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Re: To many, probably "most" women, this is NOT a career
AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 485 reads

I am sure he wouldn't want to out himself, so why would a gal do it? Even if one is out to friends/family... LE/Hotels can identify you better.

Yes you are right Gambler.... how enjoyable would it be for a ladies family/kids/coworkers/friends to see our photo up? makes it easier for stalkers as well.
Posted By: GaGambler
It's something they do for a while on their path to something else. so while their "career" here is finite, the internet is forever. Can you really imagine a young woman who does this to get through law school, having pictures of herself as a hooker all over the internet?

BTW, I am sure that many of the ladies here will find your remarks offensive and insensitive, but seeing how this is the newbie board and we all have to be "nice" here, they most likely won't say it out loud. So I will say it for them, in a "nice" way of course. "Your remarks are quite insensitive and downright offensive!!!"

Why is it some ladies hide their faces in photos while others don't? I think the ones that don't cover their faces are more satisfying to look at because you can see how pretty they are neck up, and you can see any sensual look they may be expressing. I'm sure many of us would like to see these ladies in all their beauty, and because we haven't had the opportunity yet to see or meet them. If they don't want to be seen here then  maybe this isn't what they should choose as a career.

I have no problem seeing a provider who blurs her face. If she's been reviewed, the reviews usually mention the fact she's attractive. They're not wanting their faces shown has nothing to do with their career choice.  Many have family, or careers and don't want this world to collide with the real world.  Others are only doing this temporarily and when they leave escorting don't want their face pictures roaming the Internet  

Posted By: ponyman49
Why is it some ladies hide their faces in photos while others don't? I think the ones that don't cover their faces are more satisfying to look at because you can see how pretty they are neck up, and you can see any sensual look they may be expressing. I'm sure many of us would like to see these ladies in all their beauty, and because we haven't had the opportunity yet to see or meet them. If they don't want to be seen here then  maybe this isn't what they should choose as a career.
-- Modified on 3/3/2015 9:25:07 PM

Posted By: ponyman49
If they don't want to be seen here then  maybe this isn't what they should choose as a career.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your statement (and if so, please correct me) but your post read to me as though you think the ladies in this business should be willing to own up to what we're doing, or get out of the biz.   Yes, there are ladies who are open about their profession with family and friends but they are in the severe minority.  Even most ladies with unblurred, close-up face shots would be, at best, unhappy if their career choice were exposed to neighbors, family, friends, etc.

I was outed to my social circle several years ago, and my face was blurred at the time.  Now, all my frontal shots are headless just to give me that added level of deniability.    
Probably not any real protection, but that's where my comfort level is these days.  Would I have more appeal if I showed my face?  Probably.    

But then again, I'm sure there's someone out there who fantasizes about nailing a headless woman.


More like...

"If they don't want to go to jail then maybe this isn't where they should show their face."

Posted By: ponyman49
If they don't want to be seen here then  maybe this isn't what they should choose as a career.

-- Modified on 3/4/2015 9:10:35 AM

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Posted By: ponyman49
If they don't want to be seen here then  maybe this isn't what they should choose as a career.
 But then again, I'm sure there's someone out there who fantasizes about nailing a headless woman.  
I love, love, love your last words:  
"...  there's someone out there who fantasizes about nailing a headless woman."


Unfortunately, in this area of entertainment, participation is not always looked upon as acceptable by everyone.  Like many others who partake of providers, I would prefer to see her face prior to meeting face to face.  However, I understand the many factors that cause providers to not show their faces.  If a provider who hides/blurs her face is not your cup of tea, move on.  There are plenty of others out there who will show their face in their pictures.  Just because a provider doesn't let her face be shown, that is no reason for her to not be a provider.  It's a personal choice for whatever reason.


GaGambler499 reads

It's something they do for a while on their path to something else. so while their "career" here is finite, the internet is forever. Can you really imagine a young woman who does this to get through law school, having pictures of herself as a hooker all over the internet?

BTW, I am sure that many of the ladies here will find your remarks offensive and insensitive, but seeing how this is the newbie board and we all have to be "nice" here, they most likely won't say it out loud. So I will say it for them, in a "nice" way of course. "Your remarks are quite insensitive and downright offensive!!!"

I am sure he wouldn't want to out himself, so why would a gal do it? Even if one is out to friends/family... LE/Hotels can identify you better.

Yes you are right Gambler.... how enjoyable would it be for a ladies family/kids/coworkers/friends to see our photo up? makes it easier for stalkers as well.

Posted By: GaGambler
It's something they do for a while on their path to something else. so while their "career" here is finite, the internet is forever. Can you really imagine a young woman who does this to get through law school, having pictures of herself as a hooker all over the internet?

BTW, I am sure that many of the ladies here will find your remarks offensive and insensitive, but seeing how this is the newbie board and we all have to be "nice" here, they most likely won't say it out loud. So I will say it for them, in a "nice" way of course. "Your remarks are quite insensitive and downright offensive!!!"

GaGambler342 reads

as I have no faith in the appearance ratings in reviews and I much prefer to decide for myself whether or not I find a lady attractive.

That said. your right to privacy and a life AFTER being a hooker trumps any "right" I might think I have to an unblurred picture of you.

But since we are on the NB, I'll try my best to be sweet despite the absurdity of the OP.  

