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Re: Must also have a posting history...eomsad_smile
Clubie 13 Reviews 268 reads

Thank you for our response. So there is no set amount? Just the discretion of someone from the site?

Anyone know what other criteria is required to gain access other than 10 approved reviews?

Thank you for our response. So there is no set amount? Just the discretion of someone from the site?

If you were denied access, keep posting on the boards and try again later.

can and will follow the guidelines for posting.  So, do as advised above, and start posting on your local regional board.


If it is in the proper board, why would I better served if it was in my local regional board? I'm not looking for potential  providers. I'm looking for some advice.

Doesn't have to be your regional board. Admin just wants to see your posting history, as swim and dj have said. There's a bunch of regional boards as well as a bunch of general boards (porn stars, massage parlors, erotic humor, over 60 etc.
Just join in on discussions or start interesting threads. If you decide to play on the General Discussion Board or the Politics and Religion board, make sure you have thick skin. :)

If you have a particular question you think can only be asked on the RO board, unfortunately you will just have to wait until you get access there.

There are a number of individuals who have very unique personalities, that's for sure.  Best advise I can give you is to pick and choose carefully what you comment on.

GaGambler224 reads

Not everybody gets blasted on the GD board, yes there are some unique personalities over there, not to mention a few with no personality whatsoever, but not everyone gets flamed on the GD board. The P&R Board on the OTOH, EVERYBODY gets flamed on that board, I don't care what your political leaning are, left, right or smack dab in the middle, I guarantee you someone will call you out for them.

I learned long ago that there are three topics that will automatically bring with them heated and spirited discussions - two of them being those you listed, the third is sex.  

Now, when you mix into this fact that people post with a handle that they can "hide" behind, P&R related discussions will get out of hand quickly. It's one thing to have a truly intellectual discussion, but I don't see that ever occurring there.

GaGambler206 reads

and you are absolutely correct the P&R board rarely has any truly intellectual discussion, but there are a lot of monkeys on both sides of the aisle flinging poo at each other. Some times it's fun, but it is certainly not for the thin skinned.

I see you just got your 10th review. You're not really missing much by being denied access. It's the same guys who post on all the other boards, complaining about the usual things, they just beat the topics to death on the RO board.

Posted By: Clubie
Anyone know what other criteria is required to gain access other than 10 approved reviews?

If you love reading and posting about SB and SA sites, then the R/O board is worth the wait. Otherwise, the Newbie board is the best way to get serious questions answered.

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