
Re: It would appear that Madison Malone was banished from TER. eom
sugardaddymike74 32 Reviews 526 reads

If you don't see it for what it is than you are part of the problem. Messing with someones lively hood like that is plain wrong and hiding behind an alias like you and the others  is pathetic.

Above and beyond the thread about approaching a provider in public...On ANOTHER note:

Just had a somewhat last minute cancellation from a gentleman who said "My wife found out about our rendezvous"

This is the third such cancellation in a little under two months.

You gentlemen are so concerned with how WE handle your proprietary information during the screening process and are often very difficult to deal with during the screening process. You are overly concerned with where your information might end up. seems that some of you are being rather careless with deleting your text history, email history, protecting access to your accounts, etc. etc.

Please don't forget that we appreciate your discretion as well and we are entrusting our identities (however manufactured they may be) to you gentleman as well. An angry significant other is a major security breach for us to deal with.

Please take extra precaution to clear caches, delete browsing history, delete text messages, etc.

Read the text message about what time and what he would like her to wear. The angry girlfriend started blowing up my friends phone. Even after blocking the number, she started calling from other phones multiple times demanding a meeting.  
She had the in call address (thankfully not the apt. number) and was seen trying to get into a security gate. She was going ballistic.
She should have been going ballistic at the boyfriend but spent 3 days just being a real PITA. On the third day she pretended to want to set up a Girl/girl session. There was no way that that would happen.

Thankfully, she went away. And because of poor hobby habits, she has lost a regular client.

cjensen69621 reads

I see both sides of this...he's an idiot for not protecting his rendezvous...but providers and agencies have gotten overly bold in asking for all kinds of hobbyist information in recent months (in several markets)

Most gents don't ask for a provider's real name, copy of license or provision of id, linked in profile, employment information, etc. In a business where discretion is key, I'm not sure how that much information is even required if they have been verified from other providers. So from the who has more information at risk perspective, the hobbyist definitely hobbyist asks for a provider's real name, job information, or links to very personal information before they meet and I'm guessing no provider would ever give it if asked. They depend on some reviews. It's easy to provide information on a manufactured identity but it's not as easy when personal info is at risk.

A few of us have been around long enough to remember some scandals from providing too much personal info...despite promises of "protection"

Not trying to start a flame war but just providing a counterpoint....

Posted By: MadisonMalone
Above and beyond the thread about approaching a provider in public...On ANOTHER note:  
 Just had a somewhat last minute cancellation from a gentleman who said "My wife found out about our rendezvous"  
 This is the third such cancellation in a little under two months.  
 You gentlemen are so concerned with how WE handle your proprietary information during the screening process and are often very difficult to deal with during the screening process. You are overly concerned with where your information might end up. seems that some of you are being rather careless with deleting your text history, email history, protecting access to your accounts, etc. etc.  
 Please don't forget that we appreciate your discretion as well and we are entrusting our identities (however manufactured they may be) to you gentleman as well. An angry significant other is a major security breach for us to deal with.  
 Please take extra precaution to clear caches, delete browsing history, delete text messages, etc.

ll the provider you are a sovereign citizen and you don't believe in ID.  The theory of a name was just a government placeholder and not a legal name.

She is claiming she is taking the entire text thread to file a police report. Likely nothing will come of it and she is just blowing off steam at 2:30 am because she is upset.

Regardless, my screening practices now need to be even tighter and this is going to mean making gentlemen jump through more hoops which is a PITA for everyone.

In her email she states he was caught once already by her. You would think he would have been a bit more cautious with his extra curricular activities.

What a headache!

Anyway - it's nice to be home. How has everyone been? ;)

That really sucks for you and for the wife as well. Whomever this guy is he apparently does not care since this is his second time being busted due to his carelessness. Unfortunately he's involving you in his drama which is so not cool.

