
It's her loss love and I know you are an amazing experience :) EOM
ASinfulDream See my TER Reviews 907 reads


Ran into something the other day that I've never had happen before.  Was trying to meet a highly rated lady who shall remain nameless and during the reference checking (she requested age and birth-date as part of her review process) she informed me that I was too old and she wouldn't see me.  I'm aware of any number of ladies who have a minimum age requirement, but this is the first that I've ever run into a maximum.  

Ah well, life is short and there are too many other things to do to worry about this.  Just curious whether anyone else has ever run into this.

TT has this policy but is upfront about it so was not surprised.  

And, as you can see - no names are necessary.

I often feel so sorry for her - her rule keeps her from enjoying one of life's greatest experiences.

Oh well ...

Actually ... ya gotta admire a gal in this game who knows exactly what she wants - and has the balls to stick to her guns even when it costs her a lot of $.

Hell - if I ever did this I'd have an age maximum ... and a weight maximum ... and a tat/piercing maximum ... and an educational minimum ... and probably some religious/political litmus test too. In fact, I'd probably run the prospecting/marketing for my male escort business more along the lines of the Match.Com model.

Wouldn't you?

Folks are certainly entitled to whatever limits/requirements they feel comfortable with.  And I'll be honest and admit that the limit was noted in the lady's ad, I just read past it and assumed, given the way so many around here change their admitted age regularly, that it wouldn't be an issue.  My fault and no hard feelings.  As I said in the original note, I was just surprised as it was the first time I've ever been turned down due to age and was curious whether others had run into that experience.

... so TT will see me, but I am pretty sure she knows I would be too much for her, and she would be sexually overwhelmed, so I doubt she will see me ;).

Of course others have run into this. Anyone over age 55 has run into this with her. And flat out, it's her choice, just as much as it's your choice in which providers you'd prefer to see.

I don't have age specifications on my friends, as I personally enjoy older gentleman, but that's her choice. I do have my own set of parameters, as I think we all do. You'll likely find we all require something slightly different than another. I will decline a reservation with certain gentleman if I can tell there is no chemistry during initial correspondence, even if they meet all of my other requirements. Because, bottom line, it's OUR CHOICE to do so. For some of us, cash is not king, it's about the experience we provide, and with whom we would prefer to share it with.

One could certainly try and make the argument that she's losing out on big money or it's somehow "her loss"... I would completely disagree. I don't think that's a fair assessment. For every gentleman she and I choose not to see, for whatever reason, there are plenty more gentleman that will meet requirements.

Anyone could certainly try and spin my price tag in the same manner as her age limitation rule. That I preclude certain socioeconomic gentleman from seeing me. So what?! Again, it's my choice. If someone is too old for her, and thinks I'm too highly priced, then the right thing to do is to just move on to a provider where age isn't an issue, or someone that's lower in price. That's who you're going to have a better time with anyway, not someone you initially had to haggle with over screening, or age, or rates, or whatever the case may be. That makes it awkward and unpleasant from the start.

FYI I was NOT referring to Tobi as the provider in question, as NO names were mentioned. He could have been referring to someone else.

Glad you noticed that, Ally.  I did not mention a name and I will not mention a name.  I'm beginning to think I should never have raised the issue.  As I've said elsewhere, I wasn't criticizing (if I was I would have mentioned a name) I was surprised as I had never encountered this issue before.

I absolutely agree, Alexandra.  As noted in another response, I have no problem with anyone having whatever rules they want or like.  I would not, nor did I, criticize anyone for setting an age limit.  I merely said that I was surprised as this was the first time it had ever happened to me and wondered if others had had a similar experience.  Please note also, that I have never mentioned a name or said anything about who the lady involved was.  If others care to speculate, as some have, that's up to them.  I have not and will not mention a specific name in this regard.  Nor have I mentioned haggling over price.  You may ask anyone that has ever met me, I do not do that. If your price is too high there are always other alternatives.  We're not dickering for a rug in a Persian rug market.  

