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Re: Should not be a problem
sohbalo 9 Reviews 2570 reads

LOL, yea now you know where I stand and why im stuck right now. I wanted to try and get one of the others like datacheck and such but they require me to fill out work info which i dont have. Well i guess its just hit or miss for now till i get the references. Thanks for all your help wildturkey.

Hey all, I have a problem. I have gone back to school and dont have any possible employment info that i can give. I wanted to know is there any way around giving info. I do have a rs2000 account, but not too sure if its enough to get me verified. Thanks in advance.

Not every lady has the same standards for verification.  There are many individuals who are students or retired or for whatever reason, cannot be traditionally verified.  You are one-up having the RS2k account.  You just might find someone who is happy with that info!  

Even if the lady does not accept the RS2k alone (I wouldn't) there are other ways.  Give the lady a nice little note explaining the situation and ask if she has an alternate verification available for you.  I'm guessing you'll get lucky!
: D


I am not too familiar with RS2K, but if it is like DateCheck or Preferred 411 and you have provider references listed with your account you should be fine.

yea. RS2k is like datacheck and preferred 411. The issue is that i only have one review on my account. Its from an agency. So i dont really have references. So its been kinda hard to get a start going. Im still a noob so sorry if the question starts to get frustrating or dumb.

-- Modified on 5/20/2008 12:25:56 AM

Agency reference is good, I assume by RS2K you are in the Chicago area. You should not have too much trouble finding ladies with those two. However you did say you were in school, maybe you are having a problem with the age thing and nobody is telling you? Subject has been discussed several times if you read back a few pages, link to one below.

actually im in new york. The thing is i saw a lady i was interested in seeing and she perferred that her clients had rs2k, after i got it she still denied me. So after that ive been on the fence on who i can and cannot see.

That stinks, the lady must have been visiting from Chicago or something, cause I don't think many in NY are RS2K members. With all the providers in NY there has gotta be many that will accept your reference from the agency, once you find just one or two more who will give you a reference you will be set.

Damm, I just saw your agency reference, they have a great reputation and should be a good reference for you.

-- Modified on 5/20/2008 12:54:03 AM

LOL, yea now you know where I stand and why im stuck right now. I wanted to try and get one of the others like datacheck and such but they require me to fill out work info which i dont have. Well i guess its just hit or miss for now till i get the references. Thanks for all your help wildturkey.

Cool, really wish I could help more. One other thing you might try that I have seen others do with success is post something on the NY board. Just say something like hey I am a newbie in NY going to school so I don't have employment info. but I am RS2K certified with a reference and I have 2 reviews. If interested please pm me. Hell, you got nothing to loose and you might get alot of responses, worth a shot. Also, contact your agency reference and since you gave such a nice review of their lady, get them to give you a 'White List Referrel', it will show up under your reviews, that will help.

you could actually. If i decide to head out your way. Let me know who is someone nice to see. That would be great. I guess i will try and post in the ny board. Your right i dont have anything to lose at this point. I already tried the white list with the agency and sadly to say that there not really on point with that aspect of the agency. will try again though.

Sending you a pm, hope you have VIP! LOL

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