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Unreviewed Providers / Newly Reviewed Providers
GQman42 188 Reviews 234 reads

I would be very careful especially with only one review.  If you can get more information form the other reviewer  that might help.  However, I would not take the worrd of a reviewer that only has a single review either.  If it's a lady that you really like than out her in your favorites and wait until she gets more experience. I like finding these hidden gems but you gotta do your homework. I would wait.

haruko965 reads

I'm not talking about Backpage or the like -- rather, a provider who's posted an ad here, with either no reviews, or with only one review by a brand-new reviewer. They come right out and say they're new, and they have websites (though not their own domains), so that all passes the sniff test.

My question is, as a newbie, what's the best way to proceed in this scenario? Or is this just waters in which newbies shouldn't tread?

(I don't want to link to anything directly here, but I'd be happy to PM you links, if you'd like.)

Are usually not a good match, for obvious reasons

Get your feet wet with any number of the well established ladies you can find here before you fall for the pretty face of an unreviewed provider.

If they're new and have 0 reviews/only 1 review by a brand-new reviewer, then really there's no guarantee it's not a B&S/LE/BSC etc. The LE angle is low probability, but again, it depends on how much risk you're willing to take. Them saying they're new/having a site doesn't prove anything, anyone can do that.

Having said that, everyone starts somewhere, and all the well reviewed providers here started as newbies with 0 reviews. Someone's gotta be the first one to take the plunge. Some may argue to leave that to a "seasoned pro", but again the risks are the risks, and if you do thorough research as a newbie, nothing's stopping you.

What I WILL say to look for/try, if you really have your heart set on this provider over someone with more reviews:

a) does she have an active presence on the boards? How does she come across if so?  

b) if you're willing and she's willing, maybe arrange a quick public meeting first, say a 15 min/half hour coffee meet. You'll both have the comfort of knowing the other person's real, see if the chemistry is there, and it'll make setting up a full appointment a lot easier.

Avoid the newer providers.  Best to stay with well established providers.  Let someone else TWFTT.

I would be very careful especially with only one review.  If you can get more information form the other reviewer  that might help.  However, I would not take the worrd of a reviewer that only has a single review either.  If it's a lady that you really like than out her in your favorites and wait until she gets more experience. I like finding these hidden gems but you gotta do your homework. I would wait.

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