhaul of our healthcare system is desperately needed, but one that attacks the root problem, "rising costs" and not a system that simply shifts the costs to the taxpayer without doing a thing to contain those costs.

bigguy30212 reads

When trying to explain the ACA.
They don't have a clue.
It's was all about destroying this law or not improving it.

Posted By: BigPapasan

86H13LTP222 reads

If that's how you do things I'd love to sell you a horse .  

Idiot Dems

bigguy30176 reads

We should take away, all of the GOP Congress government benefits.
Since they hate it so much themselves.
Then they won't look and sound like frauds.

Posted By: 86H13LTP
If that's how you do things I'd love to sell you a horse .  
 Idiot Dems

Because the risk corridor and reinsurance provisions of the ACA are expiring, even Jack knew premiums/deductibles would have to go up.

        But the solution is simple. Rather than repeal the ACA and replace it with the old system plus the Republican/Ryan health care plan, all they really need to do is amend the ACA to allow insurers to sell policies with a yearly cap, a lifetime cap, and most certainly to charge more to persons with pre-existing conditions. And the cap on insurer profits should also be deleted.

       That way people could buy what they want rather than what they probably actually need. And the insurers could make some money on these policies which isn’t going to happen under the current scheme.

      Of course, amendment of the ACA was not possible with the Republican Congress. Once Hillary sweeps in enough Dems, that will change

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