Stay safe lovely


Mr-Blonde680 reads

Posted By: NinaSimone36
That really sucks for you and for the wife as well. Whomever this guy is he apparently does not care since this is his second time being busted due to his carelessness. Unfortunately he's involving you in his drama which is so not cool.  
 Stay safe lovely  
Sucks for the wife?  She is the antagonist who keeps threatening Madison, and Madison never even met her husband to top it off.    If the wife took care of business at home, her man wouldn't be in search of these extra-curricular activities in the first place.

"If the wife took care of business at home"  is such a crock of shit.  

The guy is the one breaking the agreement.  Doesn't matter what his reasons. And the SO is trying to blame the sexy vixen.  Not her man.  
What sucks is that Madison is being involved like it's her fault. Which it is not.  

The relationship problems should be dealt with within the relationship.  Stay safe Madison.

Mr-Blonde543 reads

Posted By: micktoz
"If the wife took care of business at home"  is such a crock of shit.  
 The guy is the one breaking the agreement.  Doesn't matter what his reasons.  
Judge Judy, is that you?

Yes it sucks for the wife and for Maddie who has gotten caught in the middle of this b.s.  Do you know this couple, or share their bed? Then you don't know what the hell is going on between them to make a stupid ass statement like you did. Maybe he is just a freaking sex addict who should not be married anyway. It could be a number of reasons why he constantly cheats on her with providers and is careless about covering his tracts. But for you to blame the wife and you don't even know them personally makes you look as ignorant as your statement.  

Posted By: Mr-Blonde
Posted By: NinaSimone36
That really sucks for you and for the wife as well. Whomever this guy is he apparently does not care since this is his second time being busted due to his carelessness. Unfortunately he's involving you in his drama which is so not cool.  
  Stay safe lovely  
 Sucks for the wife?  She is the antagonist who keeps threatening Madison, and Madison never even met her husband to top it off.    If the wife took care of business at home, her man wouldn't be in search of these extra-curricular activities in the first place.

Very unfortunate. As providers our goal is not to cause pain, we do our best to exercise discretion and protect our clients identities. Unfortunately we cannot protect them from themselves sometimes.

My heart goes out to both of them for what they have to endure now.

I had my assistant add his info to bad client list to protect other ladies from the headache. Unfortunately his carelessness has made him a risk for anyone to see moving forward.

The government will give you a restraining order to prevent her from making good on her threats so you can probably get one asap so an incident doesn't happen.  

-- Modified on 8/25/2016 3:07:33 AM

Mr-Blonde487 reads

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
 The government will give you a restraining order to prevent her from making good on her threats so you can probably get one asap so an incident doesn't happen.  

-- Modified on 8/25/2016 3:07:33 AM

That restraining order will also have everybody's real name on it, and it will be public record.  Then forever after, if you google the crazy woman's name, your name will show up in the search results too (and vice versa).

Posted By: MadisonMalone
She is claiming she is taking the entire text thread to file a police report. Likely nothing will come of it and she is just blowing off steam at 2:30 am because she is upset.  
 Regardless, my screening practices now need to be even tighter and this is going to mean making gentlemen jump through more hoops which is a PITA for everyone.  
 In her email she states he was caught once already by her. You would think he would have been a bit more cautious with his extra curricular activities.  
 What a headache!  
 Anyway - it's nice to be home. How has everyone been? ;)
Sorry for your troubles. Block his # and email addresses. Don't even read her emails. Out of sight out of mind. She will give up once she calms down.

need to ask that pimp texting on Madison's twitter where to get one of those hats.

This guy was a mega-idiot, we can all agree on that.  Anyone who takes this hobby seriously, and wants to maintain their discretion (and not hurt their own family, etc) will have a separate phone that they use ONLY for hobbying and nothing else.  I have for years now.  Before that, I used my own phone briefly before I realized just how stupid that was...  Thank the gods nothing bad happened before I wised up.

As for cjensen69's comments about the inequity in how much information is being requested (providers vis-a-vis clients), I see the point of view and agree somewhat.  However, the way I see it is that they (providers, agencies) have the right to ask for whatever information they need to feel safe.  I, however, have the right to refuse and pass on the opportunity.  More than once after receiving a request I considered unreasonable, I replied with "Sorry, but I won't be seeing you, in that case."  I belong to P411 and Date-Check so that I don't have to go through that or bug providers that I have seen to give me references. If that is not good enough, I'll just move on... there are other fish in the sea...

