
Re: This is a great point...
aussie_bloke 5 Reviews 289 reads

I agree that 48hrs is a good rule. Very few organizations except the Amazons,,eBay's etc will consistently reply within 48hrs.

Guys:  If you send an email message in reply to an advertisement, what is a "reasonable" reply time?  Naturally, this excludes the auto-response "thanks for the interest" reply.   Besides the basic name/date/time/DC, P411, TER info, do you give enough info to start screening for someone new?

Ladies:  How much time do you need to weed through all the BS, time wasters, and obviously fake responses?  Do you deal with 10 or 100 messages a day?   How long does it take you to decide if it's real or bogus

aisle41543 reads

With all the tech people have these days, smart phones to name one and e-mails sent to the phones as quick as can be, I would say 4 hours

URanID10T456 reads

You must be joking, you honestly think 4 hours? Do you think these women are sitting around all day with no other life but to answer your emails etc. I could see if they were on tour, last minute, or the client gave them the necessary screening they needed in the first email. People have lives, families and other jobs. So if the client doesn't respond to a providers email in four hours what then?...Just saying your time frame is a little unrealistic, they may be at the gym.

I could understand a day or two as I plan ahead and I am not impatient. Fail to plan, plan to fail.

aisle41317 reads

You guys (if you all are) are kidding your selves, I get my e-mail faster on my s3 then my laptop.  
   Good luck out there and be careful.

...and place to reply to a request. Also, she likely has to check her schedule and rearrange her life a bit to accommodate an appointment before she can give you a definite reply. More often than not, I'm not able to check or reply to private emails while I'm at work. I think 24 to 36 hours is reasonable. Some ladies can take same day requests, some can't.

For I am probably looking for a meeting within that timeframe unless I am planning something out of town. I have had several providers contacting me and apologizing for not contacting me several weeks later. Many times, they are probably inundated with emails, sometimes  things go to spam.

I agree you got to give the provider a little time. If she is a top rated lady, then her emails box must be crazy. I feel if she is worth to me,  then some extra wait time is not a problem.  

Sometimes real life gets in the way and she has to take care of personal business.  

So if I don't hear back within a week, I will call or text. Since I book in advance and not last minute. The top rated ladies always try and respond, when they have time.

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 1:46:54 PM

Life can get busy.. do you REALLLLY Want to see someone whom is not busy.. waiting by the cp for the next email anyway ?

A lot of times I have on my calendar that I'm away and I still get requests. Or, I get requests from people where I have to send three or four emails to get the information I need. I also get requests for weeks later.  

I would love to be able to answer more quickly, but I'm bombarded by all sorts of emails that take a lot of time to answer and I'm generally really busy in my personal life.  

I like the 48 hour rule, but hoping that my friends understand when I don't get back to them immediately.

I agree that 48hrs is a good rule. Very few organizations except the Amazons,,eBay's etc will consistently reply within 48hrs.

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