
...Love this Board!
blondieb See my TER Reviews 756 reads

I've known for the last six months that I was moving here and since the KS boards are pretty inactive, I've been reading yours. All the girls seem great, and all the men seem to really enjoy voicing their opinions and tips. Even the arguments seem light hearted mostly. Also alot of great info given. I can't wait to see more great threads from all of you in this area.

I have been at the hobby for four weeks.  I have had fun, been scammed and almost fallen in love.  Here are some thoughts that I think everyone needs to know and keep in mind.  The Girls, Photos, General, What One Pays and finally what really counts.  BTW I am just a single guy with no affiliations.
If anyone new has something like this then they can avoid a lot of headaches and frustration.  I tried to put a little humor in it.  LOL
The Girl
• First and foremost clearly realize and position yourself because she plays by a different set of rules than you do.  Most often her rules will not rise to the quality of your rules.
• The world she lives in will probably never rise to the quality of the world you live in.95% of the girls you meet will have a body and attitude far greater than any one you have ever dated.  Don't worship her; remember what she is there for. Pick your jaw up and enjoy it!  
• No appointment is a "date" like you have known in the past; this is a business deal for a time-limited service, not your next girlfriend.  That is why there is the term GFE (girlfriend equivalent).
• Every girl has a sad story.  
• Every girl should see the light and deserves to be saved; that is not your are NOT Jesus Christ.  Odds .0001%.
• She is not going to move in with you.  If she wants to move in, finish and get the hell out by the closest door to you!  Never see her again!
• Every girl is charming; you are always "the unique special one" like the last 30 guys before you.  "Sweety" and honey are both sticky.
• If she wants over $225/hour and does not have any online reviews the real reason is not what she is telling you.
• Limit new girls you found by trolling the sites to $200/hr or less because it is a crap shoot with some low odds.....but it is fun!!
• Einstein's theory of the improbable eliminates the odds for any girl to look better than her photos.  
• Odds those are her untouched photos is one divided by infinity.
• Odds that the photos are not hers increases exponentially to how hot you think she is.
• The time since her photo was taken is not measured in an earth year; more like a year on Uranus which is where you want her to be.
• On a trolling site, if the photos are more professional than you can take then she is more "professional" than you can to take.
• Before you ever call run her pictures through the photo checking site to see if anyone else uses them.
• Joining and using the top two "review sites" will save you the cost of one girl every two months.  That is a free girl every other month!
• "Included in Full Service."  It is your absolute responsibility clearly define each item before any money is exchanged.  If she says she "does not do it" that can be usually fixed for a little more money.
• Never "loan" a girl money.  Donate it to a tax approved charity ...... the result is the same.  It is gone forever.
• Never do any first visit outcall at the home.  One looses all leverage.  Get a room somewhere.  There is a great reason for incall.
• Only have girls known to you and that you think you trust be outcall to your home.  Remember this is your house and the neighbors are always looking.
What One Pays
• The total moneys you shell out for each girl always exceeds the price of her service.
• The only way to control that excess cost above is to control yourself.
Finally, What Really Matters - Why A GOOD Agency Counts
• Minimize the stress in your mind of what you are doing.  
• Minimize your exposure.  
• Eliminate as many variables that you have no control over; let someone who really knows do that.  This is not your area of expertise.
• Minimize your total out of pocket cost..... not just the quoted price for the service.
The ultimate success of each event is solely based on how you feel; before, during and after. Not much else counts.
Just Remember This":
" She Is Not a Goddess - She is Real Tough Woman That Happens to Make You Feel Good."

Great post!  You forgot to mention that quality doesn't always come in small packages ;)

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 9:28:46 AM

Some providers stand out from the rest and Jordan Kay is one of the best!
If you don't believe me, check out what another hobbyist commented about her back on August 8th.
I never met a provider as down to earth as she is in person.  
So yes it's a business for her too, but she really does go out of her way to treat you like a friend.
Just like her ad mentions, so some providers do stand out from the rest.

Some valid points but what about girls that are from different areas of the U.S. where maybe reviews are not used as much or different sites are used. Does this mean that we are less worthy and should charge less. You are basically telling us what we should charge snd what we're worth. I'm from the Midwest and we don't have the heat that you have here but nontheless we usually still have great reviews, and we're some of the nicest, down to earth girls.

oneperday1326 reads

I'm from the Midwest too and I have never seen so many women that don't see African Americans as I have here in Arizona. Preferences, filters, biases, prejudices, whatever the reason.  Rarely experienced that in the Midwest.  

