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You might want to clarify. Did you mean to say you have tipped a . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 310 reads

lady up to $1000+?

Shyguy1031957 reads

I am new to this hobby. I was wondering if I need to tip the girls and if I do how much should I Tip the young lady. Any help will be nice.


Well, I am generally a two hour guy but sometimes 1.5 hours.
If the lady rocks my world so to speak, I generally tip about 10%.
If just a nice session maybe 5%.  
and if no connection zero.
Keep in mind I have only seen probably 50 ladies so GaG for sure.

I see only 2 fav girls consistently. Both are $500 for 2 hrs which is a very client friendly rate and that`s big with me.
In the studio card envelope (no cheesy bank envelope) goes $550, and a $10 scratch-off Lotto ticket. (both girls have won small ($10-$50) multiple times and love it.
Also roses for both every time and I increase by 1 rose each time I visit them. (7th visit, 7 roses etc. etc.) This stuff goes a long way with them trust me. C`mon, Romance 101 here.
One of them saves all my studio cards and says she re-reads them before each new session with me.. Love this.

GaGambler202 reads

Guys PLEASE, don't bring flowers to your favorite (or even least favorite) provider.

The ladies here are NOT here for romance, they are here to make you happy, to provide an invaluable service and to make a living, not necessarily in that order. What they don't need are a bunch of dead plants that they have to dispose of.  

If you feel the need to bring "something" bring wine, gift cards, extra CASH, or anything that isn't going to die and create a mess that she will have to eventually clean up.

I posed a similar question a few weeks ago.  Most people responded by saying usually $0 and at most $100.  Personally, I usually tip about 50% of the time.  If someone either does not meet my expectations or just meets them, then I don't tip (50% of the time).  If they exceed or greatly exceed them, then I tip (50% of the time).  I have tipped anywhere between $40-$50 and $1,000+.  And of the 50% of the time that I do tip, half of the that time (25% of the time) I provide some sort of a gift rather than money.  Quite frankly, though, the first time that I meet someone I inevitably and unintentionally find myself feeling as though the burden is on her to prove herself to me.  Then, once she does that, the burden starts to shift.              

Yes, but that is obviously not the norm.  Like I said, about 50% of the time I don't tip.  If I felt as though I paid $500 for a $300 experience, for example, then I would not tip.  If I do tip, then the majority of the time it is $40-$100.  Maybe 10% of the time more than $100.  Maybe 2% of the time a lot more than $100.  It all depends on 1) performance relative to profile and expectations; 2) whether or not she did something special; 3) level of effort; and a few other factors.  

...but in terms of a gift that she will probably like and appreciate. I only see indie providers and have researched, communicated with, read their posts/discussions/websites before we meet. We've also generally had electronic conversations (text or email) before the appointment and maybe a phone call or two.

Part of all of this back & forth is to get a feel for our compatibility (it's a large investment for me in terms of time, money, distance and travel) and during the communications, I ask questions about what she likes and dislikes -- usually non-sexual topics but sometimes it includes sexually related topics (usually at her instigation).

So a bottle of wine (or three) that she might have expressed an interest in trying, some small trinket that has meaning for her (who knew mermaids were a thing with women these days?) or a book, if she's a reader like me (have also given gift certificates to Powell's Books in Portland -- nirvana to booksters like myself and a couple of the ladies I've seen).

I specified indie providers as I'm seeing them and generally paying their asked for rate for their time, not trying to haggle with them. So they get what they are asking for up front and usually a nice gift upon meeting. Makes for a MUCH better session for the both of us, as she sees that I listen and pay attention -- and women generally appreciate that.

independent provider tips are not expected but appreciated when it happens.Tip how much you are comfortable with.
I have received anywhere from $10 to $400 for a tip just depends on the person.
If it is an agency provider I would say yes if you had a great time a little tip since the lady does have to split her money with the agency.

Posted By: Shyguy103

I am new to this hobby. I was wondering if I need to tip the girls and if I do how much should I Tip the young lady. Any help will be nice.  
No free sessions.

most ladies would love it if you did.

Does she have a wish list say from Amazon?  You can also send her a special little gift from there too.

Remember none of this is needed or required but the ladies do find it very gentleman like
if you treat them extra special.


Flowers, usually roses, are most appreciated for those providers with permanent incall. Especially your ATF's.  IMO

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