
Re: Tardiness and mutual respect...
Buddy2012 17 Reviews 204 reads

Scoring is only on appearance and performance once the provider shows up. A hobbyist either puts up with the tardiness or moves on.  Mentioning the severity of the tardiness in the review and marking YES to the question in the review form are about all a reviewer can do that is within TER guidelines the way I interpret them.  This doesn't mean that I am defending Ryan, I hope she can make good on her resolution.

-- Modified on 1/11/2017 12:39:49 PM

-- Modified on 1/11/2017 12:41:55 PM

Hoping everyone had a great holiday and happy new year.My news year's resolution is to not be late. lol

night_mare320 reads

Posted By: realryan13
Hoping everyone had a great holiday and happy new year.My news year's resolution is to not be late. lol

we will not complain too much if you're a little late.

night_mare269 reads

A little late wouldn't be a problem.  When minutes become hours and hours become days, there isn't anyone hot enough to make that worth it.  Respect is a two way street.

TheRifleman240 reads

Posted By: night_mare
A little late wouldn't be a problem.  When minutes become hours and hours become days, there isn't anyone hot enough to make that worth it.  Respect is a two way street.  
It's not the late.  It's the no shows and no calls.   I agree with Night_mare, "Respect is a two way street."

I just want to drop this off here...

I have almost 10 years in the biz...5+ years as an independent as Madison Malone.  I can recall MANY conversations I have had with at least two dozen different clients in the past 5 years who have told me about top rated, well reviewed providers across the country who are known to be chronically late for appointments that have overall scores above 9.5 & receive performance scores of 10 from these gentlemen. I'm not talking about 15-30 mins late, I'm talking about ladies who are consistently OVER AN HOUR late for scheduled appointments. These providers' donations are in the 500-1000/hr range (higher than mine) their tardiness is often mentioned in their reviews, and are receiving performance scores of 10 from tenured reviewers.

I just don't get it. Am I missing something in translation? I see so many reviews of local providers referencing tardiness to justify a performance score of 7, 8, or 9 from the same gents who gave other touring ladies or ladies they visited in other markets (with higher rates who were way more offensively late) a performance score of 10.

Scoring is only on appearance and performance once the provider shows up. A hobbyist either puts up with the tardiness or moves on.  Mentioning the severity of the tardiness in the review and marking YES to the question in the review form are about all a reviewer can do that is within TER guidelines the way I interpret them.  This doesn't mean that I am defending Ryan, I hope she can make good on her resolution.

-- Modified on 1/11/2017 12:39:49 PM

-- Modified on 1/11/2017 12:41:55 PM

Never heard anything negative about her. I was just speaking in general.

You are not missing anything. If I want to see a particular high end lady and after reading her reviews that state she is chronically late I won't see her.   I feel my time as well as my money are very valuable.  

 I was in Vegas recently and I was referred by a friend of mine to see one of his favorites. But after seeing how late she was - which was stated in all of her reviews. I chose to see someone else. You are spot on.  15 mins is ok but several hours for scheduled appointments is not ok; especially when they do it all of the time.  

Sometimes our lateness could even be part of the gut telling us something is not right even if we have checked them out. I will wait out side a place and watch everything going on before i go in most times. If its a firsy meet and they couldnt come to me. If i don feel right no amount of money is worth not following your gut.

I totally agree but we have all had issues beyond our control that has made us late once in a while. So lets not be all holier then thou.

Posted By: MadisonMalone
I just want to drop this off here...  
 I have almost 10 years in the biz...5+ years as an independent as Madison Malone.  I can recall MANY conversations I have had with at least two dozen different clients in the past 5 years who have told me about top rated, well reviewed providers across the country who are known to be chronically late for appointments that have overall scores above 9.5 & receive performance scores of 10 from these gentlemen. I'm not talking about 15-30 mins late, I'm talking about ladies who are consistently OVER AN HOUR late for scheduled appointments. These providers' donations are in the 500-1000/hr range (higher than mine) their tardiness is often mentioned in their reviews, and are receiving performance scores of 10 from tenured reviewers.  
 I just don't get it. Am I missing something in translation? I see so many reviews of local providers referencing tardiness to justify a performance score of 7, 8, or 9 from the same gents who gave other touring ladies or ladies they visited in other markets (with higher rates who were way more offensively late) a performance score of 10.

Sorry girl guess your not talking about me cause i am not in the 500 to 1000$ club so guess you are not talk about me and just generalizing.

Good luck with your resolution, chances are if your client isn't willing to be a little bit patient then it may be a difficult connection anyways.  As a hobbyist I'm well aware that part of the hobby is being prepared to wait a bit longer than expected here and there.  That's why its so important to deal with providers who communicate using text message & have a glass of wine nearby.  Plus its not like we haven't all got stuck in traffic once or twice on our way to a session :)

That's true. We all do have emergencies that happen sometimes.   My post was directed to the habitual provider who is alwasy two hours or more late for a scheduled appointment.  That is unacceptable by any standards when it happens all the time.

night_mare145 reads

I can understand the gut feeling aspect of it, but when you have been seeing a provider for months or years and you set up an appointment and it either takes hours to finally get together or you get blown off completely, with absolutely no call or text?  That's just wrong and inconsiderate.  

night_mare212 reads

Defensive much?  And late once in a while wouldn't be an issue, it's the chronically late provider that is the problem. It could also indicate other "issues" that the person is involved in that causes a loss of concept of time.  Just sayin'

Hey's your first're worth the wait!
Happy New Ye

I miss you.... you were my first.. you never forget your first.hope you are well.

Yes i the queen of being late will do everything i can to be on time cause i am tired of being known as late. Speaking of that i got to go. Love you all.

Had a great time usual!

Posted By: realryan13
Yes i the queen of being late will do everything i can to be on time cause i am tired of being known as late. Speaking of that i got to go. Love you all.

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