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Re: Many will accept info by email
Jensen36363 58 Reviews 290 reads

email is hardly a safer option. ISP has a legal requirement to log and archive email for something like 7 years in case the government needs to subpoena them for any legal investigations. I don't think there's any such requirement for web forms. (Or at least that is was I was told when I was working at one of the larger ISPs around).

There's always a risk so that's one of the things you'll need to get used to and you probably need to figure out what the major risk you're facing is -- is it a SO or job or more the legal concern for you. While you can certainly piss LE off and do something stupid to  get some serious charges against you for the most part the legal impact is small as it's a misdemeanor charge. (Note, that might be changing). Bottom line here is don't saying anything specific in your communications -- cover that in person.
Posted By: impposter
Posted By: Newandknowsnothing
About to partake in the hobby for first time and seems like the ladies require these secure booking forms to be completed before they will set something up. I understand the need for personal info and am ok to give it.  These secure booking forms weird me out a little though.  I envision a scenario where they aren't all that secure and suddenly my personal info and what I'm looking to do winds up out in the world. And what happens after it's completed and screened ?  Does it stay in a data base forever?  If possible, can someone reassure me that this should not worry me ( assuming of course that I should not be worried). Thanks!
Those forms worry many of us. Historically, it goes back to the earlier days of internet service providers when there were many more small independent ISPs (eventually bought up and merged with the bigger players). Many websites and form pages usually have an email address, explicitly state that info can be sent by email, or similar. (Without proof, I think that email is more secure. Gmail, yahoo mail, etc. have implicit obligations to protect email privacy even if the employees are reading our emails and making fun of us on their coffee breaks.)  
 Try email. Send the info you are comfortable sending. If she asks for more than you are willing to share, move on.

Newandknowsnothing1721 reads

About to partake in the hobby for first time and seems like the ladies require these secure booking forms to be completed before they will set something up. I understand the need for personal info and am ok to give it.  These secure booking forms weird me out a little though.  I envision a scenario where they aren't all that secure and suddenly my personal info and what I'm looking to do winds up out in the world. And what happens after it's completed and screened ?  Does it stay in a data base forever?  If possible, can someone reassure me that this should not worry me ( assuming of course that I should not be worried). Thanks!

Posted By: Newandknowsnothing
About to partake in the hobby for first time and seems like the ladies require these secure booking forms to be completed before they will set something up. I understand the need for personal info and am ok to give it.  These secure booking forms weird me out a little though.  I envision a scenario where they aren't all that secure and suddenly my personal info and what I'm looking to do winds up out in the world. And what happens after it's completed and screened ?  Does it stay in a data base forever?  If possible, can someone reassure me that this should not worry me ( assuming of course that I should not be worried). Thanks!
Those forms worry many of us. Historically, it goes back to the earlier days of internet service providers when there were many more small independent ISPs (eventually bought up and merged with the bigger players). Many websites and form pages usually have an email address, explicitly state that info can be sent by email, or similar. (Without proof, I think that email is more secure. Gmail, yahoo mail, etc. have implicit obligations to protect email privacy even if the employees are reading our emails and making fun of us on their coffee breaks.)  

Try email. Send the info you are comfortable sending. If she asks for more than you are willing to share, move on.

VOO-doo265 reads

For someone with a little experience, email can be fairly easy to hack if a person doesn't take the right precautions (complex passwords, two-step verification). Without those precautions, it's not that hard for a hacker to get into even an email from a mainstream provider like gmail or yahoo.  

Think of all of those times you've received an ad for Viagra sent from one of your good friends.  

It's actually more secure to submit info to an online database... the only catch is, that the information is likely getting emailed to someone, anyway.

email is hardly a safer option. ISP has a legal requirement to log and archive email for something like 7 years in case the government needs to subpoena them for any legal investigations. I don't think there's any such requirement for web forms. (Or at least that is was I was told when I was working at one of the larger ISPs around).

There's always a risk so that's one of the things you'll need to get used to and you probably need to figure out what the major risk you're facing is -- is it a SO or job or more the legal concern for you. While you can certainly piss LE off and do something stupid to  get some serious charges against you for the most part the legal impact is small as it's a misdemeanor charge. (Note, that might be changing). Bottom line here is don't saying anything specific in your communications -- cover that in person.

