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avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 25233 reads


so I'm posting it here and there. If you've seen it elsewhere, please disregard. :)

The Greatest Question That Can Never Be Answered But Will Be Eternally Pondered By Every Man With an IQ Above 60 Until They Stop Letting Us Fuck...

Why can the q never be answered? The same reason that large scale studies have been conducted multiple times with multiple scientific methods. Sex is subjective. We are ALL different. We're sexual snowflakes and therefore there are no givens. There are "highly likelies", "mostly trues", "oftens", and "rarelys", of course, but there are no absolutes, other than the parts we can hope very much that we've come standard with. I had a guy the other day, sadly, that apparently had never seen a diagram of the female sexual organ. You'd think we would ALL know that the clit is on top of the rest and in the center, roughly, right? LMAO. Sorry, but it's really funny that he was 2 inches from it and on all sides of it alternatively. You would think he would know that it doesn't move around, right? Sorry, but I really was highly amused! Did he know I was highly amused? No. However, I also didn't "fake" an O. Hell, I wouldn't reward that performance with even a fake out of courtesy. LOL. Do I fake Os? Yes, but rarely. The only reason I would fake an O would be if it was someone that I could logically conclude had never had sex or very, very rarely got sex. Why do I need to help teach a man like that with honesty when what I should give him, what I have an obligation to give him, is pretty much the biggest treat he can imagine? Why wouldn't I want him to feel like King for a Day, since he may go a year, 5 yrs, whatever, before an experience that I enjoy regularly occurs for him again? Follow me? Sorry, total tangent there.  Back to schlong size and relativity to pleasure IN MY OPINION, which is at least very well tested, if conclusively true only for myself:

*drum roll*.......................

(Sorry, I'm a ham)


Size is NOT the magic bullet that ricochets and knocks one woman dead from two angles simultaneously from the same gun. Sorry, Sushilover, if you're here. J/k he was a fun date and uses his rightly legendary tool well. However, that's because he truly likes women and bothered to learn, just like a less endowed man would do if he wanted to please his partner. In fact, truthfully, the overly (or well depending on your particular position) hung man has a much harder time in the sack, because many women "can't take it". I doubt a man has ever been turned away from a provider b/c of being too small, altho I did have an isolated experience that was interesting, leading me to term the phrase "turtle dick". I'll leave you to wonder about that. I still enjoyed that man, but I'll be honest again, thankfully it was only a French lesson (per his request). I enjoy giving pleasure. Bottom line. But yet again I digress. I'm gonna stop rambling and sum it up quick and dirty (which btw, is my ultimate sexual preference. )

Factors that most greatly affect female pleasure (obviously in a highly likeliy, since nothing is absolute)

#1: Not being afraid to pound her pussy like it's your last 3 minutes on the planet. I think the whole reason that the long sex thing I talked about earlier in this thread came to be a common misconception is because men found that they had to keep "banging" away on a woman forever because it's harder to cum for us if you're not hitting it fast and hard AND in the right spot. Tall order right? Not really. All ya gotta do is read her cues. If u move and she suddenly makes a new, more primal noise, or she starts grinding back, or if her eyes roll back in her head, or if she says,"YES, right there", then fucking FUCK THAT SHIT. Sorry, lol. Anyway. If she's not a highly verbal or reactive woman, my suggestion is to ask her what her favorite position is. Chances are, it is her favorite b/c she cums best in it. The unfortunate thing again is the lack of absolutes which brings me to part 2 of my answer.

#2: The way that the two of you fit together. I've gotten to a point where I can look at a cock and know if it's the shape/size/angle that's likely to rock my world the hardest. Even if it is tho, pt 3 of this answer and pt 1 of this answer must be addressed, or it's not gonna be the best it could be. I suppose it's easier for a woman to learn the sort of shape/size/angle that's her personal ideal, whereas sadly (or not since males are naturally more explorer-minded) you guys don't know what it's gonna feel like til ya stick it in there, unless it's hanging open, in which case I guess u'd have a good indication. LOL! And, even if I can "size up" a cock in about a second once it's hard, sometimes I am still surprised by the way one fits/feels once it's in there. Meaning, if it's not my "ideal", it can still be right up there with the best. Goddamn I don't know why I tackled this q it's so long and involved lol.

... See how much I care about pleasing my fellow man to answer very personally and non-definatively the biggest q in the world to a male?  


