Newbie - FAQ

The only one you will need: FCSRTFLB
n922cwss2846 reads

OK I'm a newbie.  Can someone please lay out some key to the most common abbreviations.

If you visit this website it lays out the majority of abbreviations used on TER.

(link removed by the moderator, see below)

-- Modified on 10/8/2007 12:58:15 PM

Why are you directing him to a rival escort review site?  We have a list of definitions in TER's Instruction Manual, which is permanently posted at the top of both the Newbie and General Discussion boards.  The manual also contains links to the Urban Dictionary, and other slang sites, which are also quite useful.

But linking the competition simply isn't done.


By the way, that means "what the fuck"

I don't want to moderate one of the top posters on this board (LOL).

I guess I figured that the kids weren't allowed on TER, at least until after 10pm

You can't say th "f" word on an escort site?
Note the smiley.  No skin off my... umm... nose! LOL

n922cwss2232 reads

ok, I guess I deserved that...

Hers's one for u


You'll be fine.  A sense of humor is VERY important when you jump into that pool of guys buying "time" with beautiful women.

I'm just messin with you, and it seems that you get that.

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