
I don't use facebook either. eom
maxwell44 23 Reviews 312 reads

Posted By: john4488
Am I the only one that doesn't use Facebook ? I was recently turned down by a provider due to the lack of a Facbook account for her verification she didn't want to take the time to call references

john4488669 reads

Am I the only one that doesn't use Facebook ? I was recently turned down by a provider due to the lack of a Facbook account for her verification she didn't want to take the time to call references

For discretionary purposes I do not have any social accounts - both in hobby or otherwise.

It is her loss but also shows that she is not truly safe. A psycho stalker could have an Facebook account but a lady (reference) would be able to share that type of info.

So just move on and she some day might learn that just because any one has a Facebook account does NOT make them a fun and safe person.

Posted By: john4488
Am I the only one that doesn't use Facebook ? I was recently turned down by a provider due to the lack of a Facbook account for her verification she didn't want to take the time to call references

Posted By: john4488
Am I the only one that doesn't use Facebook ? I was recently turned down by a provider due to the lack of a Facbook account for her verification she didn't want to take the time to call references
If she do not want to keep herself safe by making a simple phone call, then DO NOT give her any social media information; hope you used a burner phone to call her, or a non-personal email for first contact.  

A social media account such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram ... they reveal a lot about us.  From places visited, pictures, likes / dislikes, and friends.  I have googled my name, phone number, and assorted Email addresses I have used and have come back empty.  

I setup social media accounts to be kept in the loop for some things, post appropriate things, and am good at keeping my fingers from doing the walking ...

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