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Thanks for the lawyer disclaimer
cgreene33572 116 Reviews 340 reads

... because none of what you say is accurate either from a legal or technological perspective.

Hey guys,

I'm sure lots of guys and gals have burner phones for obvious reasons, anyone try this app called Burner App ?
It supposedly will let you create fake numbers on your personal cell phone so you don't have to buy burner phones, but I think they may be a cost involved, I haven't downloaded it yet.

There are actually many burner phone type apps. (burner, pinger, hushed, line2, etc.) Hard to say which is better without trying them all. Most have a free version and a paid version. I personally have experience with google voice and pinger. I like them both. Haven't tried any others but imagine they are similar.

-- Modified on 4/6/2015 5:41:18 PM

Here_I_Go512 reads

I have it and recommend it.  Ya, there is a small cost involved, but I feel it is worth it.   It has a lock feature that you should use, so only you can open the app. reads

it's not as safe as a burner phone if your concern is your SO. Many, if not all, apps track your actual ID and your usage. If you end up in a divorce court and your SO attorney is thorough and extremely able then everything may come out against you as actual evidence.

Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and I have not discussed with an attorney. I just feel it's a potential risk. You will need to decide if it's a risk that you are willing to take.

... because none of what you say is accurate either from a legal or technological perspective.

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