#3 Rigidity of erection. Yeah, I know. Some of you are groaning b/c u know you have probs these days, on the long end of ur 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, whenever if ever it hits ya. Some of you are just realizing that you have a prob but it's the damned condoms (I can only imagine if I had to wear a sandwich bag on my sexual organ to safely enjoy sex! I promise I understand, guys.) Etc, etc. Here's the bottom line on this one. Fucking a limp noodle is just not fun. I'm sorry, I would love for it to be fun. I feel for you, TOTALLY, if u deal with this one. Before the positive spin, let me say one more thing on the topic. Sorry, this may come across as slightly abrasive, you've been warned: If you've had a few consecutive, or even a few random times when this has happened to you, with reasonably attractive women that you would have had a man-of-steel cock for a year ago or whatever, with the condom on, A REALLY REALLY HOT GIRL IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE/FIX it for you!!!!!!!! I PROMISE!!! If anything, she will make it worse b/c you enter the sitch with huge performance anxiety because the last woman u want this to happen with is this goddess of a woman... But, she is a professional, and you think maybe you just "need more" or "need better/hotter/younger/whatever" to get that iron rod back in fighting shape. Gentlemen, please... Don't use providers as your last showdown at Viagra Corral. There are SO many things that cause ED! It's totally OK, and you can't expect that thing to do what your big head wants you to! You KNOW that! It has made ur decisions for you, at least occasionally, for your entire sexual adulthood. Now is no different! It's in the driver's seat here, bp meds, age, cardiovascular issues notwithstanding. But DO NOT INTERNALIZE it or view it as a lack of manliness. It's NOT. I PROMISE!!!  Now, the positive spin! Fuckin' A, guys, we got drugs for this shit! How AWESOME, how COOL, how LUCKY we are to live now! Back in the day, people just hung up their cocks to dry. Now, with the littlest pharmaceutical help, you too, can be Heff! Fuck YEAH!!!!!  

Keep on rockin' in the Free World, for as long as you can, and for much longer than you should.  You have but one life to live!  

"Ask not what your pussy can do for you, but what YOU can do for your pussy!" Sorry, lol.

noooo28729 reads

hey sexy lady!its ivory i just got back into town on a long unwilling with my friend redhot who is just learning how to post an begin her start in our industry.ive been showing her the ropes and visiting the old sits trrthsayer its not working and i wanted to btalk to city,frank,alvin ect i have no phone im in need of one and our assocates contact im really close to city and ive got no where girl im hitting a bunch of road block and feeling discouraged.none the less im not giving up and helping a hot very hot friend out.were having fun and i see you are still #1 and at the top of the game im not suprised you always are the best at what we do your a insperation rose take care ivory an redhot P.S i have not checked if my old e mail is up yet. so please contact [email protected]

AR, you are indeed inspired by, or inspiring to, your legendary prowess with the male member.

This was totally entertaining as well as informative!

And the "Ask not what the pussy..." - I have that phrase on a tank top - love it!

You Rock!


Lexi in OC
1 Purrfect kitty

Oh, hey everybody, was thinking about my post and my level of candor, and wanted to let you all know that seriously, other than "Turtle Dick" (you may know who you are but I hope not, lol), I have never had a unit that was not pleasureable because of small size. I had FABULOUS sex once as a civvie about a decade ago with a man that was 4 inches, no bs. So basically, look at ur ring finger. And he rocked my world. It was hard, and he worked me good! Talent? Luck? Who's to say and who cares, it was fun!  

BTW, the only time a larger size can be helpful is if u are the type of man as "Lost in Clitland" that I mentioned in pt one of my now 3 pt disseration on penis size. LOL. If you're reasonably big and nice n hard, you MAY, just MAY have a better chance of being good despite urself.  But I'd say it's maybe about a 20% advantage, if even that. In fact, conversely, if you're really hung and completely clueless, it may not only be just bad, it may flat out hurt, and believe me, with my German/Dutch giant bonestructure/height, pelvic capacity (NO, not pussy size for anyone that's having trouble w/my big words and stuff), I can take the biggest cocks out there with the best of 'em, IF they're not lost or just totally uncaring lovers.  

"Cocks, cocks, big or small, I just want to fuck them all!" (Who wants to help me write the adult version of "Green Eggs and Ham"? We can call it "Hard Cocks, Soft Cans". Ok, maybe not.  

I know, I know... How can I ask you guys to read that stuff with ur cock in ur hand and 3 different nekkid girls in different windows on ur desktop at the same time? I guess I need a man to distill that right down into manspeak. Guess I can do it in one sentence:

Important for sex, fucking the shit out of the woman ur fucking forgetting about worrying about when/if she'll cum b/c if you pound that shit she'll soak ur cock; the unpredictable, unknowable way that your two puzzle pieces fit together; whether or not you can maintain wood with a condom. There you have it! Size, non-issue, unless it's so small u literally have to find it first. Just go cut it off or join the monestary, I would. J/k. I am here to give love to allllllllllllll, and I do.  

*disclaimer* absolutely no penises were harmed in the making of my 4 pt post.

Yes the posts were quite lengthy, but I'm sure enough men will appreciate the insight from a woman of your stature. I'm always surprised at how many men buy into the "size is everything" notion.

But it sounds like you need some cock yourself cuz you definitely got penis on the brain. ;)

winehunter26518 reads

That's my Avalon.  As the amazing sexual godess you are,  it has always been your intellect and insightfulness that I always keep coming back to.  I love every minute we have together.

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