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Re:Submiting reviews
WildTurkey-101 141 Reviews 1966 reads

Three months. For other details you can click on reviews and then Review FAQ.

cg7252245 reads

I have never written a review.  How long after seeing a provider do I have to write a review and still have it be accepted?   Thanks

Three months. For other details you can click on reviews and then Review FAQ.

I don't know if I'm in the right spot here , but I posted or wrote a review of that they say is unapproved reasons other .  They emailed me back and said hello to my feedback for cancer .  I do not see any answer that I can tell.  five email them to more times asking for some clarifications so I can  resubmit the review if need be .  I'm confused,  this is my first review, and the staff isn't open me at all .  Could someone please enlighten me or a mime just stupid ?

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