
Re: We should make it easy for other providers to verify us when we asked them for information...
arizbob 19 Reviews 388 reads

A little courtesy goes a long way. And a thank you takes less than 10 seconds to send. Guess it depends on the provider. Still surpriced at how little camaraderie there is with providers.

Sheraa1759 reads

Why, why, why are Phoenix providers such a fucking pain in the ass when it comes to getting references? Some times you must directly ask a provider for a reference since some men fly under the radar. Sadly they're not on any sites which you can privately verify.  

Seriously all other states, the ladies respond quickly with yes I've seen him, he's great have fun. Phoenix ladies hell no, 80% of you are just bitches about it.

The whole "I need information about you first" is just absolute bullshit!!

1) you want my information so your jealous ass can go look at my website/pictures/fantasy reviews

2)  You claim you're keeping the client safe.....There's no fucking wife or girlfriend on this planet that is going to send a polite email asking for a reference along with his hobby information if she thinks he's cheating........ Pull your head out of your ass.

 There should be a blacklist site for bad providers as well, not just hobbyists

Eggs_over_easy806 reads

You're foaming at the mouth a bit, you should see to that.  

If this is your introduction to the Phx board then best of luck to you as you're going to need it. With an attitude like you've displayed here I wouldn't see you for any amount. People like you are to be avoided and for good reason.

That being said, I've had ladies claim not to know who I was when another provider called for a reference but remembered me just fine when I called to schedule another appointment. You ladies can be a catty bunch at times.

Sheraa633 reads

I don't need an introduction, my tastes in hobbyist is that of fine Sevruga Caviar. This board is nothing but nasty bottom feeding fish. You have no worries about ever seeing me, nor could you ever afford me!

In my life especially traveling through Europe, I've met weed smokers, hell even meth users who are less fucking paranoid about LE than you idiots. It's possible too much yanking your dick causes illusions and paranoia

LE IS AFTER SCUMBAGS SEX TRAFFICKING UNDER AGE GIRLS along with escort agencies evading taxes and money laundering. It's not in the budget to focus on morons with 4 different aliases and 8 different emails on a review/forum board.

What I need is for you to pull your head out of your ass. Maybe read some proper literature and gain some knowledge

Eggs_over_easy515 reads

Keep digging Sheraa. The hole you're digging for yourself here is nothing short of spectacular. Your stunning lack of understanding about LE in the Phoenix area is a real cause for concern. To call our LE overzealous would be an understatement.  

It's been my experience that people who claim to be high class and speak like you do are simply gutter trash seeking to rise above their station without any idea about how it's actually done.  

Any hobbyist who's foolish enough to see you will get what he deserves.

Femme430 reads

Sorry you had such a tough time. Some ladies can be competitive here and won't give up a reference, even if you ask with your profiled identity AND from the same email address posted on your profile.  

On that note, I'm happy phx ladies didn't give you information with your hidden identity. Your personality probably assists you in Dom sessions, you advertise, but not so much elsewhere.  Better luck in LA.  


-- Modified on 2/16/2016 12:27:29 AM

I've seen some serious delusional crap on the General Board, but this has to take the cake

I am thankful that you are experiencing difficulty obtaining information from our PROFESSIONAL providers without first establishing just who the hell you are.  Thanks in large part to overzealous LE, you are going to have to establish your legitimacy before getting anywhere with most people in this region.  If you find this too much of an inconvenience then I recommend you avoid our little oasis and those that hail from here.  

And to those 80% that you refer to as "bitches", thank you for not providing any information to this cranky hooker with her panties in a bunch, I sincerely appreciate your professionalism!

Posted By: Sheraa
Why, why, why are Phoenix providers such a fucking pain in the ass when it comes to getting references? Some times you must directly ask a provider for a reference since some men fly under the radar. Sadly they're not on any sites which you can privately verify.    
 Seriously all other states, the ladies respond quickly with yes I've seen him, he's great have fun. Phoenix ladies hell no, 80% of you are just bitches about it.  
 The whole "I need information about you first" is just absolute bullshit!!  
 1) you want my information so your jealous ass can go look at my website/pictures/fantasy reviews  
 2)  You claim you're keeping the client safe.....There's no fucking wife or girlfriend on this planet that is going to send a polite email asking for a reference along with his hobby information if she thinks he's cheating........ Pull your head out of your ass.  
  There should be a blacklist site for bad providers as well, not just hobbyists!  

