Newbie - FAQ

She posted that she's a girl 20 minutes after I posted lol
Blowing Chunks 367 reads

Still I attempted to cover the general question of "how this works".  Kind of a broad question to answer.  

-- Modified on 3/22/2014 9:51:07 AM

tatilove1830 reads

How does. The site works?

If, after reading it, you still have questions, this is the forum to ask them.


tatilove453 reads

Thanks guys I need help I'm a new gurl to this  

Posted By: swimtrekr
If, after reading it, you still have questions, this is the forum to ask them.  

Guys like us pay for TER VIP membership in order to read reviews of providers.
We read reviews so that we aren't ripped off.  
Guys like to get what's expected when we spend good money.
We get 15 days of free VIP membership if we write reviews.
We can also pay for VIP membership so we don't really have to write reviews.
The ladies in turn get to build their reputation as a reputable well-reviewed provider if they have many good reviews.  
A good reputation for a lady means that johns like us won't be too skeptical of the ladies because she'd be considered more trust worthy.  
A hobbyist with a good reputation doesn't weigh as much for the john himself because we hardly get any discounts from the ladies or fly on a TER private jet for writing good reviews. It's done mostly on a voluntary basis and the only incentive is to get 15 days of free VIP and maybe a pat on the back from the girl we have seen.
We prefer to see honest reviews but in reality sometimes white knights and manginas write inflated reviews in order to kiss up to the girl they like.  Sometimes the girl gives some incentives for guys who write inflated reviews for them so I guess it's a two way street.  
The review system is not a perfect system since scoring of appearance can vary from guy to guy being that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder to some extent.  Performance ratings can be relative too.  
Some guys who never had a girlfriend their whole life think that any girl with two tits 3 holes deserves a 10/10 rating.  
On the other hand, some hard asses never hand out 9s or 10s no matter how good looking a girl is or no matter how good she is in bed.    
Occasionally, some guys write fake reviews in order to get free VIP membership.  
Occasionally, some guys write malicious reviews just to get back at a girl.  
Occasionally, some girls retaliate abuse client's personal info and black list for no good reason other than getting a review she didn't like even when it was an honest one.
It's not a perfect system by any means but it seems to be improving over time.  
However, it's the best we got at this time, if you ask me.

You can start by getting a P411, get verified, and see a few girls. Write some tasteful honest reviews. Post on some boards if you want to participate or you can lurk around. Get tested every now and then, play it safe. Most of all, have fun, you'll have many orgasms...  

-- Modified on 3/21/2014 10:49:47 PM

Still I attempted to cover the general question of "how this works".  Kind of a broad question to answer.  

-- Modified on 3/22/2014 9:51:07 AM

ImTurdFerguson430 reads

Do you have a website or any advertising for your services?

tatilove459 reads

Today I'm in Orange County but I live and work in Stockton,California

tatilove448 reads

Google my number 9136084398 baby

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