Orange County

Re: FC
MissFeliciaSeong See my TER Reviews 526 reads

I used to get FC easily off of Amazon but now the price has sky rocketed a great deal. It's a bummer. May I ask where you are getting yours from? I even checked specialty stores but there is none available. Thanks for reading.

Ocfootball2591 reads

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!   I've always been curious about FC and wondered what providers use them. Tried doing search but the results didn't seem to match up.

Me too!  I would love to visit a provider that uses them

FC is part of services offered.  More and more providers offer FCs instead of make condoms. Do the search for OC and I’m sure you’ll find a few.  

Btw, the FDA has now made purchasing an FC more difficult as you need a prescription and the price has increased.

Tried doing a search but the reviews didn't seem to match up

I do and have then with me all the time

I used to get FC easily off of Amazon but now the price has sky rocketed a great deal. It's a bummer. May I ask where you are getting yours from? I even checked specialty stores but there is none available. Thanks for reading.

and.... I am available for Fly me to you packages (3+hrs).. super affordable since I want to make a trip there. :)

.... happy to come out and demonstrate my love of FC's much sooner with the right request :).

I have boxes and boxes of them  got them from Amazon

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