I found it very interesting that you did or do not have a link to any TER reviews under your mailbox as most legit providers do.  I also did a search under reviews and found not one single review with the handle you are using.  A google search also turned up nothing but a link to this one post or rant that you posted here.  Conclusion:  Either you are using a alias for your alias or you are not a seasoned provider as you claim.  If your using a alias then I call BS and challenge you to come out of the closet.  There is a ole saying that still runs true:  People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.  Just my observation.

and understand where you are coming from - but it doesn't hurt to act like a lady. We are all in this arena together and I think you could have expressed your frustration in a different way. Anyways, hope you are prosperous and little happier in days to cum

Again you are the consummate gentleman among such abrasive and rude individuals.

She has encountered some resistance and the least we could do is be polite and explain the exceptionally difficult LE environment locally so she can understand why we are extra cautious.


Ki Wan You are so lovely!

As this is what keeps me safe when I need to verify a client. The next time you are having trouble verifying a gent locally...ask me. Myself or my assistant Hanna will respond promptly.


Sheraa481 reads

Thankful to be leaving Phoenix tomorrow!!! The city filled with the the most inane hobbyists in the world. Continue clamoring on about things you have no understanding about

I always put my website address under my name.  

Of course, they can Google our phone numbers or do a search for our information on TER, but that makes a little extra work for them and we are asking them to do us a favor.

I don't think the problem is only in Phoenix. I'd say only somewhere between 50 and 75% of providers get back to me with references. It surprises me but I work around it.

Fyi, I hate it when I give a reference to somebody and I never get a "thank you" for it.  It just takes a minute to say please and thank you when you're asking someone to do something for you.

A little courtesy goes a long way. And a thank you takes less than 10 seconds to send. Guess it depends on the provider. Still surpriced at how little camaraderie there is with providers.

Fromundamyeyes477 reads

This is fucking hot!

-- Modified on 2/16/2016 12:56:11 PM

I don't know who she is because I can't access her TER profile. That being said, I do love ladies and have no trouble connecting with all types of people...male, female, young, old, blonde, brunette, ginger...

Arranging a duo is no different than arranging a, screening, schedule...

What are you waiting for ;)


I do read some things here and because I like to stay a bit UTR I will make a comment here and there on posts that catch my eye. I do understand with the ladies here and Ki.wan about how we should all help each other out although she could have gone about it a little better and I am sorry that your experience here was not great. I am also very reference friendly and I'm not the girl that is quick with the reference I do give a bit more than "yes I saw him" without going too deep into our session I am still discreet about that for sure. Ive actually experienced the "I don't recall seeing him" or the no response for a reference only to find out the provider I asked for the reference called and screamed at the client for wanting to see me. I prefer to stay out of the middle of that type of situation but I think the more you deny seeing someone or not responding at all doesn't do you any good and in the end that client may find a way to get verified and you may lose him as a returning friend(which is what happened to her).

I just hope we all can help keep each other safe and stay friendly there are a lot of different flavors of ladies to choose from here and men have different tastes I say enjoy and lets all have fun! Well that was just my .2 cents and I wish everyone all the best!  

-- Modified on 2/17/2016 9:27:34 AM

Since you are not from here, you may not know the psychotic witch hunts that have happened since the Goddess Temple bust, or from when Scottsdale's mayor caught her husband with a provider.  Then let's not forget all the busts by Sheriff Joke showing up with his tank to bust providers at a fake outcall.  Senator John McCain's wife Cindy going on about busting providers because they are all sex slaves.  

We live in a wonderful place that unfortunately attracts Puritanical religious extremists.  

Safety and discretion is a virtue.  


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