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Your own ID# is listed near the top of your reviews when you access...
xyz23 45 Reviews 221 reads

...them through the "My TER" tab then "My Reviews". Open a review and look for it.

In evaluating reviews and reviewers it would be helpful to know if someone has been part of TER for a short time or long time.  Is there a way to see that on the site or that considered private information?

From your reviews that you have been here at least since 2006, looking at review dates is one way to get an idea. Searching  board posting history is another way to get an idea.

...500,000's.  Mine is in the 61,000's.  They were issued chronologically and the lowest I've seen is 68.  The lowest active one I know of is 395.

Hey, did I just out myself as The Amazing Kreskin?

Papa smurf has been around a long time.  

Are any of the visitors at the time of founding in the 10,000s still around?

So how do you find out your own or someone else's TER id number?

A providers ID number (found on her profile) are issued sequentially, so you can get a relative idea from that.

The White Listings say how long a gal has been a member.

With guys, you just have to look at how far back their reviews go, but of course they could have been a member for years before they wrote a review.

The member ID numbers grow faster the higher they are,  in theory,  since more visitors joined as the site has the snow ball effect.  

Mr fishers in the 520,000 mine is in 1,200,000.  
Muhahahahaha....  Its magic!!! :

Posted By: mrfisher
A providers ID number (found on her profile) are issued sequentially, so you can get a relative idea from that.
A good indicator, but I've noticed two problems (one of them fixed).  

Sometimes, someone will submit a review and TER Admin will create a new, DUPLICATE Profile. Now, reviews may accrue for one girl on two or more Profiles. When merging reviews and removing the duplicate Profile, TER Admin was somewhat haphazard, sometimes keeping the oldest (lowest) numbered Profile but sometimes deleting the old profile and keeping the newest profile.  I think they now try to keep the OLDEST and purge the newest.  

Another problem is that ladies come, go and come again under a new name (and maybe a few years younger).  If someone is 30+ and it looks like she has only been around a year or two (with a high Profile number) she might be a resurrected retiree

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