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Re: Not a good idea!!!confused_smile
MochaNautteBBW See my TER Reviews 1504 reads

No bartering, No Bartering, NO WAY.

No one, not even my friends are allowed to even TOUCH my computer.

Why would I let someone that I don't know repair my most prized possession?

For all I know, he could turn my laptop to LE and I'd be in deep s**t.

As Sam Gerard said in The Fugitive, "I don't bargain."

This may be a stupid question but do any of you ladies ever barter for services? What I mean is, I own a computer repair business and wonder if swapping a laptop or desktop repair for services, or for at least a discount is possible. A $150 repair subtracted from a $300 fee for example.
And if it is a possibility, would I put a post for this kind of barter on my regional board or am I in for a lashing from the readers???


Expect to be slammed.  You may have a better luck on CL.  I also wouldn't be comfortable letting my client access my computer.

Good point but would offer to repair while in her presence...and of course she would have to keep her hands to herself, at least until the repair was completed! :)

tokai1273 reads

I've seen a lady in the South post as list of things she needed. I would think that you need something a little more valuable and commonly used.

Dentist (if she needs some work done). Orthodontist.  Accountant. Flight on your private jet to where she is touring.

Better yet: Gasoline - 100 gal/hour

I'm making daily payments on my car, my boat, my motorcyle, even my pedigreed Pekingnese Shar-Pei.  Haven't gotten off my back in over a year.


Officially, bartering on TER is against the rules, and most mods will remove you post and keep you moderated.

Occasionally, a gal on a regional board will get away with letting it be known that she has a certain need (computer crash, roof leaking, car trouble, etc.).  No specific offer of trade, just a way to contact her if you can help, so you can make a deal offline.  Gals can get away with this, guys can't.  You simply can't post something like "Hi, I am a great plumber, any women here needing their pipes cleaned?!?"

Remember, barter requires much more time, effort, direct communication and trust than cash transactions for both to leave satisfied.


Never never never barter!!!!!  One way or another someone ALWAYS gets screwed....and NOT in the way they want!!!!!!  Bad bad idea.


No bartering, No Bartering, NO WAY.

No one, not even my friends are allowed to even TOUCH my computer.

Why would I let someone that I don't know repair my most prized possession?

For all I know, he could turn my laptop to LE and I'd be in deep s**t.

As Sam Gerard said in The Fugitive, "I don't bargain."

Thanks for enlightening me. I had no idea and that is why I asked. Guess I will just pay the $$ and give her a virus free "hard" drive!

very bottom of the "Essentials" page on my site. Technology is about the ONLY thing I am willing to barter- but then, I'm a real geek. Fixing my computer won't cut it, though- it better be a hot deal on a killer new piece of equipment ;)

LOL- I even had one guy offer a level 70 WoW character in exchange for services. I ALMOST took him up on it! Yeah, uber-geek here.

All you can do is ask. It's not totally unheard of for a lady to barter in such a way.

when I need my computer fixed I see a client, collect my fee for my "time and Companionship" head on over to Best Buy and see the Geek Squad. With $$ left over to shop while they fix it for me.
Barter almost always leaves someone feeling they "Got Screwed" in more ways than one, and it crosses lines, very important they remain defined.

DickWart1438 reads better if you're an established "regular" and you have gotten a hint of something she might need.  It works best IF she suggests it.  As you can see by the replies, not too many ladies are hip for your computer services.  However, you don't deserve a lashing (nor did you really get one) for asking.  I can assure you that some ladies will barter, and not all think it's a bad idea.

I see ladies asking for computer services fairly frequently in my area.

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