Having said that, those that do are truly down to earth. They are focused on the person and I have enjoyed those experiences.

There are a lot of ladies who choose not to experience dark chocolate, & in my opinion:

With that being said :)

It only takes ONE bad apple to ruin the bunch. Which is why I choose to inspect each one as they come, as an individual!

When you get pass that bs, this state has some of the best providers in this hobby.
Also not all providers are that close minded. Don't let that stop you, from having a good time here.
So keep with the ones that have great reviews like Jordan Kay and other top rated providers in this state.

I don't think that is what he was saying at all.  In fact the advice is pretty sound.  Without reviews a client is taking a huge risk by seeing that provider for many reasons, including losing money.  I know that if the roles were reversed I wouldn't want to spend an exorbitant amount of money without knowing the quality of the product.  That is the nature of ALL sales/the service industry, not just seeing an escort :)
I am sure if a visiting provider had reviews on a reputable site (other than the top 2) that may be commonly used for your area, he would feel much more comfortable giving a higher donation/spend more time with that provider.  It's the providers responsibility to be vigilant in reminding clients to review her!  
I didn't get the impression that he was telling anyone what their worth is/isn't.  

Reviews are becoming the trend nationwide...  No reviews=no money at all :)

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 1:21:10 PM

followme159 reads

As you very well know, by experience, some are very special gals.

Most of what you have to say sounds like it comes from a guy who should find another hobby.

I've known for the last six months that I was moving here and since the KS boards are pretty inactive, I've been reading yours. All the girls seem great, and all the men seem to really enjoy voicing their opinions and tips. Even the arguments seem light hearted mostly. Also alot of great info given. I can't wait to see more great threads from all of you in this area.

I disagree!  I don't think he sounds jaded I think he is giving tips based on his experiences.  The overall theme of his post seems to be our universal theme here in Phoenix:

Safety first!
Stick with reviewed providers!
Have fun!

Or maybe it's just Phoenix that is jaded lo

What is your sad story... Because if its up to him.. All providers have one. I am sorry.. I DONT.

The world she lives in.. Will not rise to the world he lives in ? ( maybe it was worded wrong )  

Every girl deserves to be saved ? I am sorry.. I don't need saving. Not looking for a hand out. Not begging for clients. Not on the streets. Have a life, education, etc.

Sweetie and honey ? People have names !

My photos are my own. I will admit they are not accurate as I am ALLOT thinner now.Most girls I meet look like the pics  

The whole full service thing... ??? What are we trolling backpage for girls whom move from state to state and stay in 60 dollar motels  and use hearts and symbols In the ad ?  

and the WHOLE agency thing.. just sounds like he is promoting using agencies. any smart person in AZ knows the history of agencies in AZ. Enough said.  

So, in my opinion why what he is explaining may explain some.. it doesn't go for everyone. AND I do not believe anyone who has been in the hobby for a month should not be offering advise of ANY Sort but to be careful and keep your self and thoughts about how to navigate thru to yourself.  

If you have noticed how silent the phoenix board has been lately, its not just the heat outside. Its because those who KNOW this hobby know to keep their thoughts and self.. to self.  

But, it was an interesting read and funny to see others thoughts about "the hobby".


-- Modified on 8/13/2014 10:15:41 PM

I do not think that it is wrong for anyone to voice their opinion about anything... That is why we live in the great U S of A.  Although his experiences are limited, who are we to say that he can't voice his opinion of "the hobby" based on those experiences.  There are good points that he made & some that with more experience he will find out on his own.  An open forum where people can express their views & opinions is meant for just that.... Doesn't mean we all have to agree on everything :)

Remember we were all newbies once, everyone has to start somewhere!

The sum total of your experiences are FAR too limited to be making such sweeping generalizations and recommendations.   There are wonderful experiences out there waiting for you to enjoy, loosen up your collar and relax. You really should ease up a bit and enjoy the ride  

While I don't have the energy nor the desire to rebut all of the comments that I believe are shit, your final one irritates me enough to comment.  I have had the absolute privilege to get to know very well a number of truly special women who happen to be providers.  While they surely must toughen themselves up just to survive in this business, at their core I have found sensitive, caring lovely women that are nothing like you describe.  In my travels I have never come across a goddess, I have however found a couple of desert princesses that have left me forever changed, and they did indeed make me feel good.  


-- Modified on 8/13/2014 4:15:50 PM It's the exception when a woman has used photos that are too outdated or over photoshopped to accurately represent her appearance. There are so many facets to a woman's beauty that a mere two dimensional photo can't possibly convey, starting with her spirit. This difference in our experiences likely represents a selection bias on my part. "She looks better in person than in her photos" is a statement found in many, many reviews.

