
My intentions were never to bash Ohio
Paris-Bouvier See my TER Reviews 5272 reads

Those who know me personally, knows that I'm not the bashing/drama type. Life is too short and I'd rather walk away than to deal with drama.

My original post is a quite valid question. I'm NOT from that area, therefore I was inquiring. I received allot of sound responses/PM's and I appreciate that. As you pointed out, in your response, that this is not a convention town, I realize that and if you go back on my responses to others you will see where I pointed that out earlier. Additionally, I said that it was unfair to compare the two.  

Furthermore, I also indicated that I would ride it out and see what transpired over the next couple of weeks in earlier posts.

Thank you for your input....

I'm rather disappointed. One would think that if a top notch companion was relocating to the area, gentlemen would be jumping off their seat. No? I've advertised that I'm touring Cleveland in April and at this point...it appears to be somewhat fruitless and a complete waste of my time. I'm actually considering pulling Ohio off my list altogether and cancelling my Cleveland trip, even though I'll be residing there very soon.

I read all of these posts about the guys pulling together to bring in "good" companions. That's great if the gentlemen will actually reach into their wallet and visit her! Otherwise, you'll still be complaining about not having a good selection of companions in the area.

A little discouraged....

gas prices??
Uncle Sam put a hurtin on my hobby stash, at the tune of $2500.00....ouch!!

However, Ohio seems to be the only area that I've visited, or am planning to visit, that's being effected. In Orlando and my other touring destinations, my calendar fills up and I'm turning away clients. In Florida and most other areas that I visit, my consideration is higher than Ohio and these guys are still booking multi-hour appointments! Everyone is paying high gas prices, not just Ohio.


word spreads about your arrival you will do VERY WELL.  I predict that within a short time you will become the top rated Provider in all of NE Ohio.  And based upon what I know about the rest of the Buckeye State you will become the go to WOMAN.  We here in Cleveland are a wee bit behind the rest of the country.  But once we get it we got it.  Sit tight when the first NE Ohio reviews roll in business will be BOOMING.

I made it to the top of the charts, as a matter of fact #1 in Orlando, within 6-9 months of starting my business. However, Orlando is much different than Ohio. Orlando is a convention town, with men in and out of here on business all the time. So, it's unfair to compare the two I suppose....:-(

As far as Ohio, I never intended it to be my bread and butter. But, I did expect business. I have no issue not working in Ohio if it becomes more of a hassle than it's worth. However, I think that Ohio is short changing themselves if they allow that to happen. I'm not arrogant, but I do know that I'm a damn good companion and many gentlemen in the area would relish me if they'd just wake up!


Some of us are counting the days until your arrival and we will what we can to keep you busy!!

I am a Columbus guy, but from what I see available in Cleveland, you should be overrun with appointments.  You are, by far, the most attractive legitimate escort I have seen advertise out of Cleveland.

Posted By: Paris-Bouvier
I'm rather disappointed. One would think that if a top notch companion was relocating to the area, gentlemen would be jumping off their seat. No? I've advertised that I'm touring Cleveland in April and at this point...it appears to be somewhat fruitless and a complete waste of my time. I'm actually considering pulling Ohio off my list altogether and cancelling my Cleveland trip, even though I'll be residing there very soon.

I read all of these posts about the guys pulling together to bring in "good" companions. That's great if the gentlemen will actually reach into their wallet and visit her! Otherwise, you'll still be complaining about not having a good selection of companions in the area.

A little discouraged....
Yes, it really is that dead. Just walk around downtown on a non cavs, Indians, or browns game night and you'll see what I mean.

Aguywholikeswomen4872 reads

It is Ohio and NE Ohio at that.  You are off the charts from anything I have seen posted or in person in Ohio. I am based in Chicago, do a lot of business in Ohio hobby and work. Ohio has turned iinto back page country....You are anything but....good luck and I will be in touch

In the past, I have advertised on Backpage in Orlando. Surprisingly, I received more business than I expected. However, Orlando isn't focused on companions like some other cities. Therefore, I will not be using Backpage as an advertising venue in that area. Safety and discretion is of utmost importance!!!