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
Of course others have run into this. Anyone over age 55 has run into this with her. And flat out, it's her choice, just as much as it's your choice in which providers you'd prefer to see.  
 I don't have age specifications on my friends, as I personally enjoy older gentleman, but that's her choice. I do have my own set of parameters, as I think we all do. You'll likely find we all require something slightly different than another. I will decline a reservation with certain gentleman if I can tell there is no chemistry during initial correspondence, even if they meet all of my other requirements. Because, bottom line, it's OUR CHOICE to do so. For some of us, cash is not king, it's about the experience we provide, and with whom we would prefer to share it with.  
 One could certainly try and make the argument that she's losing out on big money or it's somehow "her loss"... I would completely disagree. I don't think that's a fair assessment. For every gentleman she and I choose not to see, for whatever reason, there are plenty more gentleman that will meet requirements.  
 Anyone could certainly try and spin my price tag in the same manner as her age limitation rule. That I preclude certain socioeconomic gentleman from seeing me. So what?! Again, it's my choice. If someone is too old for her, and thinks I'm too highly priced, then the right thing to do is to just move on to a provider where age isn't an issue, or someone that's lower in price. That's who you're going to have a better time with anyway, not someone you initially had to haggle with over screening, or age, or rates, or whatever the case may be. That makes it awkward and unpleasant from the start.

It's probably pretty obvious by now that the OP is referring to me. I state pretty clearly on my ads as well as my website that I only see clients between the ages of 21-55, and I've had that restriction in place for well over a year. It's not something that I arbitrarily came up with just for shits and giggles, it is instead the result of my experience in terms of my personal comfort level. The reason that I have this parameter stated in multiple places is so that these types of "confrontations" can be minimized. One thing I want to be absolutely clear on is that I have NEVER said to anyone "you're too old, I won't see you." I'm not going to use abrasive language like that when turning down a client. Period. What I do say when this subject comes up is simply a regurgitation of what's already outlined in my ads and website (in this case, my exact words were "thank you for your interest, but I don't see anyone over 55").  

I try to be as straightforward and kind about my restrictions as I possibly can, while still remaining firm on my boundaries. While an age maximum is not particularly common, I am most certainly not the only one with such a policy in place (I'm not going to name names, but there are at least a dozen across the country that I'm aware of). Does it cost me financially? No doubt. But in a business where the interaction between client and provider is so intimate and personal, I believe strongly that my personal comfort level takes precedence over the almighty dollar. So no matter how many times I am told that it's "my loss," I'm going to stick to my guns.  

Again, my intention isn't to offend anyone. It's simply to conduct my business in a way that is beneficial to myself as well as my clientele.  

Posted By: redbeardxyz
Ran into something the other day that I've never had happen before.  Was trying to meet a highly rated lady who shall remain nameless and during the reference checking (she requested age and birth-date as part of her review process) she informed me that I was too old and she wouldn't see me.  I'm aware of any number of ladies who have a minimum age requirement, but this is the first that I've ever run into a maximum.    
 Ah well, life is short and there are too many other things to do to worry about this.  Just curious whether anyone else has ever run into this.

Had to read all this and laugh and think to myself of the seen in bad grandpa where his ball are hanging down to his knees! Lmao no chick wants wrinkled old balls in her face. Of course she is entitled to have an age cut off. If at that age you still want some strange bookie isn't that what nursing homes are for?  She probably just doesn't want anyone to stroke out while on top of her. Not only hard to explain but embarrassing. ... What's next? Wheeling in your oxygen tank... lol watching old people fuck? No thanks rather watch paint dry.

:( Doing a web search for providers that take the AARP or golden bucket card for a discount doesn't turn anything up. Better off with a list of nursing homes that have Friday night Wii bowling and karaoke. LMAO

jcags100940 reads

Posted By: averagejoe43
:( Doing a web search for providers that take the AARP or golden bucket card for a discount doesn't turn anything up. Better off with a list of nursing homes that have Friday night Wii bowling and karaoke. LMAO
Whats with this insane ridiculous white knighting? Are you in love with the SP or what? As for the OP, now you know how all those black men must feel like. They deal with this all the time, much more frequently. The once in a blue moon SP that says no to senior citizens is not a big deal.