So says the woman who's pic was plastered on an old town club's website and doesn't hesitate about mentioning her famous clients during pillow talk.  

Posted By: MadisonMalone
Above and beyond the thread about approaching a provider in public...On ANOTHER note:  
 Just had a somewhat last minute cancellation from a gentleman who said "My wife found out about our rendezvous"  
 This is the third such cancellation in a little under two months.  
 You gentlemen are so concerned with how WE handle your proprietary information during the screening process and are often very difficult to deal with during the screening process. You are overly concerned with where your information might end up. seems that some of you are being rather careless with deleting your text history, email history, protecting access to your accounts, etc. etc.  
 Please don't forget that we appreciate your discretion as well and we are entrusting our identities (however manufactured they may be) to you gentleman as well. An angry significant other is a major security breach for us to deal with.  
 Please take extra precaution to clear caches, delete browsing history, delete text messages, etc.

Fromundamyeyes464 reads

Posted By: mitten3890
So says the woman who's pic was plastered on an old town club's website and doesn't hesitate about mentioning her famous clients during pillow talk.  
Posted By: MadisonMalone
Above and beyond the thread about approaching a provider in public...On ANOTHER note:  
  Just had a somewhat last minute cancellation from a gentleman who said "My wife found out about our rendezvous"  
  This is the third such cancellation in a little under two months.  
  You gentlemen are so concerned with how WE handle your proprietary information during the screening process and are often very difficult to deal with during the screening process. You are overly concerned with where your information might end up. seems that some of you are being rather careless with deleting your text history, email history, protecting access to your accounts, etc. etc.  
  Please don't forget that we appreciate your discretion as well and we are entrusting our identities (however manufactured they may be) to you gentleman as well. An angry significant other is a major security breach for us to deal with.  
  Please take extra precaution to clear caches, delete browsing history, delete text messages, etc.

Mr-Blonde561 reads

You are right, this is also the same woman who took a deposit from some guy, then canceled on him, then she refused to give him back his money.

The internet never forgets..

Her twitter appeared to out a hobbyist who tried to reschedule an appointment but how can one be safe with giving her classified info?  Hopefully the hobbyist provided her bogus verification info.  


Posted By: Mr-Blonde
You are right, this is also the same woman who took a deposit from some guy, then canceled on him, then she refused to give him back his money.  
 The internet never forgets...  
-- Modified on 8/28/2016 12:06:30 AM

Mr-Blonde583 reads

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
Her twitter appeared to out a hobbyist who tried to reschedule an appointment but how can one be safe with giving her classified info?  Hopefully the hobbyist provided her bogus verification info.  
Holy shit, you are right.   She should be banned from TER and blacklisted in the hobbying community just for that.

He was repaid and I can confirm that with the owner of a local board who had to hand deliver the money to him.

The only challenge I was having in re-paying his deposit was that he was too busy standing on his soapbox and didn't want to give me personal information so I could send him the funds back.

I was forced to do a handoff via a third party.

Not sure what bone you personally have to pick with me. But I would appreciate you leaving me out of whatever drama you are trying to stir back up.

You don't have to explain anything to anyone of these idiots on this board who get a hard on in constantly insulting you because they have nothing better to do in life and their miserable as hell. You did what you needed to do regarding that situation and it was between you and that client. All others need to STFU and mind their own damn business

I don't need any white knights honey but thank you for the mention.

I repaid any deposits taken. That was confirmed by multiple sources. He was being difficult about how he wanted me to repay his deposit, he didn't want to give me any personal information so I could send it back to him so I ended up having to give it to the owner of another board to return it to him.

These jerkoffs don't know their facts. I don't feel the need to clarify.

Better ways to spend my time.

I was calling out the WK's. I don't give two shits about the he said she said. However since you brought it up...none of them stuck up for you.

