
Re: This happens ALL the time. Expect it to happen more than you'd like.
Vinny_D 4 Reviews 674 reads

In a follow up text, I made it clear that I was asking for hourly rates so she wouldn't think I was asking about acts.  I didn't think the initial question was offensive.  I thought it was a part of doing business.  Also, I do live a ways out from the city center.  That could be the problem, but I don't think it's asking too much for her to at least respond back to inform me that she has to decline because I'm too far out.  That's just common courtesy.  Otherwise, I was polite in my texts, and I don't think aggressive.  Thanks for responding.  I just wanted to know what mistakes I made so I don't repeat them.

I texted a provider on to set up an appointment this week.  She replied by asking where I was located.  I told her and mentioned I had one provider reference and then asked what other info she needed.  I then asked if my house was OK and what her rates were because they weren't listed on her ad.  She didn't respond.  After a day, I asked if there was a problem.  Again, nothing.  It's been two days, and still nothing.  Can someone explain why this is?  I'm new, did I make some kind of faux pas?

With the recent climate change reputable ladies are being extremely cautious & safe (take some time to review past posts on the board for information on this).  

IF Indeed that is what was said in your communication, asking for her to give you rates in a text message is a HUGE no no.  

Beyond that, you will probably never know the reason.  She may not have liked your location or it was outside her OC area.  The rate question may have spooked her.  She may have been busy when you were communicating initially & your follow up text may have come off as aggressive.  Point is there are MANY fish in the sea, so many in fact you should probably just move on.  Don't dwell on it.

It's not really a newbie friendly zone anymore.
Don't expect to get too much help from the board on this one lovie.

Hope this helps!

Stay safe,

In a follow up text, I made it clear that I was asking for hourly rates so she wouldn't think I was asking about acts.  I didn't think the initial question was offensive.  I thought it was a part of doing business.  Also, I do live a ways out from the city center.  That could be the problem, but I don't think it's asking too much for her to at least respond back to inform me that she has to decline because I'm too far out.  That's just common courtesy.  Otherwise, I was polite in my texts, and I don't think aggressive.  Thanks for responding.  I just wanted to know what mistakes I made so I don't repeat them.

Won't EVER give you a quoted rate or confirm their rate in any kind of communication.  She will ALWAYS have a website or advertisement SOMEWHERE with the rates for her time & companionship.  

You may not like my answers & to you they may not make sense BUT I think I gave you a pretty good insight as to what might have gone wrong.

I agree common courtesy dictates treating others how you would like to be treated.  You reap what you sow.  Phoenix has many quality providers.  I wouldn't worry about the one who decided not to do business with you. Whatever the reason may be

But, as I mentioned in my original post, her ad did not list her rates nor did it provide a link to a website.  Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked.  Again, I appreciate you providing answers.  It's not a matter of liking them; I only want the truth.

I think you missed the point of what I was saying...

If she is a reputable provider she SHOULD have that information available SOMEWHERE online.  If she doesn't you shouldn't even waste your time.  It's not worth risking your freedom or wallet.

When I said "you may not like my answers" I meant that I was only listing possible scenarios as to what SHE may have been perceiving from the situation.

Surly boy said the EXACT same thing I did (except added the P411) tidbit & you graciously accepted his advice no question... I don't understand.

Sheesh! Way to make a girl feel like she's flogging a dead horse...

-- Modified on 10/1/2014 8:36:34 AM

Thanks for clearing that up.  And I did thank you for your advice.  I greatly appreciate it.  Please don't feel there was a slight on my part because none was intended.  Thank you again.

climate. You have to build up trust with providers these days. Move on and stay with will reviewed ladies on TER. I'm sure you'll find a few that will work with you.
Good luck

Thank you.  I thought I was trying to build up trust because I told to let me know what info she needed.  I was trying to be accommodating, but I guess the fewer words the better, and let her lead the conversation.

You spooked her Brotha. Texting is not a good way to contact a provider IMO. You should have found her on a verification site like P411 and used it to communicate, so she could see your profile. This would have helped her feel a little more comfortable Im sure.

