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Yes, it is probably a bad idea to ask for rules changes
harborview 10 Reviews 751 reads

if she has just given them to you.  It is more than "just a business transaction" as it is her body.  Kissing is a minor point but many gals consider it too intimate for P4P.  If they think you will not follow their wishes, you may spoil the atmosphere & end up with a poor session.  You made an offer, she declined, you agreed to follow her rules...  probably the best way to handle it if you insist on going there.

Is it bad form to politely ask for a rule change if additional compensation is offered?

Hooked up with a very beautiful provider.   One of her rules was no kissing.  I politely asked if that rule could be changed if I added additional compensation.  Her answer was no and the session turned out to be really good.

I'm just wondering if it is bad form to ask for a change in rules if I am willing to pay for it...or are the rules the rules and I should leave it at that?   I wouldn't want to do anything to make these ladies feel uncomfortable but it is a business transaction after all.

if she has just given them to you.  It is more than "just a business transaction" as it is her body.  Kissing is a minor point but many gals consider it too intimate for P4P.  If they think you will not follow their wishes, you may spoil the atmosphere & end up with a poor session.  You made an offer, she declined, you agreed to follow her rules...  probably the best way to handle it if you insist on going there.

I wouldn't ask her for an exception - I do think it's bad form.
Just accept what she offers, and have fun with that (and who knows, if you really "click" and she's comfortable with you, it's possible you could get a little more action).

if you order A la is in poor taste to then ask for the buffet..

Epsilon_Eridani588 reads

... the provider may list a menu and others do not. therefore, it's not always clear what is and what is not allowed during the session.

I have read reviews where the action starts, but the provider blurts out, 'Oh, by the way, no kissing allowed.' That kind of blows the whole atmosphere of the session.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
Re: menu, if you order A la is in poor taste to then ask for the buffet..

skarphedin483 reads

Assuming you want to see her again even without that service...  

The risk of a bad outcome (bad sex etc) decreases as the number of appt's increases.  

The value of the reward stays the same.  

At some point it will be worth it. Almost certainly not the first date.

it's not a good idea.  If you want a provider that kisses, then book one.  You knew her rules ahead of time, and kissing was not on her menu.  I have two deal-breakers, DFK and BBBJ, if they are not on the menu, I go to someone else.  IMHO, that's what you should have done.  I think you are lucky in that you had an enjoyable session, it could very easily have been just the opposite.  Most providers would probably felt uncomfortable having you want them to change their rules just for you.


have really good oral hygiene.

Case in point:

I saw a gal for many years, and her rule was no kissing at all.  I love kissing very much but she had much else to offer, so I was cool with it.

Then I began a regimen of oral care and also cut way down on things like garlic (Which remains in your blood stream for up to a week polluting your breath through the lungs.).

Lo and behold, she started to kiss me after I started this, and others have as well.

I think that most gals who have a no-kissing policy are reacting to the fact that most people have really poor oral health, and they don't want to offer something and then have to embarrass the person by withholding the item.  So, it's just simpler to have the policy and then reverse it on a case by case basis.

With that said, I don't think it good form to offer money to change a rule unless you have gotten to know the person very well, and know how she will take the offer.

I don't think really works, based on an informal pole (so to speak, and actually the pole was at full salute).

I appreciate the input.

Going forward the rules are the rules.  No exceptions requested.

if we have Facial Hair? I mean personally, I recoil at the thought of me kissing someone with a beard, but I always figured that straight women and gay men were ok with beards or maybe even attracted to them.

Some women do not like beards and some of my gay male friends do not either.  

Personally I don't much care. I wish they had an option for dick size. That does matter to me as t whether I will see a guy or not.

Is to find someone who gladly offers you the service you want, not to pick someone who is very hot and then try to change how she does thing. The former is true and happy compatibility, while the latter is a situation where one or both of you will be feeling pressured and be a bit outside of your happy place. Yes, getting a provider to do things she truly does not like can work briefly, but it is not a good, long term, arrangement.

A lot like a GF in that sense - search for true compatibility, not someone you really like aside from those things you need her to change. That does not work.

On the plus side, it is not unusual for a lady to relax some of her rules for good, regular clients; on the negative side, a lady who refuses to kiss sounds like someone who does not want to relax and pretend to be good friends, no matter how often you see her.

So my advice is to keep looking for the hot lady who will give you the service you want. No reason not to go back to see this one as long as you find the experience enjoyable, but alternate with other ladies until you find one who is the whole deal for you. Hopefully that will happen before you become tired of the limits of this one.


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