
He's likely doing the same with several other people .... did that work? -e-teeth_smile
TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 591 reads


With a client…spending way too much "after time" with and feeling a little blown away (no pun)

Someone snap me out of it

wrps07595 reads

Be prepared from him to drop off the face of earth and not see you again. He will get bored and see someone else because he will want variety.

I'm sure it happens.  If my ATF spent a lot of after time with me I would be so happy.  Also, no way I would get bored and move least not with this special woman.

I say go for it. I for one think I'm lovable and people have found true love in wierder places. Have fun!  

Posted By: lustkatrina
With a client…spending way too much "after time" with and feeling a little blown away (no pun)  
 Someone snap me out of it

Fantastic, your attraction to a partner with whom you share the most intimate moments is natural. Enjoy this chemistry while it lasts.

Thats ok…but then the little green eyed monster comes into play

The more I likey..the more I wantey….then what?

Then whatever happens , happens.... don't be a psycho...just treat it like a casual thing

as opposed to Will Robinson, for those of us old enough to remember.

Tread carefully here.  I have a friend who was involved with a provider.  He had lost his wife, but had a profitable deli / liquor store business in the Tri-State area.  Even had a long-time gig as a photographer for a local professional sports franchise.

Both ended up going over the edge and were ultimately caught / exposed.  She lost her home (to the IRS and the bank) when she ran out of money and the obligations were called in, and he simply lost his mind over the obsession.  Outed to his friends, family and colleagues.  Became something of a stalker I guess.  Now a train wreck just waiting to happen and no one wants to be around him for fear of what might happen.

Moral of the story :   No such thing as being too careful.  For every situation that turns out good, there must be dozens that go the other way.  Hate to see you involved in a tragedy.

Is you Mr RLBD..Jealous much?

and if you continue to harass me I will contact TER and tell them who you really are and what you have done to this community...

So are you still taking appts?  If so are you available 5/22 in Philly or KOP?

Lust?  Fantastic, enjoy it.  Love, no.

I am sure you know the old saying "You don't pay a hooker for sex, you pay her to leave."  I don't deny he feels something; he does.  But he also has a job, friends, family and others to whom he is NEVER going to introduce you.  He will never tell them about you.

In that microcosm world you share, ie a hotel room, the two of you are free souls unencumbered by reality.  In the real world,  filled with  peers, neighbors and elderly relatives with weak hearts, he is not going to introduce you as his little career girl.
How would that go anyway?  Would you come home and tell him about a tough day? ("Honey, I developed tennis elbow and a torn rotator cuff, but I got the job done?")

Would he brag to his friends about you?  (I am so proud of her.  Her pimp, Tercel, says with some work on her oral skills pleasuring other men, she could be his main @#$%#).

No, princess, no pony, no castle, just lust

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