
Re: Didn't say I hated it. I said I wouldn't do it on my free time.
Luv2luvu 2154 reads
1 / 26

I recently went from agency to indy. I've quickly realized the difference in clients trying to overstay their allotted time and asking for OTC time. This happens with long time reviewers as well. It's very uncomfortable. I wonder why some of you book an hour and try to stay  90 mins or even more. Then when you're asked to leave when time is up you feel rushed. You wouldn't do that to someone working for an agency.  Book more time if you know you'll try to stay longer. It's really annoying and awkward. I wouldn't spend time with OTC  with most of you guys so please stop trying to do so.

undercoverlover 28 Reviews 855 reads
2 / 26

I don't expect an Indy to start a stop watch with me either.  Most ladies call the agency when they arrive and many get a call 5 to 10 minutes before the end of the allotted time.  

Time seems to be an issue with you.  Many others, it is not.  I have been with ladies where we were perhaps having a drink and talking and I then motion to leave, perhaps 10 minutes beyond the allotted time and I am told there is no need to rush out.  

Perhaps only do outcall so you can leave at your choosing. As an Indy, set your boundaries then you can manage expectations.

Luv2luvu 808 reads
3 / 26

If the lady invites you to stay, that's a different story. I'm talking about those that try to stretch out the time. We are your pretend gf for the allotted time remember? As pointed out in a thread below, we have normal lives too. Family, jobs, friends, partners, responsibilities just like everyone else.

night_mare 788 reads
4 / 26

Somebody sounds bitter, certainly not someone I'd be interested in spending time with.  Perhaps time for a different career path?

undercoverlover 28 Reviews 712 reads
6 / 26

You sound angry.  Most businesses I patronize appreciate it because there are many choices for  
my money. I was in Baltimore, large hotel chain working on a project.  Bartender knew my hours for I was doing a conversion and I wouldn't be back to the hotel before the kitchen closed. He had dinner delivered to my room. I never forgot that and I stay there exclusively when in town. Another restaurant kept the kitchen open for me which I told them no. I frequent that restaurant as well and gave them praises on Opentable. If this ever "feels" like a business transaction, the review will reflect that.   If this happens to you ALL the time, you must have a great business going. Or you can be penny wise and pound foolish.

Luv2luvu 1001 reads
7 / 26

I do appreciate my regulars and it shows when we meet. I'm also sure to send a nice thank you note after. I must be doing something right because I have many regulars. My business isn't food service either. Spending intimate time with someone I wouldn't normally spend time with is much different. I'm not angry or bitter just annoyed. I'm only being honest.  Would you spend your free time with a much older, unattractive most likely married woman after she's paid you for your services? I don't think so

undercoverlover 28 Reviews 604 reads
8 / 26

But you can't say intimate on one hand and business on the other. is exchange of goods or services for compensation, food service or otherwise.  

Damn baby, my beer belly and dyed comb over doesn't make me your stud muffin? ;-

ShillBill 832 reads
9 / 26

I hear about it  all the time from my provider friends. It seems there's a sense of entitlement with some.  

Posted By: Luv2luvu
I recently went from agency to indy. I've quickly realized the difference in clients trying to overstay their allotted time and asking for OTC time. This happens with long time reviewers as well. It's very uncomfortable. I wonder why some of you book an hour and try to stay  90 mins or even more. Then when you're asked to leave when time is up you feel rushed. You wouldn't do that to someone working for an agency.  Book more time if you know you'll try to stay longer. It's really annoying and awkward. I wouldn't spend time with OTC  with most of you guys so please stop trying to do so.

CaramelBBW See my TER Reviews 762 reads
10 / 26

The disdain in your posts started mildly with a legitimate complaint & has rapidly snowballed throughout your responses.  Yes they should respect our time but making it known on a public board just how much you absolutely hate being in the presence of clients unless they pay you - is not a smart move.  Sounds like servicing "much older, unattractive most likely married men" is not for you!!  There's a huge difference between being candid & being crass...

