
Who is Arizona Guy and why no reviews by him
Jackson4117 7 Reviews 6647 reads

Such a statement with no explanation from one who shows no reviews seems like someone trying to hide their true identity.  I also see no response to all the other posts.  I don't know Kristen but I have not met any provider who did not understand they are in a business that services all shapes sizes, types, races good bad or indifferent.  Let me encourage you to make your reason for slandering Kristen clear or retract your statement and simply find another provider to see.

Arizona Guy9351 reads

I believe that Kristen is a racist.

I can't even bring myself to write what I really want to write. I guess it's because I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Though why the moderator would let something like this get on is unbelievable.

I guees it wouldn't be such a piece of crap statement if you had givenus a little bakground as to what brought you to this conclusion. Say something like, "After reading her reviews" or "When we met, the first thing out of her mouth was, "Sorry, but I don't date ____ men'" But to just say that so and so is a racist is just wrong and will do nothing to increase anyone's awareness if it were true.

Personally, I'd just delete the post and try again.

And that is just my opinion.

Making a statement like that about someone without giving a reason or example to back it up only serves to make the one who made the statement look bad.

I believe Arizona Guy has no clue of what he is saying. Kristen is one of the most caring providers out there. She enjoys people from all walks of life. Hey Arizona Guy, maybe you should step back, look in the mirror & check to see who really is the racist before you post such a rough & uneducated opinion such as the one you made.



to make a generalized statement like you did without providing your reason(s) for making same.

Rick7779368 reads

People have the right to see who they want to see.  If they don't like me or I don't like them I don't see them.

It so easy to call people names.

Yours Respectfully10693 reads

I wouldn’t categorize her as a racist. However, I would say that she has never returned my calls and has (I don’t want to believe) hung up the phone on me. I would like to believe that I am a nice guy and I am sure that the ladies I have seen can certainly vouch for me. Maybe it’s my slight accent or my name (Isaac) or that she’s no longer in the business – I don’t know.  I did receive a very nice email from her in my initial contact but since then just pure blanks. Oh well…..what can I say?

Such a statement with no explanation from one who shows no reviews seems like someone trying to hide their true identity.  I also see no response to all the other posts.  I don't know Kristen but I have not met any provider who did not understand they are in a business that services all shapes sizes, types, races good bad or indifferent.  Let me encourage you to make your reason for slandering Kristen clear or retract your statement and simply find another provider to see.

There are a host of reasons why a large number of us choose NOT to write reviews, not the least of which are discretion and chivalry (for whatever that is worth in today's world). I elect to support TER by sending my check instead so don't read too much into one's lack of written reviews. However, I agree with you totally on the other part of your post.

-- Modified on 5/31/2004 12:10:44 PM

-- Modified on 5/31/2004 12:12:35 PM

The guy is using an alias instead of his registered handle. You can tell by the lack of an email icon by his name. He's probably someone we know that wants to keep his identity a secret so he doesn't cook himself with the other girls or he's the same jerk that called Dianna a raist above because him and his friend stood her up. I haven't figured out the point of that post at all.

moebius811209 reads

im willing to bet you shouldnt even have one about her. have you seen her? or for that matter which "kristin" are you refering to?
If your going to troll at least have some concept of how to

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