For those of us who don't show our faces or other identifying marks (tattoos, scars, birthmarks), it's because we don't want our civilian lives intersecting with our hooker lives. I don't even want to think about what would happen if one of my brothers was able to identify me from my ads/website (not to mention classmates, professors, hotel staff, LE, or just general crazies). Sorry, but our need for privacy is much more important than your "satisfaction" from looking at our photos. If I had a fucked up mug or janky teeth, I'm sure that'd come up in a review at some point.  

I really REALLY hope you haven't been asking ladies for face photos. That'd be a good way to earn yourself a reputation as a boundary crosser. Don't be that guy.  

Posted By: ponyman49
Why is it some ladies hide their faces in photos while others don't? I think the ones that don't cover their faces are more satisfying to look at because you can see how pretty they are neck up, and you can see any sensual look they may be expressing. I'm sure many of us would like to see these ladies in all their beauty, and because we haven't had the opportunity yet to see or meet them. If they don't want to be seen here then  maybe this isn't what they should choose as a career.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
But since we are on the NB, I'll try my best to be sweet despite the absurdity of the OP.  
 For those of us who don't show our faces or other identifying marks (tattoos, scars, birthmarks), it's because we don't want our civilian lives intersecting with our hooker lives. I don't even want to think about what would happen if one of my brothers was able to identify me from my ads/website (not to mention classmates, professors, hotel staff, LE, or just general crazies). Sorry, but our need for privacy is much more important than your "satisfaction" from looking at our photos. If I had a fucked up mug or janky teeth, I'm sure that'd come up in a review at some point.  
 I really REALLY hope you haven't been asking ladies for face photos. That'd be a good way to earn yourself a reputation as a boundary crosser. Don't be that guy.  
Posted By: ponyman49
Why is it some ladies hide their faces in photos while others don't? I think the ones that don't cover their faces are more satisfying to look at because you can see how pretty they are neck up, and you can see any sensual look they may be expressing. I'm sure many of us would like to see these ladies in all their beauty, and because we haven't had the opportunity yet to see or meet them. If they don't want to be seen here then  maybe this isn't what they should choose as a career.

GaGambler404 reads

I said it first. lol

but yes, this is the Newbie board, and we have to be measured in our responses to even the most thoughtless of questions. Even I am nice here. Well as nice as it's possible for the likes of me to be.

JackDunphy477 reads

But I am going to guess that the OP was just making a newb mistake, which we all have made at some point, and he is really not taking a shot at every girl here who wants to protect themselves from being outed, LE or worse

can try to see a different provider.  If a guy doesn't like a certain provider's screening requirements, he can move on a try to find someone else.

This is not rocket science.  Either play by the lady's rules, or move on.

I think it is safer that way for both of us.

Yes I know it's 50/50 shot on how she actually looks, but that's the cost of doing business

was the second I had seen with blurred or otherwise obscured face in all photos. Like the first I saw with blurred photos, I immediately knew it was not due to any deficiency in looks. I still recall my reaction over a year later - "Holy moly, she is gorgeous." I have seen her over two dozen times since and she grows even more attractive every time I see her.

It made me appreciate not knowing what a lady's face looks like until the pleasant surprise is revealed.

MiaLopez91413 reads

Privacy. Like many other girls have stated, just like you gentlemen like to be discreet and keep your hobby a secret, we like to do the same. Why is it fair for a hobbyist to hide behind a vail but a provider it's a problem. I live a normal life (school, family, etc) just like most men on here do as well so I am sure you can relate :)ikeha

As soon as I saw that last line, my mouth dropped open in shock and I could almost FEEL the instant visceral outrage your post would elicit!  And the replies did not dissappoint!!

My friend, this business is a very personal business, you are dealing with real people who take risks to do this.  This site is not for play, or absent-minded musings like yours that might be harmless enough if you asked your buddies somewhere else on the internet.  Hopefully you've learned an important lesson here.  You are dealing with the real thing, not some phony fantasy site.  Feel free to ask questions, folks are here to help, but think of this place as you would a big meeting hall filled with thousands of professionals from a field - you wouldn't (I would hope) go up to mic and cavalierly ask a question that would insult half the room, would you?  So be just as respectful here, in choosing your words...

But hey, everyone is entitled to a mulligan or two when getting started.  And you CERTAINLY just used one of yours!
Now go read the self-help center..

Blurring faces is completely understandable and does not bother me in the least.  What does give me some hesitation is when a provider hasn't changed/updated pics on their websites over a period of years.  This doesn't preclude me from sending PMs to reviewers, but it does cause at least a little apprehension.  I do appreciate all the TER providers who include a pic on their ads in the regional discussion boards.  Well done!!!  This makes the decision making on our end a lot easier, blurred faces or not. :)

Just as soliciting is just as illegal and I don;t see your face plastered on the internet announcing you are participating in an illegal activity by soliciting a prostitute.  

Johns get upset like you are, about the ladies not posting identifying images on their websites when you flounce around anonymous with your illegal activities. I do realize you are the consumer and you don't have to identify yourself, however this business is ILLEGAL and a hooker that shows her face has more chance of being a. identified by friends or family or her boss or b.  put on an LE watch list in her area with her image circulated to every hotel.  

Some ladies don't care and others have a lot to lose, like maybe a real job, kids etc.

So, maybe you should think again before you say something rash like this....maybe this isn't what they should choose as a career.

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