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OK, let's try this s l o w and s i m p l e....confused_smile
mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 876 reads

If you have history at P411, then tomorrow morning pick up the phone, call Gina at P411, have a credit card ready and she will assist you....sheesh.  I do wonder if this thread is a big joke on all of us

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I understand it is a newbie type question.  
 I also said I have been verified previously(through P411) and I was wondering how the reverification would be handled, with my current employer where I can not be contacted.

I ask because I have no recent references and I can't be verified through my employer. I use to belong to a few verification sites, and I don't know how to get verified again, since I can't use my employment info.  

Should I just see ladies who don't screen?

ATLDAWG1007 reads

Try to book with gals with a few reviews-don't bring it up-they likely won't either.

Perhaps these ladies have more than a few reviews, and that could be the issue.

Remember, seeing girls who don't screen is always safer than filing a retraining order against common sense.

What if the providers were having nightmares about Jessie Dixon and felt like swinging a sling blade?
Would the screeners ask for a fried potater?

Do you have a psychological illness? What you are saying is half reality(all be it nonsense, but actually been said) and scenes from a movie. Try acting like a functioning adult.  

Posted By: Blowing Chunks
Remember, seeing girls who don't screen is always safer than filing a retraining order against common sense.  
 What if the providers were having nightmares about Jessie Dixon and felt like swinging a sling blade?  
 Would the screeners ask for a fried potater?

Even pedestrians in the crosswalk?... or do you mean escorts?

as nice as they are, I'd prefer not to talk to them.

Perhaps you see my dilemma, I'd rather see ladies who are "safe". However I don't have the credentials which they request.

Maybe if you could hide you endless stream of stupid posts, you might be interesting. For someone who is the 10th most poster , it is hard to find anything worth reading. LE will probably find you are too "low hanging fruit" for any LE to brag about bringing you in.

Sparkletits665 reads

Anyone in it knows it's worthless as ID, and given some of the people I've met in it would probably work against him.

And all you've done is proven, once again, how dumb you are.  You are dumb on so many levels it's hard to believe.
First of all, using women who don't screen isn't safe, especially because she could be LE.  Women screen for their safety but also yours.
Second, you don't need to give employment information on P411 and numerous posts on the Newbie Board have pointed this out.  But you were too dumb to go there and do a search.
Slingy, you are dumber than

I understand it is a newbie type question.  

I also said I have been verified previously(through P411) and I was wondering how the reverification would be handled, with my current employer where I can not be contacted.

And, as I explained, you do not have to give P411 any job information.  Just call them.

If you have history at P411, then tomorrow morning pick up the phone, call Gina at P411, have a credit card ready and she will assist you....sheesh.  I do wonder if this thread is a big joke on all of us

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I understand it is a newbie type question.  
 I also said I have been verified previously(through P411) and I was wondering how the reverification would be handled, with my current employer where I can not be contacted.

There will still be a problem, I will have an account with 0 okays. Most providers want the client to have some okays.

... so then what? see newbie friendly providers? they are few and far between... and what if I'm not interested the newbie friendly provider once I find one?  

I also don't want to use a CC that can be traced back to my real identity, for obvious reasons.

First thing, go out and get a prepaid Visa tomorrow before you call P411 and that issue is solved (yes, they take them).  Once your P411 account is active again you do NEED to see a couple of newbie friendly providers EVEN if they are not perfect for you (jeezus I can't imagine who that would be, but I digress)  Get a couple of OKs.  You'll have some fun and you can chalk the cost up to getting OKs which will be the key to seeing the women you want to see.... but for gods sake DON'T  EVER give them your TER handle.  If you do that you will be stuck with rosie palm, just like you are now.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
There will still be a problem, I will have an account with 0 okays. Most providers want the client to have some okays.  
 ... so then what? see newbie friendly providers? they are few and far between... and what if I'm not interested the newbie friendly provider once I find one?  
 I also don't want to use a CC that can be traced back to my real identity, for obvious reasons.
-- Modified on 4/7/2015 9:08:54 PM

that's good that they take prepaid Visa, I was under the impression that they would not work internationally. I don't want to see a lady just to get okays, just to see a lady I want to see. That's not to say there aren't any newbie friendly providers I want to see. I never see ladies advertising as newbie friendly in my area.

I'm also pretty sure the consensus is you shouldn't see someone if you are not interested in seeing them. Which was the advice you gave.

The consensus is that you see who will see you to get a couple of OKs, that's how MANY guys start out.  It's called doing what you have to do so, you can do what you want later, which is to see providers you really want to see.  But if you aren't willing to do the first step you might as well just forget the whole thing.  And you can't tell me there aren't a couple of newbie friendly girls you can find.  Where do you live? On Mars?

Chances are I won't enjoy my time. I don't think providers want to see guys who won't enjoy their time. I understand that seeing newbie friendly providers is part of the process, perhaps if and when I find one I will heed your advice. until then I will warm the bench.

I think I will nominate you for an award from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Dumb Animals.You will be a shoo-in for a prize. LOL

And, of course, you are completely correct.  But thanks for helping demonstrate that slingy is still a noob.

...I think I'm still delirious from spending the afternoon with a wonderful young woman who has found new ways to "entertain"me after a recent trip to the movies........ So I'm not myself tonight, goodwill toward all, very rare for me......   ROFLMAO

seeing ladies who don't screen is ridiculous. if they don't screen, it's likely that won't give reference for you either. if they do give you a reference, it's likely not to mean much to a well reviewed lady... I check the credentials of everyone who I ask reference or give reference to...  

my advice would be to reach out. the worst that could happen is that they will say no & you'll be stuck jerking off.... far better than getting arrested or robbed...

there's plenty of ways of being verified... some are strict, some are not, but you'll never know if you don't try
good luck darlin'

There are different ways to screen...I understand and respect the ladies that have firm expectations, but I also understand the need to be discreet for the gentlemen who cannot offer other choices.   Certainly, the P411 and date check thing are excellant options, but I have not gotten around to that either and consider myself still a valid and safe friend.

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