Thanks.  That's the kind of advice I was looking for.

Why has texting become the way to contact?

You do not know who is on the other end responding. And how do you start building a relationship with someone via text?

I know I sound like a old person but I just am ole fashioned and prefer talking one to one with someone.

Am I the only one who still feels this way?

Posted By: AZ Misty
Why has texting become the way to contact?

You do not know who is on the other end responding. And how do you start building a relationship with someone via text?

I know I sound like a old person but I just am ole fashioned and prefer talking one to one with someone.

Am I the only one who still feels this way?

Yes. E mails can be received at ones convenience.  When only home phones were available calling was appropriate. Now, you could be calling when someone is in line at the grocery store. Many people have smart phones, so the e nail is received instantly. Since I book out a week anyway,  I dont need instant pick up and im usually initiating contact st 12am after reading reviews. If you dont know the person, calling is awkward

Why question wasn't posed just to you surlyboy but to the OP as well as the community as a whole.

I know other providers - mostly older who agree with me but wondering what the community believes as well.

However, I offer to call, if the provider wants to speak Before we meet.

Good question.  I've never liked talking on the phone. I just want to communicate my message and not waste time with chit-chat.  I also don't like playing phone tag.  Texting communicates the message, and the recipient can respond at their convenience.  I understand it may seem impersonal to some.  I'm now realizing it has other implications in regards to the main subject of this forum.

I prefer text or email, and have instructions on both my websites for the best way to go about contacting me. The fairly specific instructions I have let me know whether someone has read the info or not, which immediately tells me whether I have an initial interest in seeing them.

I would have to say that at least 50% of the texts I get I immediately ignore as I don't respond to anything that might be construed as sexual in nature and I also tend to ignore those who ask about my rates, that info is always in my ads and is easily available on either website so no reason to ask!

I like text and email because I can get and respond to those regardless of where I am or who I am with...the other people at the grocery store don't need to hear me scheduling appointments!


Until I've done my preliminary screening, all the information I give is, " you can read everything you need on www. (My website) assuming there are specific questions.  If they write back, and have read the content, they have their answer and know what to expect.  If the word " rate, price, fee" or ANYTHING similar is asked after I have provided the link to my website, I will not respond, period.  My website (not an ad board) is the most accurate source for information.  Ad boards pull all kinds of inaccurate, fake and ancient profiles to make them appear to have more active users. They are not 100% reliable. A smart provider will have that website information available.

I never release my phone number until the screening has been successfully completed and a date has been made.

After that point, text, phone, email or nothing is fine with me. A confirmation the day before is preferred.  What's most important is the comfort level of the person I'm meeting.  If I'm agreeing to meet them, that means they have passed my screening methods and I'm comfortable with any preference.

When it comes to phone talking....I'm not particularly fond of playing the Chatty Cathy role.  So short and sweet, nice and polite is the way to go, please.

The only person who could is the one who u r asking about.
Move on; be thankful u didn't meet her.

there are so many highly respected women here...why choose to contact some one that you do not have full information about?

If u r just starting out, start with some one who is a know quantity that has likes that you are looking for; start out SAFE even if the first few meetings are more expensive than u initially planned.

Before hand, have a frim idea of what you want to experience, and possibly in what sequence. and remember, the woman u meet and u are both in this together, be safe and considerate of and for her.

Some men may have a condescending attitude, but from my point of view any woman who is willing to share themselves with me is an Angel. Unfortunately, once in a while, the sharing part is less than forth coming or begrudging........One hopes they are angels in training? OR, realistically, only angelic expectations!?


I detest texts, but will allow someone a chance to call me after they have said hello via text.  
After that, we speak, get the info exchange out of the way, and set up our time.
Then, text is ok to stay in touch or communicate last minute-I'm running late, I'm here, etc.
But not as a total means of communication.
If I tell someone to call me after they have texted and they do not, I do not respond.
If they continue, I block them.
Communication is EVERYTHING

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