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Re: two girl shows
zisk 86 Reviews 1139 reads

this is probably one of those fantasy things I'll ponder forever and never act on.

For right now, the only one I'd be interested in seeing a second time is my ATF, and I don't want to share any of my time with her!

what is the normal rate structure for 2-girls? Is it the regular rate for each girl added together, or usually higher or lower than that?

There is no standard for this sort of thing it depends on the two girls involved. I would expect to pay each lady's rate added together but I have seen some agency ads or ads from two girls who travel together where a slight discount was offered. I certainly wouldn't expect to pay more for two ladies  in fact, if I saw two gals charging more than what their individual rates added up to I would assume that they were trying to discourage the booking.

Note: I have seen some ads on CL where two girls offered themselves for duos at a VERY low rate. STAY AWAY. Most of the time this is two scam artist who are sharing a cheap hotel room. The idea is to get you to pop in fifteen minutes and boot you out the door!

sleepydasher1223 reads

I've seen most commonly $50-$100 below the sum of both their rates and second most commonly an amount equal to the sum of both their rates.

Usualy I would charge double my fee and her fee. That also depends on where we are too. When traveling the location always factors in. When in Miami the price is always higher than if we were to be in say....Norfolk. Also factoring in is if there happen to be a lot of other traveling ladies there at the same time. Then the price goes down. Just like any other business, there are many variables.

So if you charge $3 and she charges $3.5 double yours is $6 and double hers is $7 that would be $13 for the two together?


she would charge double i.e. her normal rate plus that of the other girl. Not add together and THEN double.

Assume Ginger charges 400 coconuts, and Mary Ann 300 coconuts.

So when Gilligan contacts them to arrange his ultimate dream encounter, he should expect to shell out something between 600 and 800 coconuts.  There are no firm rules about just where his gift will fall in that range:

1) Ginger and Mary Ann have both met Gilligan, and like him, and there is a fair chance that it will be closer to the 600.

2) If Gilligan were a new client for both of them, something around 700 is more likely to be asked.

3) Of course Ginger has always been a prima donna, and farm girl Mary Ann refuses to take anything less than Ginger, and rightfully so!!!  Gilligan may have to show up with the full 800 coconuts.  That's ok, he's giving the nice Mary Ann a nice tip, but if I were Gilligan, I wouldn't tip on top of that.

Many gals show friends that they work with on their site, but duo rates are rarely shown.  If you are arranging the session with a gal you know, I don't think it is out of line for you to DISCREETLY ask, or even suggest the donation in your initial email.  If you haven't met either of the ladies, I wouldn't raise the subject, and then DISCREETLY, until after screening.

They are not easy to find, but duo reviews are out  there.  Try searching for the name "and" (I know, you will have to wade through all of the Sandras, Candys, etc) and the name "&".  If you find a review, you can send your contact a link, and DISCREETLY ask if it is correct and current.

Gals, please tell me if I'm steering the guys wrong, and I hope this helps.


-- Modified on 1/11/2008 4:27:05 PM

I couldn't have said it better! Thank you, that was puurrrfect!  There really is no hard and fast rule to duo rates.

(edited by jazz32 to correct the spelling of his topic)

-- Modified on 1/11/2008 2:34:49 PM

sleepydasher1345 reads

or maybe you are the Professor?  

lol--- gj!

-- Modified on 1/11/2008 4:01:14 PM

Your response was very humorous.  Thanks for sharing.

Make sure the ladies are into each other otherwise it will not be as much fun as you imagine.  It is also best if you have seen one of the ladies for a single appointment before doing the duo.

this is probably one of those fantasy things I'll ponder forever and never act on.

For right now, the only one I'd be interested in seeing a second time is my ATF, and I don't want to share any of my time with her!

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