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They are escorts at Wally World?
hookedondietcokes 2740 reads


Opie14131 reads

I have Friday off from work.  Was looking to set up afternoon session....wonder how that would be diff than night.  Here's my guess...please verify:

1) Gal is fresher...first client of day...more energy/enthusiasm

2) Less rush involved since gal do not pending client behind you.

3) Should I ask for afternoon discount?

pussyliker3538 reads

Boy are you starting off on the wrong foot. First off,asking for a discount for ANY hour of the day is just asking them to hang up on you.Secondly,what makes you think you'll be the first client that day? I've booked an escort as early as 7am guy.Also,Fridays are most often their busiest days of the week.Usually around the 11am-6pm hours.Don't forget.....Fridays are generally paydays! I'll say this for sure posted on the right board because you've got newbie written all over you!

talltexanboy2673 reads

I would guess are the most requested day because guys with M-F jobs have all that crap built up over the work week that needs a release and yet they can see a provider before the real weekend begins. Just my guess.

Can we call this guy Opie1KaNewbie? LOL

skisandboots3242 reads

...Opie1KaNewbie it is!  GOLLLY!  May the force be with him!  LOL

Mondays and tuesdays Are the most requested.. a weekend home with wife.. kids and "honey do this " and "dad take us here ".. is a sure bet they cant wait for Monday !

Weekdays are great for the family guy, Friday and Saturdays the single guys come out.

talltexanboy2601 reads

That's why I hang around here - to learn from the experts. Sometimes I should just shut my big keyboard but then I learn too when my assumptions are shot down.

I agree. Mon & Tues are the busiest days.

1) Gal is fresher...first client of day...more energy/enthusiasm ( we are always fresh ) We love digging our claws into new meat :)

2) Less rush involved since gal do not pending client behind you. We are busy all times of the day.. evening or afternoon doesnt matter.

3) Should I ask for afternoon discount? Tacky... never talk about money. Need a discount ? Go to walmart.

followme2687 reads

Luv to meet you for an afternoon session this evening at Walmart ...please call me two confirm

Thank you

Walmart on Niagara falls blvd, amherst ny/  I'll be in the disney section waiting for you

OH BOY!!! I figured when I read your post the response may be rough! I am grabbing a limb here and assuming (which is always the wrong thing to do) you have only met with pm provid's. The am, afternoon hours are VERY busy as a rule. If you have a prov. in mind that works exclusively in the pm you MAY have a shot @ 1st appt. Chances are if she starts early for you, she WILL start early period. Hence you will be followed by a 2nd appt! If you are concerned about the "fresh" aspect you need a new prov reguardless of x of day!! Please NEVER ask for a discout, great insult! Good luck.

Opie13017 reads

Thx for the tips.

I have never asked for a discount...just curious since some gals have afternoon specials listed on their website.

What is slowest day of wk for a provider? Wed?

pussyliker2302 reads

I can't speak for the other ladies,but my old ATF's slowest days were usually on Sundays.

1. We are fresher - We are not work horses that need to be swapped out for a fresh team to finish the last two rows on the back 40 before dinner. We are professionals, and I guarantee you at the day's end, I'll still wear you out long before I'm worn out. Why? Because I don't see a long string of men every day so that I'm worn out by the time I see the last guy.

2. Less rush involved - No matter how late you see me, there is always a chance that I have another session scheduled later. However, since I never schedule sessions back to back, this should never be a problem. I always anticipate a session running a few minutes over, and schedule accordingly. That way every session can be a "no rush" session.

3. Unless a lady specifically states she offers a discount on her website, don't ever ask. That is a sure fire way to ensure you don't get a response out of her at all.

why do you think you should get a discount for an afternoon appointmet? We do the same no matter what time it is.

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