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Re: The $64K question
SanJoseGuy1975 14 Reviews 281 reads

I am not really in a rush at all, have a few months left of VIP.
It's really just curiosity because I have never had a review post this fast, and I have no idea why that one was quick compared to the one I submitted before and after :)
It will probably always be a mystery!

Posted By: hiddenhills
The entire review "thing" is a mystery to many of us. If I read your post correctly one review was approved in one day. That's pretty dam good, don't worry about the other 2, as long as the say "new" your in the que. Quick question, what's the rush? running out of VIP days?

-- Modified on 5/16/2012 12:16:49 PM

Ok so I submitted 3 reviews yesterday (yes, I had a fun weekend in LV).
I just recently saw that my middle review got approved, but the other 2 are still showing as New.

Can someone enlighten me as to how reviews are approved? They don't seem to go in the order they were submitted.
All 3 were from the same city, so that's not it either...

Just wondering :-)

first in the approval process, but I don't think there is any specific order. Some review text takes more time to dissect than others.

The entire review "thing" is a mystery to many of us. If I read your post correctly one review was approved in one day. That's pretty dam good, don't worry about the other 2, as long as the say "new" your in the que. Quick question, what's the rush? running out of VIP days?

-- Modified on 5/16/2012 12:16:49 PM

I am not really in a rush at all, have a few months left of VIP.
It's really just curiosity because I have never had a review post this fast, and I have no idea why that one was quick compared to the one I submitted before and after :)
It will probably always be a mystery!

Posted By: hiddenhills
The entire review "thing" is a mystery to many of us. If I read your post correctly one review was approved in one day. That's pretty dam good, don't worry about the other 2, as long as the say "new" your in the que. Quick question, what's the rush? running out of VIP days?

-- Modified on 5/16/2012 12:16:49 PM

Don't worry about it, unless the other reviews do not show up in 2-3 days.  Then contact admin.  You can look on your account manager to see status of your reviews, that might help.


As swim said, don't worry about it. Maybe if they are not up after 3 days, then contact admin and follow up on them. (TER's official time frame does say within 72 hours, but reviews have taken anywhere from  a few hours to a week at different times) As hills has said, "What's the rush?" and he also said as long as it says "new," dont worry about it. It's in the que, and they will get to it eventually. If it says unapproved, then that is different obviously. Then you need to find out why it was unapproved and resubmit it. As London said it probably went to different reviewers. You have to assume there are more than one "review reviewer." So just because you submitted three in one day, that doesn't mean they all went to the same reviewer for processing. Maybe one person has less of a workload, or maybe he doesn't check them out as well as his peers.

Look at some numbers. As of right now there are 5207 "new reviews" at the top of this page. (that number always changes so when you read this it may be different) New reviews go back 14 days. So using those numbers, that is apporximately 372 reviews approved per day. now assume that for every review that gets approved, one does not get approved. (I am making assumptions as I don't know the real number of approved vs unapproved, but play along for now)Now that would mean they receive about 740 reviews per day. Assuming again, let's say they have 4 "review reviewers." That means each of them have to read close to 200 reviews per day, and decide whether to approve them or not. You can see why the process can take some time.

Just as an example, for me personally, I have been a member for many years but only wrote 5 reviews (one was a re write of a former one, so only 4 show up in my profile), My first review was approved within 7 hours (even though it is often said here that a hobbyist's first review takes longer to approve than a veteran) The second one took 3 full days. The third one took 3 full days. The fouth one took 4 days, and the fifth one took about 5 hours. There is no consistancy:)

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