
As a lady who "Lurks" here & has several 9's & 10's
CaramelBBW See my TER Reviews 877 reads

I can assure you I earned every single one.  As I am sure it is quite possible the ladies you are speaking of did as well...  

Since I've joined TER I have consistently gotten reviews every month.  Some from well known reviewers, others from newbies.  The ones from newbies are gents who are either:

A.) Regulars whom I've seen for a long while & joined TER on my advice
B.) Gents whom I have screened in another way & joined TER on my advice

Besides, if you are truly so skeptical don't visit them :)

Just another insight, from a gals perspective.

Mr-Blonde1917 reads

I have noticed that there are several providers who either lurk around here or who advertise on the Phoenix ad board who have a lot of 9s and 10s in their reviews.  I skimmed more than one such provider's reviews, and almost the entire page of 9s and 10s of the reviews for these providers were very stunning reviews indeed, written like a fairy tale straight out of a Penthouse magazine, and more importantly, also written by reviewers who had never reviewed anybody else, ever.  These reviews from these unknown mystery reviewers are also written like clockwork, about every month or every couple of months or so.  

I'm just amazed too, that with these highly rated providers who charge a fortune, you'd think they would only see customers who can provide solid references.  But in reality, they seem to be seeing an awful lot of customers lately who would appear to have no references at all, going by the fact that these clients have no other reviews to speak of.  

I am not naming names of any of these providers that I'm talking about, and you can draw any conclusion you wish about what I just said.  Pay attention to this stuff when you read reviews, that's all I'm saying.

There are now websites out there that for a fee will give hookers regular good reviews.

I can assure you I earned every single one.  As I am sure it is quite possible the ladies you are speaking of did as well...  

Since I've joined TER I have consistently gotten reviews every month.  Some from well known reviewers, others from newbies.  The ones from newbies are gents who are either:

A.) Regulars whom I've seen for a long while & joined TER on my advice
B.) Gents whom I have screened in another way & joined TER on my advice

Besides, if you are truly so skeptical don't visit them :)

Just another insight, from a gals perspective.

Mr-Blonde757 reads

I think your reviews were earned, as such, you are an asset to our community for sure.  There are others here who have also legitimately earned 9s and 10s, and I am not talking about any of them.

What I am talking about, specifically, is provider profiles with pages and pages of penthouse forum style reviews with 8s, 9s and 10s that are consistently written by reviewers who have never reviewed anybody else, ever, and those types of reviews are posted every single month.  With an occasional review mixed in there from someone who did in fact write reviews before, who rates her noticeably lower, and even implies something in his review about the veracity of the other recent reviews in that provider's profile.  

I'm not naming names, but scan the Phoenix ads board, I'm sure you'll find a blatant example of what I'm talking about within several minutes.  These providers know who they are.

-- Modified on 1/31/2015 12:38:39 PM

I knew you weren't talking about me babycakes :D

I was little confused about your post because as a legitimate provider it is hard for me to fathom that someone would go to such great lengths to deceive.  To me the work is easy because I enjoy every minute with everyone I meet. It saddens me that there are those who find it hard to do what we do & will do whatever it takes to make a buck, including lie.  For those of us who earn our "titles" it's actually quite insulting.

You should never believe everything you read.  

Not all providers require references if you can be verified by work, or id.

Eggs_over_easy683 reads

LOL another alias bashing some of the ladies here. Sadly Mr. Blonde is absolutely correct with his findings. There is a provider I had seen regularly in the past and I thought I'd give her another visit so I rechecked her reviews.  Her first page of reviews were all 9/10 reviews written by accounts that only had only reviewed her and one partially confused real gent who was wondering where the girl in the previous reviews was because that wasn't the girl he got to see.  

One or two 9/10 from one off reviewers I could accept as someone just trying to get free access but nearly 9 of those in a row is just plain suspicious. The fact that she has obviously gamed the system here made me decide to not see her again

I have been prospected by a company that writes reviews for a fee.
I got an email with respect to that . I didn't purchase any as it is my belief that they should be authentic.  
But there are means out there for fake reviews. As well I have one shitty one that was written by an ex boyfriend of a friend who threatened me. Ter refused to take it down although I never had a session with the reviewer, he was just jealous of me spending time with with his ex. So some things on here are not all what they are cracked up to be.  
This board is as good as it can be in the world of which we live in  - as it is today. It is what it is.  
If you can get to know enough people who are real to draw reference  from its best.


Perhaps they are on a more regional board primarily like the SF or Chi or TX local sites? Maybe they never wanted to pay TER fees and then a more experienced well traveled lady informed them of free VIP status for writing reviews...

LOTS of possible explanations that don't call in to question the validity or relevance of the review.



Mr-Blonde468 reads

Thanks for your post, about how there are many alternate ways to verify someone.  I have gotten several other responses that said that, you are all correct.  

I was making a mockery of how a provider who suddenly gets good reviews is also suddenly very lax when verifying all these wonderful and overly grateful clients that nobody ever heard of before or since, who all give 9/9s and 10/10s.  It is amazing how they all never did this before, yet they all go through practically 10 sexual positions, and they highly recommend her and would definitely see her again.  These reviewers are all alike in that they have all written no other reviews, and there are pages and pages of glowing reviews from people like that.  

So I was mocking the way she could verify so many wonderful and grateful clients, all of whom have no references.  Several people who read that are telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about, there are other ways to verify people.  Yes, that is true.  

I admit I didn't make it real clear that I was making a mockery of her very lax verification methods regarding people who don't really exist.

What I don't get is why you don't name names!  If it's not against "rules" and you are using an alias anyway?  After all, this board is only useful if we share information.

But thanks for the post anyway as I found it to be good information.

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