Posted By: Luv2luvu
I recently went from agency to indy. I've quickly realized the difference in clients trying to overstay their allotted time and asking for OTC time. This happens with long time reviewers as well. It's very uncomfortable. I wonder why some of you book an hour and try to stay  90 mins or even more. Then when you're asked to leave when time is up you feel rushed. You wouldn't do that to someone working for an agency.  Book more time if you know you'll try to stay longer. It's really annoying and awkward. I wouldn't spend time with OTC  with most of you guys so please stop trying to do so.

Luv2luvu 944 reads
11 / 26

Sorry you took it so personally. I'm stating the truth. I'm sure a lot of providers feel the same but they don't want to admit it. I guess the truth hurts. Reviewers write about their bad experiences & tell the truth right?

1027485 26 Reviews 725 reads
12 / 26

Of course you wouldn't but there is a very distinct difference between the ladies who view clients the way you do, apparently as meat bags attached to a wallet, and the ladies who appreciate us as more then just a paycheck and trust me that difference shines though during a session. Your handle is a misnomer and your disdain for your clients is on clear display. That is something a smart business woman would keep to herself.  

Posted By: Luv2luvu
Sorry you took it so personally. I'm stating the truth. I'm sure a lot of providers feel the same but they don't want to admit it. I guess the truth hurts. Reviewers write about their bad experiences & tell the truth right?
-- Modified on 4/8/2015 9:45:25 AM

Luv2luvu 624 reads
13 / 26

You guys really are clueless. Of course there's one or two regulars we care for after a while. I will stop and let you guys continue to think you ring our bell. Carry on living in your fantasy.

1027485 26 Reviews 681 reads
14 / 26

Alas you failed to grasp the concept I was proffering and you elected to doubled down. I almost feel like I'm handing you a shovel by engaging with you at all but I will wish your unfortunate clients the very best of luck in the future :)  

P.S. No I don't trust you.  
Posted By: Luv2luvu
You guys really are clueless. Of course there's one or two regulars we care for after a while. I will stop and let you guys continue to think you ring our bell. Carry on living in your fantasy.

MistressKiley See my TER Reviews 683 reads
15 / 26

but don't put your feelings on everyone in the industry, some of us really do enjoy spending time with a variety of people, regulars and new-to-us alike...I personally am honored when someone chooses me to do terrible things to them, they place a whole lot of trust in me when they do so and I return that by not being an asshole to them.

Your original point was true, however...there are guys in the valley that try to stretch things as long as they can, and you have to just speak up and ask them to leave. You are right, it is a business, and as an indy it is YOUR business to take control of the amount of time you spend with any one individual. It is actually possible to be polite and move them along without seeming like a bitch, but from your post here, I have to wonder if that's possible for you - disdain for your clients drips from every word you write. If you are happy with your regulars, why not just stick with them?


1time4fun 656 reads
16 / 26

We all know what we are doing in this business. I am thankful you used an alias with all the venom coming out of your words. It might be a good idea if you do stick with your regulars or find a new line of work!! Just my 2 cents worth. Happy hunting!!

Nikita 135 Reviews 733 reads
17 / 26

I wish I knew who Luv2luvu is so I could be sure to never, ever visit her!  With her insulting attitude it is surprising she stays in this business.  A few extra minutes in any business will only improve your customers' comfort and desire to return ... unless you book your appointments with only a little time in between.

Luv2luvu 854 reads
18 / 26

Most would be surprised to learn who I am lol. I don't understand why you guys got your panties in a bunch. I'm just telling it like it is. Quit thinking its ok to overstay. Just like you guys would rather hang out with hot, younger escorts, we'd rather hang out w/ hot men our age that we're wildly attracted to on our free time.

bigguy30 746 reads
19 / 26

The bottom line is you really do come across bitter.

Also other providers are saying the same thing about you.

So it's not just us hobbyist calling you bitter.

It's a business we all get it but just remember with no hobbyists no money for you or your family!

We will go somewhere else and you can get a regular 9 to 5 with real life wages.

I think deep down you know it too!
Posted By: Luv2luvu
Most would be surprised to learn who I am lol. I don't understand why you guys got your panties in a bunch. I'm just telling it like it is. Quit thinking its ok to overstay. Just like you guys would rather hang out with hot, younger escorts, we'd rather hang out w/ hot men our age that we're wildly attracted to on our free time.
-- Modified on 4/10/2015 7:19:47 AM

1027485 26 Reviews 695 reads
20 / 26

By all means let us know who you really are so all of us deluded hobbyists can avoid wasting any more of your clearly valuable time. Honestly your original complaint is a totally valid one but you have given us here a deeper look into who you really are and you appear to be shallow, irritatingly obtuse young woman.  