You've just launched "The Battle Of The Ages"!

Us Baby Boomers have been learnin up you Gen Xers on the ways of the world our whole damn lives.

Even now - I'm sure that I could teach you some lovemaking tricks that always drive the ladies wild.

At least ... I would ... if I could just remember how they work.


What are we talking about here?

Posted By: zguy8
You've just launched "The Battle Of The Ages"!  
 Us Baby Boomers have been learnin up you Gen Xers on the ways of the world our whole damn lives.  
 Even now - I'm sure that I could teach you some lovemaking tricks that always drive the ladies wild.  
 At least ... I would ... if I could just remember how they work.  
 What are we talking about here?

Adorable, experienced, confusion


Brash, youthful, enthusiasm

Wow. Pass the popcorn.

That's gonna be one hot ticket!

Run away.. I've got to... eh eh get away.... Play with my conehead any time!

I confess that I had to look that one up (not unusual for me with your crazy posts).

When I did, it was hilarious (also not unusual with your crazy posts).

So lets see if I've got this. If I best Joe in a battle of wits - then I narfle you.

To narfle the garthok (who is a nasty beast) you have to hold him off with only a hook and a small staff.

If you succeed, you win and your honor is protected.

If not, you lose and the garthok eats you. Right?

I've given this careful consideration ... and I'M IN!

I'll be the Garthok.

Let's Narfle!

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: Jayonem
Define "battle":)
 Narfle the Garthok.

Thanks for doing the research though I thought Narfle the Garthok was some cool sex act that I was unaware of. If it isn't, it should be! Any of the ladies wanna work on that?

Posted By: zguy8
I confess that I had to look that one up (not unusual for me with your crazy posts).  
 When I did, it was hilarious (also not unusual with your crazy posts).  
 So lets see if I've got this. If I best Joe in a battle of wits - then I narfle you.  
 To narfle the garthok (who is a nasty beast) you have to hold him off with only a hook and a small staff.  
 If you succeed, you win and your honor is protected.  
 If not, you lose and the garthok eats you. Right?  
 I've given this careful consideration ... and I'M IN!  
 I'll be the Garthok.  
 Let's Narfle!  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: Jayonem
Define "battle":)
  Narfle the Garthok.

Don't forget you have to do all of this while singing!. Of course you wouldn't have to do all of this if you have had an offering for the high  master. I happen to have an owners manual for a mercury sable and some chewing gum in the form of a condom. Perhaps that is where the girls found out how to put it on with their mouths! Ya I'm gonna need the chewing gum on my shaft. Classic. Is it sad that I knew what TT was talking about without looking it up? I should get points for that! Of course I guess I just ousted myself on my age hu? Lol  anyway great ending they leave David Spade on another planet where he belongs! As for you guy the high .after says you were next. Let .e know when Elvis gets here.

Posted By: zguy8
I confess that I had to look that one up (not unusual for me with your crazy posts).  
 When I did, it was hilarious (also not unusual with your crazy posts).  
 So lets see if I've got this. If I best Joe in a battle of wits - then I narfle you.  
 To narfle the garthok (who is a nasty beast) you have to hold him off with only a hook and a small staff.  
 If you succeed, you win and your honor is protected.  
 If not, you lose and the garthok eats you. Right?  
 I've given this careful consideration ... and I'M IN!  
 I'll be the Garthok.  
 Let's Narfle!  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: Jayonem
Define "battle":)
  Narfle the Garthok.

LOL, what a way to go though


Posted By: averagejoe43
Had to read all this and laugh and think to myself of the seen in bad grandpa where his ball are hanging down to his knees! Lmao no chick wants wrinkled old balls in her face. Of course she is entitled to have an age cut off. If at that age you still want some strange bookie isn't that what nursing homes are for?  She probably just doesn't want anyone to stroke out while on top of her. Not only hard to explain but embarrassing. ... What's next? Wheeling in your oxygen tank... lol watching old people fuck? No thanks rather watch paint dry.

