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Re: That's good to hear...teeth_smile
hungry1951 29 Reviews 1764 reads

I'm pretty sure that nobody wants to see you go anywhere, except maybe to my hometown. Your posts both here and on the other boards have been just as helpful to us gents as they have to the ladies.

And dammit, sometimes you're just plain funny.

In my tenure as moderator of this board, the content, tone, and average reader of the board has changed, IMHO for the better.  Long gone are the days when EVERY other post was "what does BBBJ mean"!!!

OK, here is my problem, increasingly more posts are coming from new providers asking for advice about getting started, setting up a website, screening, etc.  Since most of the readers of the board, like myself are guys, most of the advice comes from a male perspective, more than a bit one sided, and often, not the most helpful.  Wouldn't a "So I've decided to become an escort, what should I do?" series, ala the excellent "Providers Relations 101" series, be a valuable addition to the newbie handbook.  I'm not talking about trade secrets, or sensitive subjects, just practical info, like including if you offer incall or outcall, or even the city/area you are located/willing to visit details on you site.  These details are important, but easy to forget!!!  In the past couple of days, Haley most kindly provided GREAT insight to a new gal in a couple of posts.  A permanent link could help newbie gals.

PM me if you think this is a good idea, and are willing to help!


-- Modified on 8/15/2008 2:32:36 PM

I don't mind helping anyone but I don't want it to like like i'm trying to take your job Jazz.

You and everybody here have helped me become the provider I am and I have the utmost respect for TER. I have learned so much and you have helped watch my back in more than one occasion.

I have started to spread my wings a little and am posting on the General Board now leaving a little room for another provider to take her place here. I'm not going anywhere, i'm just around the corner and do plan to post here often. So all my friends who have sent me e-mails and PMs worried i'm leaving, you aren't rid of me yet.

Kisses Haley

I'm pretty sure that nobody wants to see you go anywhere, except maybe to my hometown. Your posts both here and on the other boards have been just as helpful to us gents as they have to the ladies.

And dammit, sometimes you're just plain funny.

followme1308 reads

Did not realize most readers are guys  so

I do see your point.

I do not read all the local boards but, the ones I do read there are some gals helping each other there too.

However your idea of an addition to the handbook is a good one  

Also as I understand it a gal must have at least 3 reviews to get access to the providers only board, If ther was a way to get on that board sooner (as a newbie) the  ladies may be more willing to give advice, in a less public venue.

As for the sweet and beautiful Haley, she is a great contributer and well respected member of the community and one day she will have to give me a hand ~ so to speak ~ when she visits Followmeville.

You say "A permanent link could help newbie gals"
Does that mean there is a

Thank You

BTW what does bbbj mean~~~~~~lol  j/k

-- Modified on 8/16/2008 7:51:38 AM

-- Modified on 8/16/2008 4:11:01 PM

-- Modified on 8/16/2008 7:48:27 PM

Here's one of my sources of early info.  Could use updating.  Perhaps she would be interested in a second edition?

New ladies, one of her first gems is:

" Hi i'm new to escorting.. "
BAM!! Don't go any further. You have just alerted every rapist, mugger, killer, cop and short changer to come fuck with you. To come rob you, to come take advantage of you, to come steal from you and to be abusive to you. Oh, and to be arrested. DONT EVER TELL ANYONE YOU ARE NEW !! AND PLEASE ! DONT ACT IT !! "

-- Modified on 8/18/2008 7:37:27 AM

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