Every man or woman who has had professional photos taken has had some photoshopping / editing done in the final version of the photo whether it's to remove a blemish or blotchiness or to simply disguise a distinguishing tatoo.

Knulla-du-rövhål839 reads

not mean shit! It is like a little league pop warner baseball player telling a pro-ball player how to play baseball in the major leagues.

Come back with a few years under your belt and maybe by then you will really learn something about providers and this hobby; to preach to the choir!

Seriously?? After 4 weeks and 4 experiences a manifesto on the "hobby" as you call it? You try to paint people into boxes, when we are all different. A bit presumptuous to say the least. But, if you are in fact that quick on the uptake, please go into medical research and share "knowledge" that is, in fact, helpful.

Knulla-du-rövhål687 reads

Doogie Houser MD. Or even a hobby protege. Newbies, whatcha going to do with them.

First and foremost clearly realize and position yourself because she plays by a different set of rules than you do and HER RULES ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT COUNT!!

If she wants over $225/hour and does not have any online reviews the reason is none of your business...perhaps she is UTR and has made it clear to her clients she does not want reviews, regardless, it is not up to you to decide that her reason is a lie.

"Included in Full Service."  It is your absolute responsibility clearly define each item before any money is exchanged.  If she says she "does not do it" that MEANS SHE DOES NOT DO IT, end of story.

" She Is Not a Goddess - She is Real (caring, loving, gentle, tender, sexy) Woman That Happens to Make You Feel Good."

Better :)


Schedule next date after one cycle of the Gregorian calendar has passed

Something about smart women....especially smart-assed ones with exceptional vocabulary skills and brains....  :-


First I misspoke when I said I had been at it for four weeks------- I returned four weeks ago after a hiatus of about 34 years.  Used to go with a great friend to Vegas for four day "plays" when it was still "the old Vegas."  Sorry for the mislead.

It was not my intent to set myself up as an expert nor were "numbers" supposed to be quantitatively correct........IT WAS GIVER TONGUE AND CHEEK.  Yes it was a result of being burned.

But in all seriousness, do folks here think that there should be a starters guide for the newbies and amateurs?  I am sure that everyone here has experienced one or many more of the items I outlined.

The point about never do an outcall to your house until you absolutely know what you are dealing with is one that I believe that newbies really do not think of.

Posted By: yourprotector1
 First I misspoke when I said I had been at it for four weeks------- I returned four weeks ago after a hiatus of about 34 years.  Used to go with a great friend to Vegas for four day "plays" when it was still "the old Vegas."  Sorry for the mislead.  
 It was not my intent to set myself up as an expert nor were "numbers" supposed to be quantitatively correct........IT WAS GIVER TONGUE AND CHEEK.  Yes it was a result of being burned.  
 But in all seriousness, do folks here think that there should be a starters guide for the newbies and amateurs?  I am sure that everyone here has experienced one or many more of the items I outlined.  
 The point about never do an outcall to your house until you absolutely know what you are dealing with is one that I believe that newbies really do not think of.
I'm not sure what everyone's problem is.  It's SOOOOOOO easy to spot sarcasm and satire on the internet.

SeattleSam206574 reads

Amen brother - Hired a (non-reviewed) "provider" from what believed to be reputable provider company.  Amazing professional pics, turned out to be a meet-n-greet scam.  Not sure why these scam reviews don't get posted...thoughts?  What is the name of the other provider review site?

SeattleSam206709 reads

Was just asked what a "meet n greet" scam is (MNG Scam)  - Where you pay to meet a provider who has no intention of providing any services.  Thoughts, input, feedback or experiences?

I believe you answered your own question here... The provider had no reviews...and the moral of the story is?

Posted By: SeattleSam206
Was just asked what a "meet n greet" scam is (MNG Scam)  - Where you pay to meet a provider who has no intention of providing any services.  Thoughts, input, feedback or experiences?
-- Modified on 8/16/2014 10:39:52 AM

-- Modified on 8/16/2014 10:42:22 AM

See OP's latest review - the ads linked SCREAM scam.  

No reviews? Check
Pro pics on BP with no personal site? Check
Small generic pics? Check
No face pics? Check
Claims that pics are 100% real? Check
Outcall only? Check
Explicit conversation about services (!!!!!!!!!!) on phone? Check
Discussion of tips? Check

That's a lot of red flags

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