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Re:I'm pretty naive on this subject, I hate to admit that .
atlean2001 56 Reviews 2256 reads

I have just begun this hobby also... I am using eros and cross referencing it on TER... if no reviews, I pass.

But at reading between the lines, I have no clue. Can anyone give me some tips on how to find a more local provider. Beside using the ter. Not an alternative, But how dose everyone else do it? And I don't buy the l.a. weekly stories. Maybe some work out ok, but whenever I've tried to go out on my own, I get ripped off. So I ask for advice & help from my peers. It's not like theres a class or a book you can read. anyone? Thanks.   Oh and to those who will call me a cop, piss off, cops already know how to do it.

there are a couple of other boards out there. I dare not say their names lest I be banned.

Also, I've had success at strip clubs. Chicks offer it up frequently.

I have just begun this hobby also... I am using eros and cross referencing it on TER... if no reviews, I pass.

Local? How local is local?

Going out on your own? Are ya' cruise'n SW's or Craigslist?

Ripped off? In what way? Are ya' pick'n every UpSell and Bait & Switch from Craigslist or being black-Jacked by a SW's pimp?

You got 9 reviews since year 2000. Is that your aggregate total or just who you have reviewed?

we were all there at the point you're at and if you're lucky, you can find yourself a mentor, one tht will help you avoid the pitfalls....


Check out the site reviews (above) and the reviews on TER. Are you in the Boston area. I will post a few of the reliable, local agencies that I have just recently myself started using with great success.

I always check eros and have found some good reviews on TER, and to my surprise, alot of negative reviews on TER about eros girls.

Get the VIP membership on TER. I have found it to be extremely helpful!!! I have seen a few ladies from eros and the ones with the good reviews are accurate. I saw a girl on eros recently that didn't have any reviews and got screwed. Never again.

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