
Re: April 2012..?angry_smile
shannonsexymilf See my TER Reviews 830 reads

There is an outright lie in the review that I have a problem with and it is not the 6/6 review.  I do not care about the scores!  And I saw him once 2 1/2 years ago!!!!!!!!!

I know this topic has been brought up numerous times, but I have to rant.  If you are that cheap that you need to write fake/inflammatory reviews to get your free VIP you shouldn't be hobbying!  TER's policy for removing these reviews is horrible.  I have been told it can take weeks to remove this inflammatory/bogus review and, in the meantime, everyone can read his lies!  I saw this guy one time in April 2012 and yesterday he decides to write this review that is untrue.  I do not understand why TER allows this stuff to continue!  I am almost to the point of deactivating my profile because of these things!  Guys, please think before you post an unflattering/bogus review.  I don't deserve this!  TER you really need to revise your policy!

Even though it's been forever since we visited (come south young lady!!! I can see why you're pissed by this less than gracious garbage. You deserve much better, as in the TRUTH!
I've also mentioned this more than once since this practice leads a hobbyist to friends who are nothing like the nonsense written (made up lies) and could cause us to miss out on some quality ladies because of a less than stellar made up review. The only solution is to end free VIP for reviews. Too many cheap A-holes out there. Please think about it TER.

OK, I got know how you remember a guy from 2 1/2 years ago....?????

This is copied and pasted from her original post...."I saw this guy one time in April 2012 and yesterday he decides to write this review that is untrue."

Nothing about White Listing him...

Correct, I don't remember him, but whitelisted him in April 2012

You didn't state that you white listed him in your OP. I looked at your reviews and didn't see anything so horribly negative. You need to specify which review has your panties in a bunch so we can all see what is so objectionable. If your mad about a 6/6 you need to just get over it and move on.

There is an outright lie in the review that I have a problem with and it is not the 6/6 review.  I do not care about the scores!  And I saw him once 2 1/2 years ago!!!!!!!!!

At first read It was abundantly clear to me that her issue was that a FALSE review had been posted, and it was from someone she had seen 2 years prior.  Even the most basic research revealed that the latest review was obviously what she referred to and when you look at this guys profile you will find the white-list from two years ago.  If this is a phony review, as she alleges, then she has every right to be upset, particularly considering some of the things stated in the review.

I don't see anything in shannon's post about asking for an opinion on how she should live her life.

As far as I can tell, she neither wants nor needs your approval.

That TER reviews are sometimes FAKE, and or inaccurate is well known. What isn't as well known is that TER will refuse to publish a review if they deem it inconsistent with past reviews about a person even if they have accepted reviews by the same reviewer.

It appears that what a woman has to do to get either fake or inaccurate, some times uncalled for reviews removed or corrected is a daunting task.

Plus, some times the info on TER is either outdated, donation, incorrect even when reviewers mention that the woman does NOT engage in that!

Ever try and submit a review without filling in the boxes about age, height, hair color, breast size? Won't accept the review.

what you probably aren't aware of is what it takes for a woman to have a FAKE favorable review removed!! Think about that one? why would anyone write a FAKE positive review?  Huuuuuum, maybe to establish "cred" to distract from discovering its law enforcement?!

If that guess is true, unless the woman is VERY persistent and stubborn about getting the fake review removed it's there to aide in the cover-up.

Deprived and Defending

don't even start me...I have had some "experiences" with a few very very well reviewed ladies....and my reviews have been turned down because they didn't think they actually happened...!!aggghh....

I questioned the decision...had the lady write a note tell them she was there w/ us and still to no avail...

I am sorry this happened to you yet I am finished writing reviews..the few I have gotten published, are very watered down to get to be published...I think it severely damages the credibly of this service


Thanks Elvis.  It is a very frustrating process!

How did I blast her? I asked her to be more specific about her complaint.

Many quality providers get a poor review here and there but they don't feel a need to start a diatribe about it. As I said before get over it and move on. What is the outright lie? You clearly don't want to be specific. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt or Fred is in town.

Aguyinak. You said IF it is a false review. Do you know that it is false? If not, you are defending something of which you have no intimate knowledge. That will always make you look the fool.

White Knight some more Elvis. Another hooker sycophant.

First of all, you cannot post a review regarding an appointment that happened 2 1/2 years ago and I do not have to point out specifics regarding the inaccuracies.  My complaint is not because it is a poor review.  My point was TER should do away with free VIP for writing reviews and this kind of crap wouldn't happen!  I have no doubt it will be removed eventually.  You don't know me, so you have no right to question my character.  A publicity stunt, really?????  What a joke!!

The review has been pulled.  Thank you all for the support!

did I question your character. I asked for you to be more specific on your grievance. Still you are unwilling to point out the inaccuracies. If you want to bitch you need to make clear what you are bitching about. If your complaint was that TER should not allow fake reviews for days(and I agree) then simply say it was a fake review and again move on.  

Just say no to drama queens. Aguyinak.....Elvis.....all I hear are crickets. Where are you?

Jeeezuz man, she stated in her original post, in her first sentence in fact, that her issue was with a FAKE review.  She then went on to further elaborate by stating that the meeting did not take place as he stated and that she last saw the guy 2 1/2 years ago.  Why do you have to be so damn thick headed?  IMO Shannon was absolutely within her right to post what she did and you clearly have misunderstood the content and context of her post.

It's ok to be wrong dude, just move the fuck on already

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