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Who says a waitress can't make serious money
Dr Who revived 420 reads


What is the proper etiquette around tipping? Do you do it at all? Before or after? What percent or amount?

Why do it before?  If you do that, what happens if the service you will get from her is not worth a tip.  Search on this forum for 'tipping', there are numerous threads on the subject.  Personally, I do not tip, but I do take gifts.


Personally, my tip is repeat business

Why would you tip her anything?

I guess if she drives a cab you would tip...but a prostitute?  Really?

As swim said...plenty of discussions on this topic.  Do a search and read till you're sick of reading. her her stated rates...have fun and then do it all again with another one.  Leave the tipping to those making minimum wage jobs.

Posted By: joehanson112
What is the proper etiquette around tipping? Do you do it at all? Before or after? What percent or amount?

Senator.Blutarsky444 reads

Is this what the reviews mean when they reference "cups"? BTW, this gal may not serve coffee, but she seems interested in the tips I have for getting a head in Washington.

If you do a search on it you'll find no end of threads on this subject.

Bottom line:

Most clients seem not to tip, and most providers are OK with that.  Some tip by bringing a present (Many gals have gift lists on their sites.) and many gals insist that your repeat business is the best tip.

My advice:  Tip if it makes you feel good about yourself to do so.  Also, a tip is in order if she gives you time and/or services above and beyond what her rates and activities call for.

It's all up to you.

First,   our time together goes a bit past the scheduled time, or my experience goes way beyond what I may have been expecting.   Thus, that type of tip is given afterwords.  I always try to present or give it to her very discreetly, and not make it a big deal or have it seem as though it's some kind of "reward".   Just appreciation and thankfulness for her wonderful company.

Second,   if we have seen each other many times, I always bring unique gifts just for her.  The price of which can vary a lot.  From very little or nearly nothing, other than some thoughtfulness and imagination on my part,  to several hundred dollars for an item that I know she would like or will definitely enjoy.  She is always surprised and never knows what I will bring next.   Kind of like what she does for me.    

I have no idea if this is "proper etiquette", but it makes sense to me.  And, it's a lot of fun for both of us.

Lastly, I think it's important to keep in mind that, a gift is NEVER intended to elicit better service.

noagenosage376 reads

I don't disagree, but I generally tip, depending...Recently I responded with a large tip, for a regular who spontaneously did something improvised and unexpected that worked wonderfully well.  I think she was pleased with the tip, but what happens the next time?  If it became habitual the spontaneity would disappear, but as a "one of" it was pretty great.  In other words, you get what you pay for.

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