Newbie - FAQ

You're right, Derringer.
swimtrekr 58 Reviews 488 reads

For some of us guys, there are very sensitive work positions, where the slightest hint of involvement in any kind of illegal activities could be disasterous for them.  I certainly would not want to be the cause of anyone losing a job.  Is some cases, verification would have to be done another way.


I really would like to meet some of the women I've read about on here but at the same time I'm a bit hesitant to provide any details on where I work. info. Many simply call the main number and pose as a doctor's office calling to remind about an appointment. It let's them know you do work there as you said.

Check out Preferred 411 (P411). Look over their web site. Use their 800 number to talk to them about an alternate way to verify you. If/when you are a member of P411 you are screened and can see providers who are P411 members. Ladies can indicate on their P411 profile they are newbie friendly. Some P411 ladies may still want extra screening information some won't. You will have to decide what you're willing to divulge.

Do a search here on this subject also read the Self-Help Center for more about TER and hobby information. Use the site map at the bottom of the page. Look the Information & Policy heading. The Self-Help Center link can be found there.

You do not need to supply extensive details as to where you work.  Just the main number.  As xyz23 said, they will use some innocent excuse to ask for you, such as reminding you of a doctor's appt.  Usually, once they have been switched to your extension, they will hang up and you will never know they called.  They now know you do, in fact, work where you say you do, which is all they need.

Remember, discretion is a huge part of this enterprise, both for providers as well as clients.  Many of them have real life day jobs just like you do, and they want to keep their play life separate from their real life.


Swim may be correct about the vast majority of providers, but... I have a different viewpoint on this subject.

If you work in a sensitive job, or any job where it would be a problem if you were "outed" at work, I would NOT give my work info out to ANYONE!

You don't know the provider any more than she knows you. And even if the lady is totally legit, (which 99% of the positively reviewed ladies  on TER probably are,) what if her laptop got lost or stolen?

There are lots of independent  providers who will see you without that info. Just find a couple of them and then use them as a reference to see whomever else you want.

Better safe than sorry....


For some of us guys, there are very sensitive work positions, where the slightest hint of involvement in any kind of illegal activities could be disasterous for them.  I certainly would not want to be the cause of anyone losing a job.  Is some cases, verification would have to be done another way.


GaGambler383 reads

No good at all if you have a sensitive job and run into the one careless or BSC hooker who will ruin your life.  

I don't care personally about who knows I am a whore mongering pig, but if I could lose my entire career over something as petty as giving an 8-8 review to a malicious BSC hooker, I would NEVER give out my work info.

after I retired.  Did not want to take a chance on losing my job, not to mention my pension.  Now, I don't give a shit since I don't have to give out work info.


GaGambler287 reads

I am in the enviable position that I already don't give a shit. What am I going to do, fire myself??? lol

It's funny, almost all my clients know that I am a whore mongering pig too, none of them have ever had an issue with it. As a matter of fact I took one of my newer clients down to Costa Rica a few weeks ago, he had a fucking blast.

Thanks everyone for the comments.  Not sure what I'll end up doing but for now probably won't hold off on pursuing

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