Absolutely your right to do whatever you wish in this regard, Tobi.  

As I've said several times, I was not criticizing anyone and I very specifically did not and will not mention the name of the lady involved.  You are certainly not the only one who sets boundaries.

Epsilon_Eridani747 reads

... and why was there a GREAT need to defend yourself?

do you feel the NEED to have the last word on this?

"Re: I wasn't going to comment on this, but I feel like a few things need to be clarified."

you outed yourself by acknowledging that the post was about you.  

is that how you want people to perceive you?

obviously, you haven't learned your lesson and probably never will.

good luck with your business

Do you feel the NEED to add your two cents to what I'm saying even though I've repeatedly asked you to leave me alone?

Captain Creepy strikes again, people!

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... and why was there a GREAT need to defend yourself?  
 do you feel the NEED to have the last word on this?  
 "Re: I wasn't going to comment on this, but I feel like a few things need to be clarified."  
 you outed yourself by acknowledging that the post was about you.  
 is that how you want people to perceive you?  
 obviously, you haven't learned your lesson and probably never will.  
 good luck with your business.  

Epsilon_Eridani886 reads

... REPEATEDLY to leave you alone in this thread?  

I don't see it anywhere.

you said, "Do you feel the NEED to add your two cents...?" I can ask you the same question as well. you always have a NEED to have the last word in many threads that I have seen.

there you go again... calling people names based on false accusations. that means you haven't learned anything and probably never will.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Do you feel the NEED to add your two cents to what I'm saying even though I've repeatedly asked you to leave me alone?  
 Captain Creepy strikes again, people!  
Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... and why was there a GREAT need to defend yourself?  
  do you feel the NEED to have the last word on this?  
  "Re: I wasn't going to comment on this, but I feel like a few things need to be clarified."  
  you outed yourself by acknowledging that the post was about you.    
  is that how you want people to perceive you?  
  obviously, you haven't learned your lesson and probably never will.  
  good luck with your business.  
-- Modified on 10/11/2014 7:26:47 AM

You know exactly what I'm referring to. TER doesn't allow posting PMs to the board, otherwise I would.  

Sadly there's no way to ignore an alias. If there was, I wouldn't have to put up with your crazy ranting.  

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... REPEATEDLY to leave you alone in this thread?  
 I don't see it anywhere.  
 you said, "Do you feel the NEED to add your two cents...?" I can ask you the same question as well. you always have a NEED to have the last word in many threads that I have seen.  
 there you go again... calling people names based on false accusations. that means you haven't learned anything and probably never will.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Do you feel the NEED to add your two cents to what I'm saying even though I've repeatedly asked you to leave me alone?  
  Captain Creepy strikes again, people!  
Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... and why was there a GREAT need to defend yourself?    
   do you feel the NEED to have the last word on this?    
   "Re: I wasn't going to comment on this, but I feel like a few things need to be clarified."    
   you outed yourself by acknowledging that the post was about you.    
   is that how you want people to perceive you?    
   obviously, you haven't learned your lesson and probably never will.    
   good luck with your business.    
-- Modified on 10/11/2014 7:26:47 AM

Epsilon_Eridani926 reads

... good job!

the only kind that I see from you is an extremely paranoid person who would happily blacklist anyone who disagrees with you in a review forum.

nice going, Tobi.  

hope you have continued success while you keep shooting yourself in the foot.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Re: I never said it was within this thread. You know exactly what I'm referring to. TER doesn't allow posting PMs to the board, otherwise I would.  
 Sadly there's no way to ignore an alias. If there was, I wouldn't have to put up with your crazy ranting.  

Who did I blacklist? You're just making weird shit up now because you're grasping at straws. At least I have the balls to post under my real handle.  

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... good job!  
 the only kind that I see from you is an extremely paranoid person who would happily blacklist anyone who disagrees with you in a review forum.  
 nice going, Tobi.  
 hope you have continued success while you keep shooting yourself in the foot.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Re: I never said it was within this thread. You know exactly what I'm referring to. TER doesn't allow posting PMs to the board, otherwise I would.    
  Sadly there's no way to ignore an alias. If there was, I wouldn't have to put up with your crazy ranting.  

