
Re: An observation
Strangeboy 19 Reviews 488 reads

It comes from doing too many powerpoint presentation

I am just mad at ladies making me wait....

I make an appointment....

I show up on time, call and/or text  to let them know...

then sit in the hotel lobby for 20 minutes.....

During this time I am paranoid all the hotel staff are staring at me, and know what I am there for....

Then you get a text from the lady and she says "where are you?" or "are you here yet?"

then I am paranoid and pissed off - and don't have a good time....

Now if there is communication, an issue or something - that I can deal with.....  But if it is just because of poor scheduling, or today's reply "I fell asleep" then you don't deserve my business.

From now on I am waiting no more than 10 minutes - and just leaving.

Am I unreasonable?

Rant rant rant!!!

JackDunphy498 reads

Who is telling you to sit in the lobby for 20 minutes? Go hang in your car, around the corner at a coffer shop or restauarant.  

You sound like a whiney bitching. If you are constantly getting mad at hot girls that are going to suck/fuck you, maybe it's about time you got out of this biz.

Give it some thought Skippy.

My experiences with most women (friends, girlfriends, you name it) is that they make you wait. Generally, it's so they look perfect. I know it bothers people at times but would it bother you more if a girl didn't get dressed to her best?

I can totally understand that a man doesn't like to wait. When I go to Macy's and see all of the grumpy men standing around and waiting on their woman, I feel for them! However, they just need to know that we want to look good for them!!  
I think communication is key, but tardiness happens. Forgive us! We DO want to look as good as we can for you :)

Communication is key -I don't mind waiting if I know....

But I am never late for anything (uptight that way) so it just bugs me....

I always appreciate a lady looking her best, and I don't mind the "can you give me 10 mins" type of reply....

it is the no reply that gets me....

No! I do not feel you should be waiting in a lobby for 10 mins.  Surprise you were not told to sit in the parking lot and wait. If you are running into this every time you book with a provider, it makes me question if you are showing up late. Sounds like more to the story.  

Are you booking with the same girl who keeps making you wait? If so, you need to start seeing another provider.  

Good Luck :)

That day annoyed me as I had limited time...

and no - not just 1 provide...

I seem to feel that 40% of the reviews I read start with "she was late" or "I called up and got no reply for 15 minutes"

But I may be over stating that


I am never late.. for anything... ever....

just one of those annoying people!!

If we wrote reviews on guys, you would be reading the same thing.

Some people just have poor time management, for whatever reason. :)

wrps07944 reads

She probably double booked.  Move on to the next one.  Wait no more  than 15 minutes.  Also better to wait in your car or store. Lets us know who she is to avoid.

The double booked thing isn't necesarily true.. That's just as fair as saying the guy before was rude and went over time and wouldn't leave. Some people just have horrible time management. Some people just don't care. Some people are habitually late. Some people, well.. You get it.

I wouldn't wait that long.

This is where I am forever grateful that my first job was at a restaurant where if our shift started at 5pm we had to be there at 4:45. 4:46 was late and you would start losing tables. I hated it then, but looking back - it was the best thing.

Not calling anyone out on here...

But I walked there - I was only 5 blocks away....

so I had no car to wait in!!


It is wrong that you have to wait more than 15 minutes but a monger should never wait in a hotel lobby unless it is a huge business hotel with a cast of thousands milling around. Then, and only then, you can lurk in anonymity.  

But let's be real. Neither the trains nor providers run on time. And don't believe the nonsense that they are trying to look perfect, because they aren't. My two ATF's have made me wait so long that each would owe me zillions if back charging was allowed in hobby land. But in the end they are so gorgeous and horny that all is forgiven. So I could bitch about it and not get laid, or I could swallow my pride and get laid late but well.  

The choice is yours

I don't want my clients lingering around in the lobby, checking their phones and then looking and coming up to my room. That could bring unwanted attention. I always tell my suitors to wait in their cars until I give them the OK. Or if you are in the city, nearby.  

 10-15 mins with communication is okay. Ladies should be ready to play at time of appt. I have held off a few minutes if for example, it was earlier in the day and maids were right outside my room at their cleaning carts. I just always like to make sure everything is good.  

  But a lady falling asleep? Sounds unprofessional. Maybe she had tine to kill waiting for you to arrive and she fell out? Who knows.  

  This is pay for play. We all have schedules to meet and respect. Don't let it get you too wound up. Let the lady know beforehand that you absolutely need to start on time or else you will have to leave. In a nice way of course. ;-) it would be awfuk to just stand the lady up.


don't know if  

you are being  

unreasonable but,

there seems to be something

wrong with your

enter key


It comes from doing too many powerpoint presentation

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