Judging from your posts I'm going to go out on a limb and say that spending time with you OTC would be as much a chore as dealing with you here seems to be.  
Posted By: Luv2luvu
Most would be surprised to learn who I am lol. I don't understand why you guys got your panties in a bunch. I'm just telling it like it is. Quit thinking its ok to overstay. Just like you guys would rather hang out with hot, younger escorts, we'd rather hang out w/ hot men our age that we're wildly attracted to on our free time.

Buddy2012 17 Reviews 739 reads
21 / 26

Sounds like this provider liked the Agency way of doing things.  Most agency providers run late, if not late they are trying to leave before the entire hour is up to get to the next appointment.  That's why most seasoned hobbyists see more  Indies, they usually get the full hour, even if only conversation after the main event.

I too, would love to see your real handle so I never make the mistake of booking with you!
Posted By: Nikita
I wish I knew who Luv2luvu is so I could be sure to never, ever visit her!  With her insulting attitude it is surprising she stays in this business.  A few extra minutes in any business will only improve your customers' comfort and desire to return ... unless you book your appointments with only a little time in between.
-- Modified on 4/10/2015 11:36:35 AM

ItsHotOutHere 17 Reviews 647 reads
22 / 26

The point that luv2luvu makes is generally true for 80%+ of providers (esp. the ones in their twenties), i don't think most of them would like to do anything with us OTC (there are exceptions, but rare). This is purely a business transaction for both us.

Personally, I love the time I spend with all the wonderful providers and thank them for their service with my money and do not expect any OTC love. The providers who have had my repeat visits are the once that are able to play their role of being my girlfriend for an hour without rushing me out or treating me as a number. The more experienced one are able to make this virtual reality seem real.

But where luv2luvu has to understand is there are better ways to express the same message. There is a short story taught to us when were kids that might be worth sharing.

Akbar and Birbal Story (

"One night, Emperor Akbar dreamt that he had lost all his teeth, except one. The next morning he invited all the astrologers of his kingdom to interpret this dream.

After a long discussion, the astrologers prophesized that all his relatives would die before him.

Emperor Akbar was very upset by this interpretation and so sent away all the astrologers without any reward.

Later that day, Birbal entered the darbar/court. Emperor Akbar related his dream and asked him to interpret it. After thinking for a while Birbal replied that the Emperor would live a longer and more fulfilled life than any of his relatives.

Emperor Akbar was pleased with Birbal's explanation and rewarded him handsomely.

Why do we have different ways of saying the same thing? Because we all come from different social, economical and educational backgrounds?"

Have a good weekend everyone

Nikita 135 Reviews 686 reads
23 / 26

I doubt that you have seen me ... other than at a M&G.  If you did, it could only have been once and don't worry about booking with me again .... PLEASE, refuse me!!

brad99 560 reads
24 / 26


Posted By: Luv2luvu
I do appreciate my regulars and it shows when we meet. I'm also sure to send a nice thank you note after. I must be doing something right because I have many regulars. My business isn't food service either. Spending intimate time with someone I wouldn't normally spend time with is much different. I'm not angry or bitter just annoyed. I'm only being honest.  Would you spend your free time with a much older, unattractive most likely married woman after she's paid you for your services? I don't think so.    

micktoz 41 Reviews 584 reads
25 / 26

What a very interesting thread.  It explains why a mid 50's hobbyist like me is more interested in seeing providers that are mid 30's at a minimum and happiest with late 30's into early 50's.
The IOP is at least slightly believable from a little more mature woman than a younger one

bigguy30 688 reads
26 / 26

We all can get tried of our jobs at times.
The difference is when some of us love what we do and others hate what they do.
So yes this is work and a job for all providers.
The ones who complain about deposits, hobbyists looks or time.
It's clear they hate what they are doing.
Then the providers who enjoy what they do and have a high return rate or reviews.
Well the reason for that is they love the work.
Sometimes a person can fool people for a little while but the truth always comes out

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