Nope. That's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is that someone like you who's 1 of the least discreet providers on the scene should probably keep quiet about stuff like this.  

Posted By: MadisonMalone

My decision to show my face in my advertisements is a personal choice. That does not mean I should keep quiet when I see clients being careless with their extracurricular activities and affording their significant other(s) access to private correspondence.

The reason for my post was to call attention to this for ALL PROVIDERS, AND ALL CLIENTS to see so that they might use this as a learning experience so that another provider who might be far more private than myself, whose life might be far more affected by a similar situation occurring.

Probably a good idea to check the sky for FBI drones above the incall location just to be safe since the wife said she reported it to LE.

Good thing I'm a professional and he didn't have the incall location yet...

Since you are using an alias I don't know who I am dealing with so I can't surmise what your specific problem is with me personally.

Care to clarify? Or do you prefer to keep hiding behind an alias?

No problem with you at all - except outing the hobbyist from Kansas City.  I was just writing a post about this topic as a warning of flawed protocols.  Hobbyists give classified information to providers, providers leak it.  The circle of life.


Posted By: MadisonMalone
Good thing I'm a professional and he didn't have the incall location yet...  
 Since you are using an alias I don't know who I am dealing with so I can't surmise what your specific problem is with me personally.  
 Care to clarify? Or do you prefer to keep hiding behind an alias?
-- Modified on 8/30/2016 4:10:32 AM

Nevermind it looks like he is an attorney so I suppose outing him is all not that bad.  If he was a judge, then I would book a session with you just to pat you own your back!

Mr-Blonde505 reads

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
 Nevermind it looks like he is an attorney so I suppose outing him is all not that bad.  If he was a judge, then I would book a session with you just to pat you own your back!
Book her at your own peril.  She may out you too, especially if you don't pay the cancellation fee.

You are Mr Pink without a doubt.

Fucking Curmudgeon! You really should get more blowjobs, in my experience they go a long way towards improving a shitty attitude like yours.

Mr-Blonde515 reads

Posted By: MadisonMalone
You are Mr Pink without a doubt.  
 Fucking Curmudgeon! You really should get more blowjobs, in my experience they go a long way towards improving a shitty attitude like yours.
Thanks for the offer, but I think I will pass if you don't mind.  I don't want to be outed either.

It seems my account is still active...not sure what you are referring to.

Why was Madison banned from TER and when did this message board turn into an extension of Jr High? You guys wonder why not to many of the providers spend time on the discussion board? Its because guys like you Mr-Blonde, Mittens, etc.. the bullying needs to stop. Its obvious you reported her to TER to get her kicked off, who appointed you and your "posse" to be the arbiters of right and wrong and what is acceptable behavior? If you don't like someone don't see her but to go out of your way to attempt to harm someone's financial well being is truly pathetic. By the way if you are going to attack a provider like you did don't be a coward and hide behind an alias.

Eggs_over_easy581 reads

sugardaddymike74 your white knight slip is showing. Nothing I read in this thread was bullying so to speak. Without addressing any of the validity of the claims made it seems clear this is a case of glass houses and stones. As to why she was banned; if she did indeed out a guy who didn't pay a cancellation fee, well good riddance. He may have been an ass but that kind of response is like dropping a nuclear bomb in retaliation for a slap in the face.  

As to why there are so few ladies here. If one wants to be part of an online forum one must have a thick skin. If the ladies avoid it for that reason then they would appear to be smarter than you and I  :)

Posted By: sugardaddymike74
Why was Madison banned from TER and when did this message board turn into an extension of Jr High? You guys wonder why not to many of the providers spend time on the discussion board? Its because guys like you Mr-Blonde, Mittens, etc.. the bullying needs to stop. Its obvious you reported her to TER to get her kicked off, who appointed you and your "posse" to be the arbiters of right and wrong and what is acceptable behavior? If you don't like someone don't see her but to go out of your way to attempt to harm someone's financial well being is truly pathetic. By the way if you are going to attack a provider like you did don't be a coward and hide behind an alias.

