Orange County

Re: All good
Newday53 22 Reviews 398 reads

P411 should get you in but still be ready for scrutiny. If you don't have some refs of that caliber then good luck. High quality agency that is very cautious. Don't blame them one bit given the wonderful women there.


A local k girl club's site went offline today as did their CV ( but not HX ) ads... hosted for well review regulars like masami kitten lily et al. Anybody hear anything from/about them today?

I noticed the same thing as well. I called the service and someone picked up but that person didn't sound like the usual booker. I'd be careful with this "health club". Smells funny to me.

I think another "Asian club" is "off-line". Sitekreator website is down and no answer to calls.

***Disregard I was mistaken.***

-- Modified on 3/11/2014 10:10:56 AM

They did this before when the IOA branding was let go. Communicated with them on Monday for a future appt and didn't sound like there was an issue. Will keep an eye on it.

Just technical difficulties after all, I recommended a good ISP

Visited on the 12th, all is normal except for site being down.  Saw Hiroko.  She's amazing.

Site is still down.  I am interested in scheduling to see Hiroko.  How does one go about this?  Thanks in advance

Posted By: jbeditor1
Visited on the 12th, all is normal except for site being down.  Saw Hiroko.  She's amazing.

If you're a past client you try referencing a previous confirmation message in your communication.

LOl geez thanks no way I would have figured that out....  Sorry not trying to be rude, but that is pretty obvious.  I am new to the area and have never communicated with her group.  Thanks I guess I'll just keep trying.  Clearly something happened because all of their sites are down.....  Be safe

P411 should get you in but still be ready for scrutiny. If you don't have some refs of that caliber then good luck. High quality agency that is very cautious. Don't blame them one bit given the wonderful women there.


Thank you for the helpful info!!

I can tell you from recent personal experience that all is well at Asian Club. Haven't checked in to Health Club since site went down though...


Well, I'm still waiting for my favorite agency to come back around.  Any new news on Healthclub25 or IOA or whatever the new name might be?

How did you get in to Asian Club?

Sorry, just saw this. Solid refs on P411 got me in to a number of agencies.


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