Newbie - FAQ

To start with - use your real handle, not an alias. (eom)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 329 reads


LyonsDen1700 reads

New to the board. Asked a member a question, very helpful response but directed me to ask on here.

Why would an experienced reviewer not give more information (spill his guts) to a newbie such as myself? What do I need to do in order to be taken legitimately as a newbie? Thanks in advance

People are generally more willing to help if you use your regular handle instead of your alias.  
 Start by reading the self-help center (link found by the life preserver) and reading back a few pages on this board, many questions are asked repeatedly so the answers are easily found.  
 Lurk on your local board until you feel comfortable joining in the conversations. When you see a provider write a review, you have a little more credibility as a newbie when you have a few reviews to your name.
 Good luck and come back here to ask any questions you can't find the answers to.

IsorokuYamamoto370 reads

Former top rated escort was outed by her BF after he purchased a membership here and covertly asked a few reviewers of her if she'd be open to providing services NOT on her menu. They replied not only she would but that she would but that she did with them. Things she'd agreed to keep 'special' for him. Well, of course he blew a gasket and outed her to neighbors, friends and family. It was ugly. Why I never provide lots of info to aliases. Good luck.  

Posted By: LyonsDen
New to the board. Asked a member a question, very helpful response but directed me to ask on here.  
 Why would an experienced reviewer not give more information (spill his guts) to a newbie such as myself? What do I need to do in order to be taken legitimately as a newbie? Thanks in advance

plus the discussion would benefit others, newbie or otherwise.

In any case, what was the question he suggested you ask on here?

And I agree that you'll go further without the alias.

There are lots of reasons an experienced person may not reply to specific questions from an unknown member in a PM.
You could be LE.
You could be a disgruntled former client.
You could be an SO, boyfriend, pimp, etc. of the lady you are asking about (See Yamamoto's post above).
You could be the wife of a hobbyist who saw her.
You could be a jealous competing provider.
I could go on. There are many other scenarios but you should get the idea.

Now if you have a review history, or a board posting history, we have an idea who you are and are probably a lot more willing to respond to PMs. The alias thing doesn't matter to me. An alias can have a review history and a posting history. I am more likely to respond to an alias with a history than a handle with no history. Now this all has to do with specific questions. If you are asking general things, then I don't have a problem responding regardless of your status. However, since you said "spill his guts" I have to assume you were looking for specifics.

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 4:16:15 PM

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