If you don't see it for what it is than you are part of the problem. Messing with someones lively hood like that is plain wrong and hiding behind an alias like you and the others  is pathetic.

cjensen69408 reads

I think she just pulled her profile or got it pulled.

As to bullying....I think a lot of the reaction was to the apparent hypocrisy of being discreet and then outing the guy on Twitter. I'd say doing that is a pretty good reason for people to be skeptical as to her ability to be discreet if you piss her off. Using your own commentary, whoever that dude was/is that she outted, she could've been messing with his livelihood.

She has pulled the text exchange off her Twitter feed though (probably in response to the backlash).

I have no dog in this fight since she was on my list to see. As a new hobbyist, the Twitter thing was too much of a risk.

Just want to clarify something to come to my defense...yes, I captured screenshots and posted on twitter. I did not realize that the gent's info had been added to my contacts list at that time (I do employ an assistant who works remotely).

I was miffed and was not paying close enough attention. As soon as it was brought to my attention in this thread that his info was there, I deleted the post. I also noticed that the location of where I was hosting was in that text clearly I was a bit beside myself or I wouldn't have risked my own safety by disclosing my location as well.

I have done all I can to rectify the situation and am not dodging or deflecting any responsibility. What is terribly unfortunate is that individuals who have never met me, nor even had so much as a conversation with me have some axe to grind. I'm at a loss for how my mere existence is so offensive to them. I am also baffled by how grown men feel the need to contact the powers that be to call attention to content on external social media platforms to affect my status on this site and in turn affect my overall business.  

I'm sorry that these events have caused you to take me off your "to do" list, but I understand and I at least can respect that your tone and delivery was not offensive or impolite. Perhaps we meet one day, perhaps not. Either way...I wish you tons of fun exploring this alternate reality and caution you not to get too caught up in this chatter and drama and instead focus your attention on the adventures and excitement that await.


Eggs_over_easy483 reads

I would offer that I see it for exactly what it is and you do not. You seem to suggest that she as a provider should be free from the consequence of her actions. As I'm not attacking her or making derogatory claims then my use of an alias is perfectly acceptable.    

Posted By: sugardaddymike74
If you don't see it for what it is than you are part of the problem.

LongThicknHard491 reads

If she was banned it was probably for a damn good reason. If she outed a client she deserved it. If she stole money from a client then she deserved it. Put yourself in the place of the guy who got outed or ripped off.  

Posted By: sugardaddymike74
Why was Madison banned from TER and when did this message board turn into an extension of Jr High? You guys wonder why not to many of the providers spend time on the discussion board? Its because guys like you Mr-Blonde, Mittens, etc.. the bullying needs to stop. Its obvious you reported her to TER to get her kicked off, who appointed you and your "posse" to be the arbiters of right and wrong and what is acceptable behavior? If you don't like someone don't see her but to go out of your way to attempt to harm someone's financial well being is truly pathetic. By the way if you are going to attack a provider like you did don't be a coward and hide behind an alias.

Not certain this got her reviews pulled. But bashing TER on social media will. Or even retweeting another's thread about the negativity on TER appears to have consequences that Madison was or wasn't ready for.  Just observing. And learning.  

Posted By: Mr-Blonde
-- Modified on 9/4/2016 12:57:56 PM

Lets see how it goes for her without it. I'd wager not so well..................

I would wager she will continue to do great like most providers who don't see TER as the end all be all I'm definitely one of them.

I'm on here because I want to be but I am also on other boards alot more then I am on TER.  

If you could have comprehended my statement correctly I said TER for most providers is not the end all be all. I know many providers who choose not to be on this board who still do great.  

Some of you make it seem like Madison or any other Provider would not survive without TER which is a very false assumption. This board can not make or break anyone regardless of what some may think. Most Of us who travel do not even use this board alot and there are several states where this board is not used at all. There are many other boards that are way more popular then this one minus  the constant BS and negatitivity that overshadows the fun that TER/PHX should be about.

So again like I said this Board would not affect Madison's business in the slightest she is already established and she already has a nice clientele so for those who continue to act like or believe TER is the Mecca for Providers hmm....think again its not.

