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Re: What about no-shows??
DFWSophie See my TER Reviews 1323 reads

Then you have the ones that will beat the door down to see certain providers who are famous for NCNS and then turn around and bitch about being NCNS'd.

We have a very famous NCNS'r in Dallas...and if you didnt know any better, you'd think she was in the top 10 Dallas Providers.  Maybe once she was...but 8 out of 10 guys will be NCNS'd on a regular basis...but her phone still rings.

So...go figure!

rock4512489 reads

What do you do when the provider pulls a no-show?  I can't seem to find the appropriate place to let people know.  You can't post a review for a no-show . . . and it doesn't seem to fit in the ripoff category either.  Any ideas?

have you tried to contact her to make sure there was no lapse in communication. or some other problem might have occurred that prevented her from showing.  In any case give her the option to explain, and if nothing you might want to post on the regional board... just my thoughts...

First and foremost, contact the provider. Talk with her to see what happened. For all you know she had an accident, or a family member got hurt, or something else that takes much more precedent over calling a client.

If you are still unsatisfied I don't know what the TER policies are about discussing it on your local forum board. Read the policies and see what you can and can't do/say.

-- Modified on 11/20/2007 2:16:46 PM

This was recently on the Las Vegas board.  The wheels came off the bus pretty quickly.

This is a classic example of why you need the whole story before crying wolf.  Assuming you've tried to make contact and waited a few days to a week, a post on the local board makes sense.

Just remember, there are 3 sides to every story.

Remember too, it's a 2-way street

I had a client book 3 weeks in advance for a specific night, reconfirm several times, I got to his hotel where he was to be on business and he wasnt checked in, had cancelled the reservation. So not just a NCNS, but I prepared for date, counted on the $$$, and drove 35 miles each way

I didn't post his handle, although I let him know in an email how dis-pleased I was

If you aren't out money, and didnt get ripped off, just write it off and move on. Shit happens

Frankly in the situation you describe I think you would have been perfectly justified to "out" him on the providers board.  It could even be reasonably argued that you do your fellow professionals a disservice by keeping it to yourself.

Just as the OP should disclose to her community.  (In Phils example, she DID call)

NCNS is a huge problem for provider and hobbyist alike, and should not be expected or accepted by either.

I call the provider after I have checked into the hotel to give her the room number as well as to assure her that I have arrived and am looking forward to seeing her.  Since this guy didn't call you with a room number, I'm surprised you drove 35 miles to see him.  I am sorry this happened to you.

rock4511369 reads

Wow, you people are the best!  I had no idea there existed individual's who cared enough to give the type of responses that I got here.  They were very effective and right on target.  They helped me to see what I should have done and the attitude I should have had when the provider NCNS.

As it turned out, I got an e-mail today indicating that she and her daughter were in an auto accident and were unable (obviously) to make the appointment.  So your responses to my query were directly on point and helped this Newbie learn a lot!  Thanks!!

I hope then nice lady and her daughter are both ok.

Providers and hobbyists both flake things come up. Mostly personal problems stuff I don't necessarily have a right to know about. What should happen is a cancellation call should be made that is the polite thing to do. I have had providers flake on me but still saw them again because the sex was so good. This is another reason I will only drive a certain distance to see any provider.

I'm picking up on a regular pattern to posts on this board. Somebody writes in with a question/issue, whatever - and the replies all address every subject but the one he asked about. This guy didn't you ask *whether* you thought he should post info on no-shows, he didn't ask for alternative courses of action. He asked if there were an area to directly post info on no-shows (one response did address the question indirectly). That's a pretty specific question, one that has come up many times in the past, it went unanswered, and it deserves some attention from TER administration.

From my understanding, the only place one CAN post such a message is on the appropriate regional discussion boards.  Of course, as per the Vegas link in this thread... it's a good idea to try to reach the provider first to find out what happened.  

One of the local Seattle boards has a 24-hour cooling off period requested before discussing a no-show to give the parties the opportunity to communicate before it hits the board.  Sometimes there are actually GOOD reasons for missed appointments, and sometimes the ladies go above and beyond to make it up to an inconvenienced gentleman.

Then you have the ones that will beat the door down to see certain providers who are famous for NCNS and then turn around and bitch about being NCNS'd.

We have a very famous NCNS'r in Dallas...and if you didnt know any better, you'd think she was in the top 10 Dallas Providers.  Maybe once she was...but 8 out of 10 guys will be NCNS'd on a regular basis...but her phone still rings.

So...go figure!

Because there is NO mechanism in place for tracking such people.  Sure a guy can post a NCNS on the local board and it is there for a couple of days, but a searchable database is desparately needed to expose the constant abusers for what they are.

This is a very fluid community with new faces appearing (and disappearing) every day.  The searchable database (that TER continually refuses to add) would be a HUGE boon to hobbyist and reliable providers alike.

Have you contacted the provider to ask what happened?  Has she contacted you?  

There have been accounts on this board of legitimate reasons for NCNS [eg, an accident].  Usually the client will try to contact the provider to get her side of it and if she is able and scrupulous, they will work something out.  Most of the time, however, NCNS is just plain flakiness and rudeness.

I'd give her a week.  If you are unable to get in contact with her, or she doesn't contact you, out her on your local board.

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