I'm fully aware of a couple of other popular sites in Ohio and I have looked into them. One of them wants their banner on my website front page in order to advertise. I refuse to trash my website with banners of various sites. I have TER and EROS's logo but that's it. The other site that I checked into is a bunch of cheap asses and to boot they want me to accept their vouches as verification. That's not going to happen! In order for me to meet a gentleman, I must have their pertinent information...including their name. These guys won't give up shit, not even their name. WTF? I've been a companion for 5 years and I've never had an issue with gentlemen trusting me with their information, so I really don't understand Ohio's concept.

I'm just going to sit back for a short time and see how things unwind. So far, Cleveland is still on my schedule for April 10th-12th and more than likely I'll wing it or shorten my stay to one day and do some combining. In my opinion, it's not worth paying for an upscale room for one.. 1 hour rendezvous.

Let's keep our fingers crossed...


Get it on in C-Bus the busy city for the Best Providers

I would come visit in Cleveland except that I am out of town on business during your visit.  I have plans to see you in Canton/Akron if you will be entertaining there when you get settled in.

I am surprised by the lack of appointments from the Cleveland guys!!!  I am a member of Indys and Ter and I believe after looking at your reviews that you would become a top provider in the Cleveland/Akron area. I for one will be seeing you when you locate to the Canton area.  I do not find your rate out of line based on your reviews.  I believe once the men from NE Ohio start seeing you and the reviews start appearing even the Indy men will start calling to see you.  They just need a local guy to verify that you indeed are great to be with.  You wait it will happen.

....If I may jump in because i've wondered the same about having TER reviews but no indys vouches or reviews (just not big in the dc/md/va area). Why would it all of a sudden take or need a vouch or review from a local guy (though i'm sure it couldn't or wouldn't hurt) if you have so many good/complimentary reviews already, are they not good/valid enough?

I'm so glad you brought this up, I had the exact same thoughts. I have busted my tail for 5 years and obtained 150+ great reviews and all of the sudden my reviews are null and void, due to my transition? This concept makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever! If that in fact is the case, I wonder why so many TER gentlemen see me when I'm touring other states based on my Orlando reviews?!? In addition, does this mean that touring ladies aren't welcome because their reviews are based outside of Ohio?

Is Ohio based on an altogether different scale as the rest of the world? Meaning none of my reviews is considered acceptable unless the author of the review resides in Ohio? *shaking my head*


I have read the reviews and can't wait to meet you.  Whether the review is from a local or not matters not to me.

I don't know about the TER guys, as when I was touring out there, I wasn't using TER for advertising, as Ohio did not have it's own board at the time. I did find though that the guys from Indy's WERE like that & that until one of their "established" members saw me & reported back, that guys were "leery" about seeing me.. despite all my reviews on here, lol.

Posted By: Paris-Bouvier
I'm so glad you brought this up, I had the exact same thoughts. I have busted my tail for 5 years and obtained 150+ great reviews and all of the sudden my reviews are null and void, due to my transition? This concept makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever! If that in fact is the case, I wonder why so many TER gentlemen see me when I'm touring other states based on my Orlando reviews?!? In addition, does this mean that touring ladies aren't welcome because their reviews are based outside of Ohio?

Is Ohio based on an altogether different scale as the rest of the world? Meaning none of my reviews is considered acceptable unless the author of the review resides in Ohio? *shaking my head*


I definitely plan on scheduling an appointment with you when you move to Ohio. However, I will be at a conference in Vegas during your April visit to Cleveland. I agree with the others that you should enjoy great success in NE Ohio.

Your visit is still a couple weeks away, this is not a convention town and planning ahead well in advance is probably not done as much in this area.  I understand your frustration but come and do your visit, if results are terrible then bash us.  

Now any provider thinking of coming here will see your post and think cleveland sucks, thats fine if that is your experience but your visit is two weeks away and you have not even been here.  A top provider came here a month or so ago and was back three weeks later, worked for her.

There is really only one elite providers based here, you will do great, no question about.

Those who know me personally, knows that I'm not the bashing/drama type. Life is too short and I'd rather walk away than to deal with drama.

My original post is a quite valid question. I'm NOT from that area, therefore I was inquiring. I received allot of sound responses/PM's and I appreciate that. As you pointed out, in your response, that this is not a convention town, I realize that and if you go back on my responses to others you will see where I pointed that out earlier. Additionally, I said that it was unfair to compare the two.  