And if you missed my answer to your question on why am I hear. Its because sometimes I want to be and I can be. But if you look at my history I am not a constant on this board when time permits and I feel like chimming in, posting etc.  Its my prerogative to do so.  





-- Modified on 9/7/2016 12:29:59 PM

Believe it or not I was able to comprehend your reply. My question was a serious one. You answered it thanks for that. No need to question my intellectual capacity. Good luck.

Thanks for noticing. I'm done with all this local drama. This whole alternate reality is supposed to be fun and uncomplicated.

DB#1 -  I've never met, references a link from a post that is about two years old concerning a financial disagreement that never involved him (nor did he ever know the actual circumstances that led to the disagreement) on a thread that had nothing what so ever to do with money. Why? It's nonsense.

There is inevitably going to be an errant interaction here or there if you do enough business over enough time (this is true for ANY business) The way I see it, a handful of disagreements over a period spanning almost five years with thousands of "transactions" is an exceptional track record. Unfortunately, in life your "losses" are almost always given more merit than your "wins".

The long and short is that the gentleman was returned his deposit in it's entirety once he cooperated with giving me a way to return the funds. He needed to shout his disappointment from the rooftops and punish me rather than just give me his info to send the deposit. He wanted me to have to meet him to give his deposit back, but he had already been an ass on the board and I had no desire to grace him with my presence. I arranged a third party handoff since he refused to receive money via PayPal or bank deposit or Western Union since all would disclose his real name.

It's been old news for two years. The post this whole thread started with was concerning a client not securing his correspondence from discovery by his SO. It was not a financial matter at all. Completely unrelated subject matter. DB#1 has a bone to pick with me, his reason unclear. I could not care less what that reason is.

I am choosing to give my energy to worthier pursuits and enjoy the (fortunately) disproportionately greater number of gentlemen who conduct themselves appropriately. I suppose in the end there is a saying "Any press is good press". The thread firmly planted me directly in the minds eye of many new suitors. Upon my account reinstatement yesterday, I was warmly greeted by a dozen messages from soon to be new friends who might not have paid as close attention without all the fanfare. Additionally it garnered some sisterly support from a few ladies I had never had the pleasure of interacting with previously. Thanks ladies!

I have personally witnessed or experienced more slanderous gossip, degrading comments, and malicious self absorbed garbage in the past two years in this business than the ten years prior. It's very unbecoming.

I have had to chase down the source of a rather untrue and unflattering rumor I heard was being said about me by someone I never met or even emailed for a reference. All of this took place when I wasn't even in town for two months. And...BIG SURPRISE...the rumor originated with a client. Not catty female drama as you gentleman might assume. Thankfully we spoke directly as grown women should and have since exchanged some friendly, witty banter and put the matter to rest. IN PRIVATE, NOT ON A DISCUSSION BOARD.

You don't see us ladies posting on the general discussion boards about the *sometimes* fat/smelly/hairy/under endowed/socially awkward/ED challenged individuals we encounter. The only threads I see ladies post referencing a specific gentleman are usually warnings about a potentially dangerous individual or a fraudulent review. An overwhelming majority of the threads I see originated by a hobbyist are, in a word, rude. We need to bring back "Shill Day" posts where you praise a lady that left an impression and stop focusing on breaking the self esteem of the very women you budget your slush funds around spending time with.

The reviews are very much our bread & butter and a helpful tool in marketing ourselves. But a necessary evil for sure. I wonder how much more forgiving the ratings you give would be if you knew we would be posting one for you in return. A tool for the entire community to measure you as men. A detailed accounting of every flaw, a score card of your sexual prowess or lack there of. Imagine going into an appointment with your most coveted providers knowing they had been reducing you to a series of check boxes. Not only visible to the providers, but also to the men you banter with on the discussion boards. I bet you wouldn't be so chummy with each other if your insecurities were being brought to the surface every time a less than glowing review went up.

This is supposed to be fun. Why do the boys keep introducing drama and discomfort to the activity that is supposed to be their greatest stress relief?

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