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Re: Time to celebrate, come on!!!
insightfulz 5 Reviews 1244 reads

Maybe you should come to the States for some fun!

Believe it or not, Sunday marks my first anniversary as TER's newbie mod!!!

Boy this year has gone by fast, and it has been fun!!!  We really do have a great group of gals of guys willing to help, and I know we have done a great deal of good!

Anyone have a idea how I should celebrate this occasion?  (Work has been hectic, so nothing is planed.)


Pick your favorite provider and have a great time celebrating!

I had the same thought, and then went to Jazz's review list and saw he had no reviewed threesomes; doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

But, that is how I celebrated a special milestone recently, and wow, I'm glad I did.

So, my vote is a threesome also Jazz.

Read my review of Gina!

Threesomes, and moresomes are fantastic!!!

One of the trade-offs of being a moderator is that you can't post reviews, due to conflict of interest issues.


ps. one of my other reviews was Gina's sister!  OK, it was delayed by a couple of decades, but that was a high school fantasy fulfilled.

-- Modified on 2/23/2008 5:33:43 AM

My mind can't wrap itself around any possible way to celebrate that could top that. But, I'm certain that you have one fantasy in mind, and I hope you make it happen.

Oh, that's why you are here.   How stupid of me to suggest that.   Seriously, thanks for the job you do here.  I know you're getting rich off of it.   roflmao.


I have nothing to do with VIP status!!!

It's the only way to celebrate something connected to this site - get laid.  

You do a great job on this board.  Thanks.

Sounds like a few days from work, along with your favorite provider, is what you need. LOL

Maybe you should come to the States for some fun!

You have helped so many of us stay safe. What a great teacher you have been to all of us. As a provider I want to express to you what great appreciation I have of the selfless time you spend keeping us on track. Hope you will by my teacher for many more years to come." Now Celebrate to your hearts content " Kisses Haley

the newbies appreciate what you do.  Even we veterans can sometimes learn something new.

Two, find 2 awesome ladies and enjoy a threesome.  If not, find a truly awesome lady and have a longer date.  You deserve it!

in the true spirit of TER!!!


SINfully sinthia

... all you do to ride herd on what must be the most difficult of forums to moderate. You do a superb job. It must take quite a bit of time. Your efforts are appreciated.


Asto your question (Anyone have a idea how I should celebrate this occasion?), Sinful1 has the only true TER answer.

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