But... I have been told I have the maturity of a 12 year old. Doesnt that count for anything?

Nah.  I've run into LOTS of ladies with minimum age requirements.  21 or 35 seem to be fairly common for whatever reason.  I don't 12 works.  (grin)

.....not super common but if I saw it someone's website I would not be too surprised either.

unny dynamic going on. As hobbest we have age limits also and requirements. Much more stringent age limits. We know more about them than they do us. I bet some providers are afraid to fuck and old bastard thinking he might croak right then and there.  Another thing provider will make who ever the fuck is on the other side of the door feel wanted. Sometimes we are asking for a miracle . After all we do our research we know exactly what they do what they won't do what they look like how many times they've done it as well as scores being scored for this. They don't know what the guy looks like could be ET. So itf an old guy turns her off to the piont she can't give it her best , then why do it? After providers are human also with real feelings and boundaries . The OP should be glad her got turned away and realize he is lashing out in a passive aggressive temper tantrum

>Totally agrees with deeznuts. I also wish I had ET's glowing finger how cool would that be with your dingus on her puss and a glowing finger in her pooper! Imagine the shadow puppets that would make.Either that or the flying bicycle .

Posted By: deeznumbnutz
 Funny dynamic going on. As hobbest we have age limits also and requirements. Much more stringent age limits. We know more about them than they do us. I bet some providers are afraid to fuck and old bastard thinking he might croak right then and there.  Another thing provider will make who ever the fuck is on the other side of the door feel wanted. Sometimes we are asking for a miracle . After all we do our research we know exactly what they do what they won't do what they look like how many times they've done it as well as scores being scored for this. They don't know what the guy looks like could be ET. So itf an old guy turns her off to the piont she can't give it her best , then why do it? After providers are human also with real feelings and boundaries . The OP should be glad her got turned away and realize he is lashing out in a passive aggressive temper tantrum.    

Looks like some pop-up shit storms on a relatively quiet board.  Back to you Jim.......

I'll have to stir up controversy more often! :D

Posted By: jpcatch
Looks like some pop-up shit storms on a relatively quiet board.  Back to you Jim.......


And, Tobi, you can stir my controversy any time you feel like it, even if it's only here on the board!

Has been fun watching this thread spin widely out of control...
(this board has been too quiet!)

Hey, we all have our limits, be they age, boob size, dick size, whatever. No harm, no foul; just personal preferences.  
Appreciate it when everyone's upfront about this rather than not

Hey, it was my fault.  I'll freely admit it.  The lady involved did have something in her site and her ad. She was upfront. I just missed it/misunderstood it.  I wasn't griping about the lady.  I was asking how many others have run into upper age limits.  I've seen lots of minimum age limits, but this was the first time I've run into one where I was too old.

Ok, this thread has amused me greatly……personally, I don't mind watching old people fuck but then I am a bit of an oddball, lol! 55 seems awfully young and arbitrary to me ( I love older gentleman!) but you are right that girls have the right to set their own guidelines and decide for themselves what they feel comfortable with. I appreciate your understanding and kindness in this matter! I would only say that older gentlemen might want to consider the maturity level of the provider they are seeking to spend time with. If your priority is  a young girl, that is fine….your prerogative, but if you are looking for class, grace, companionship….well…..

Epsilon_Eridani658 reads

... the maturity level of the provider.

we all know that one specific provider's maturity level isn't quite mature. (not you)(the one that has responded in this thread already)

that's why I take the time to review a provider's website to check for any limitations (if any) proceed from there.

Posted By: samanthategan
I would only say that older gentlemen might want to consider the maturity level of the provider they are seeking to spend time with.

I would only say that older gentlemen might want to consider the maturity level of the provider they are seeking to spend time with. If your priority is  a young girl, that is fine….your prerogative, but if you are looking for class, grace, companionship….well…..consider Nancy Regan she has the age and all of the above

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