Furthermore, I also indicated that I would ride it out and see what transpired over the next couple of weeks in earlier posts.

Thank you for your input....

....and also I've never visited any parts of Ohio and haven't written it off. Cleveland and C-Bus are still on my list for this yr.

in every area I visit. I don't know what the average provider expects to book during a tour, how long they stay, what they charge, etc. but I do know many areas are slower than others for different women. That's simply the nature of the visit. My visit is pretty much booked up for Cleveland, but sure I could possibly see 2 more guys ha ha. Still, any more than 2 a day is a no go for me, so I am not looking to fly home sore as hell, but many women expect 10-12 appts. in less than a week.

I can say that every guy who booked with me was from TER, so that says a lot about where the crowd is for this area. Columbus has hit me with more requests than Cleveland though, but you never know until you try.

miseryrelief5448 reads

Alas I was looking forward to your visit. However,  it it safe to assume that many men have families and or children. The dates that you are visiting are within the schools Spring Break. Many will be out of town heading to where you are coming from....

Posted By: Paris-Bouvier
I'm rather disappointed. One would think that if a top notch companion was relocating to the area, gentlemen would be jumping off their seat. No? I've advertised that I'm touring Cleveland in April and at this point...it appears to be somewhat fruitless and a complete waste of my time. I'm actually considering pulling Ohio off my list altogether and cancelling my Cleveland trip, even though I'll be residing there very soon.

I read all of these posts about the guys pulling together to bring in "good" companions. That's great if the gentlemen will actually reach into their wallet and visit her! Otherwise, you'll still be complaining about not having a good selection of companions in the area.

A little discouraged....

I didn't even consider Spring Break. My children are out of school, so I stopped following the Spring and Summer breaks. I guess I need to start taking that into consideration.

Thank you so much for letting me know, it's appreciated!


Spring Break lol, and most kids are not with their families but in Florida or Mexico. Young children may be "home" but how is that any different from when they are at school and the guy has to go to work? I mean unless every hobbyist is taking two weeks off to stay at home during that time, it would hardly be a huge impact on playing. Most men play on their lunch hour.

Posted By: Paris-Bouvier
I'm rather disappointed. One would think that if a top notch companion was relocating to the area, gentlemen would be jumping off their seat. No? I've advertised that I'm touring Cleveland in April and at this point...it appears to be somewhat fruitless and a complete waste of my time. I'm actually considering pulling Ohio off my list altogether and cancelling my Cleveland trip, even though I'll be residing there very soon.

I read all of these posts about the guys pulling together to bring in "good" companions. That's great if the gentlemen will actually reach into their wallet and visit her! Otherwise, you'll still be complaining about not having a good selection of companions in the area.

A little discouraged....
If your relocating to the area why should we be "jumping off our seats"? What's the rush? I for one would never prebook that far in advance, too much can change. But you're gonna cancel because your dance card isn't filled in advance? A lot of travelers come through Cleveland and return many times. They must be getting some business, they're not coming back for the weather.

not to book knowing something "might" come up between now and then...many don't have that same trait, which is even more annoying. I appreciate pre-bookings and discount the guys who do, but what's the use if they cancel lol.

It may be dependent on the time of year too. I have toured there on several occasions, but lately, have not had enough interest to keep Cleveland on my list. Maybe when it gets closer to your arrival, more will pre-book, although from my experience, many in Cleveland do not pre-book, but once you arrive, they will start contacting you.

Posted By: Paris-Bouvier
I'm rather disappointed. One would think that if a top notch companion was relocating to the area, gentlemen would be jumping off their seat. No? I've advertised that I'm touring Cleveland in April and at this point...it appears to be somewhat fruitless and a complete waste of my time. I'm actually considering pulling Ohio off my list altogether and cancelling my Cleveland trip, even though I'll be residing there very soon.

I read all of these posts about the guys pulling together to bring in "good" companions. That's great if the gentlemen will actually reach into their wallet and visit her! Otherwise, you'll still be complaining about not having a good selection of companions in the area.

A little discouraged....

Probably right - other thing has been relative predominance of lousy agencies over the last couple of years; despite liveing in C-town, generally have restricted my hobby to my business travel trips. Would love to find a small rotation of ladies local to C-town that were dependable and not tied to the Independance area.

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