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Re: OK, They don't really care...
Earnest 19 Reviews 1801 reads

Amen Bostonguy!  

I had started to respond very similarly, but was afraid it would carry little weight since I am still a newbie myself.  I work in a casual environment and wear Chuck Taylors (I own several pair, including rather expensive designer styles) to everything but weddings and funerals.  Although I like to wear a sport coat to a session, if I dressed any better than that it would be a red flag to everyone in my life.

The only caveat I'd give is to be aware if a provider has an incall in a 5-star hotel.  If so, the sneakers and flowered shirt look might draw unwanted attention in the lobby.

My first appointment has been booked and now I'm wondering what to wear.  Should I dress formally or just casual?

Dress comfortably.

There's no reason to dress formally, unless you're taking her to a black tie affair or a very fancy dinner.

If it's an incall for an hour, chances are your clothes won't be on for more than 10 minutes of your whole session, so it really won't matter what you're wearing.

Of course, don't go in looking like a bum.

Have fun!

I generally dress up, but it's more for me. I figure if I'm paying 750 bucks, or 1000 bucks, or whatever it is, to go to any-event, I'm going to look sharp. I mean would you show up to a box seat at the holywood bowl, or a vegas show, in jeans and a t-shirt?

Also, I'm a big guy , so I use it to convey hygeinie and cleanliness (which I beat most perfect in shape guys on all day long..) I always smell good (though not too much..most women HATE cologne, you just want to smell of nice shampoos and face lotions, etc.I also recommend a body wash type product in certain areas --- they LOVE this..if you must with the cologne ONE spray below the clothing -- IT always cracks me up that they pitch cologne and such at strip clubs for the gentlemen, women hate the stuff. I've heard this from a few GF's and countless one-nighters..) and dress sharp. It makes them more comfortable, if you show up looking bummy you'll be seeing the shower, and that may or may not come out of your time -- depends on the girl.

Not everyone in this business is as sweet as some of our board-regular posters for example ;) There are some girls out there that can be downright cruel, so don't set yourself up. While we hope that none of these ladies judge us, They HAVE to for their safety.

Or you could run in with a trenchcoat with nothing on underneath... and flash them real quick. Hmm.. Lol.

I LOVE a sharp-dressing, nice-smelling guy!  When are you coming to Boston to take me out for a night on the town??? LOL ;)


I often had this same question with the focus on what to wear when she comes to my room. My first few appointments started with me wearing nice clothes like Docker pants and shirt, or a nice pair of jeans and shirt. Then a couple of times since I had taken a shower before she arrived I greeted her at the door in just a towel or robe, maybe wearing underwear at times. With my ATF, there have been a couple of times I answered the door in my birthday suit which she loved. I don't think there is any rule as to what to wear, as long as you are squeaky clean.

sleepydasher1791 reads

I dress for my comfort and the lady's comfort-

Meaning if incall or outcall rather than out to dinner, I wear very clean and neat whatever casual I'd wear to a casual date- I guess business casual describes it best.

If going out to dinner or an occasion first, I dress for the occasion.

and be sure they are clean and in good repair.

You have no idea how much this means to a gal.

I've gotten complemented on my open-toe Prada pumps.

Seriously, Show up looking clean and smelling fresh, with a donation envelope at the ready and with a with a pleasant demeanor. Your choice of attire is secondary to your attitude. I would recommend that you dress in a manner that helps you feel comfortable and confident. This is different for everybody.
I've arrived in everything from a Business suit to shorts, sneakers and a full-blown Hawaiian flowered shirt...and everything in between and never been laughed at or turned away. Some ladies may be impressed by a better dressed guy and some may not but if you meet the criteria I mentioned above I seriously doubt that wardrobe is going to effect your appointment.

Amen Bostonguy!  

I had started to respond very similarly, but was afraid it would carry little weight since I am still a newbie myself.  I work in a casual environment and wear Chuck Taylors (I own several pair, including rather expensive designer styles) to everything but weddings and funerals.  Although I like to wear a sport coat to a session, if I dressed any better than that it would be a red flag to everyone in my life.

The only caveat I'd give is to be aware if a provider has an incall in a 5-star hotel.  If so, the sneakers and flowered shirt look might draw unwanted attention in the lobby.

I spend a lot of time in five star hotels. Again, no one cares what you wear walking through the lobby. Bell captains and front desk clerks don't judge people by how they are dressed when they are traveling-which is most often the case with people walking through a hotel lobby. Act like you belong there and don't hang around in the lobby waiting for your appointment. This arouses suspicion no matter what you are wearing.
Of course, if you are going to take the lady out I would definitely recommend dressing the part. In that case I would always dress to suit your environment...and the lovely lady!

If you're doing 1-hour appointments that are strictly "private time", there's really no need to get all dressed up.  If you're coming straight from work, you'll be dressed up automatically.  On other occasions, casual (but clean!) street clothes are perfectly fine.  As the joke below proves my point, it's just going to be you and the provider.

Here's a joke on the topic of what to wear (a copy is posted in the Erotic Humor forum as well).
A man who just moved to a new town is sitting in his living room.  Suddenly, there's a knock on his door.  He opens, and there a man he's never seen before standing there.  The stranger introduces himself: "Hi, I'm your neighbor.  There's a party at my place, and I'd like you to come.  There's going to be watching sports, drinking, fighting, and lot of sex."  "Awesome", the new guy replies, "but what should I wear?"  "Doesn't matter", the neighbor says, "it's just going to be you and me."

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