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: Newandknowsnothing
About to partake in the hobby for first time and seems like the ladies require these secure booking forms to be completed before they will set something up. I understand the need for personal info and am ok to give it.  These secure booking forms weird me out a little though.  I envision a scenario where they aren't all that secure and suddenly my personal info and what I'm looking to do winds up out in the world. And what happens after it's completed and screened ?  Does it stay in a data base forever?  If possible, can someone reassure me that this should not worry me ( assuming of course that I should not be worried). Thanks!
Those forms worry many of us. Historically, it goes back to the earlier days of internet service providers when there were many more small independent ISPs (eventually bought up and merged with the bigger players). Many websites and form pages usually have an email address, explicitly state that info can be sent by email, or similar. (Without proof, I think that email is more secure. Gmail, yahoo mail, etc. have implicit obligations to protect email privacy even if the employees are reading our emails and making fun of us on their coffee breaks.)  
 Try email. Send the info you are comfortable sending. If she asks for more than you are willing to share, move on.

I'll read their website so I understand what data they need to see me.  Many will be OK with an email with the required information.

The question you need to ask yourself is just how much personal data you're willing to give up.  I use a verification site, which helps these days.  But on occasion a lady will want even more info and depending on the request I may or may not be comfortable giving it to her.  I always respect her right to screen in a manner she's comfortable with, but if I'm not comfortable with the level of data she requests then I'll move on.  I will also not reach out to her again, no sense in me wasting her time when I know her requirements.  I won't hope she changes it or somehow I can convince her otherwise.  Most never do.  

Posted By: AHappyCamper
I'll read their website so I understand what data they need to see me.  Many will be OK with an email with the required information.  
 The question you need to ask yourself is just how much personal data you're willing to give up.  I use a verification site, which helps these days.  But on occasion a lady will want even more info and depending on the request I may or may not be comfortable giving it to her.  I always respect her right to screen in a manner she's comfortable with, but if I'm not comfortable with the level of data she requests then I'll move on.  I will also not reach out to her again, no sense in me wasting her time when I know her requirements.  I won't hope she changes it or somehow I can convince her otherwise.  Most never do.  
Good advice booking forum.Send email with screening details and references..Hookers doesn't like it move on.

I don't /won't fill out the forms. The concerns you voiced are valid. I will send the information the lady request by e-mail. I have never been turned down for doing it this way.

VOO-doo204 reads

Most escort sites are hosted by an company (godaddy, hostgator, dreamhost, etc). Or, it's designed on a platform (Wix, escort-site, etc.) I've never heard of ANYBODY self-hosting an escort site (as in, buying a server and keeping the server in in the garage, or something).  I've never even heard of a web designer doing that. To buy hosting is cheap and easy (around $60-80 per year for a single-site package, $150ish/month for a dedicated server), and maintaining a server is EXTREMELY complicated and expensive. Not only do you need a server and a place to house AND cool it (high risk of fire), but you need to run maintenance... AND have it backed up in at least one place at any given time (most big hosting companies have multiple backups in several different locations).  

So, when you send info through a form... the info from the form will probably be e-mailed to the escort, and saved to a database on the escort's server. Most form software companies provide this option, so that if the info gets deleted or lost, someone can go back and find it later. For instance, I get an email saying 'Name: Joe Smith, Email: [email protected], 'Messge: Hi, I'd like to meet you next week, blah, blah, blah.' I delete the email by accident. I log into the form software's back end, and am able to look up the pertinent entry so that I can get back to the client.

EVERY website has a database. It's how page text and most other information is stored on a site. There is NOTHING unusual or creepy about databases. And if a site is hosted on a reputable host, the database is NOT going to be a breeze to hack. At all.  

Even if the site itself is written poorly, form software is usually purchased (i.e. and uploaded to the server.  

If the form is NOT SSL-secure and the network is open (Sbux, for instance) there is a chance that someone could be 'listening' to the info you transmit. That's why all credit card and sensitive forms REQUIRE an SSL (https). I'd say that the majority of escort forms ARE SSL-Secure. One exception might be that the escort has built a site on Wix, or something... there's probably just a simple 'Contact' page built into the software or something. That would not be SSL-secure by default. But someone would have to be listening... and not only that, they'd have to care.  

It's really kind of silly. You probably fill out forms on OTHER sites without this kind of paranoia. With your credit card info and maybe even your SSN, for heaven's sake.  

However, if you really think that little green men are going to be combing through the airwaves/online databases looking for YOUR screening form, then, as others have said, just send her an email.  

But seriously... with the amount of people using Gmail etc., and having unsecure passwords - you should be much more worried about someone getting into that. It's easier for an email to get hacked, if anything.

All the info they have...not to mention all the permissions you allow on your phone. Do you actually think any of your info is safe anywhere? Think again. TER and P411 has your info and LE or a hacker or wherever boogie man your scared of could just as easily get your private information here. I take info through my form or email but either way if you want to see me....your info has to be given somehow. I erase everything after a certain amount of time but again that doesn't matter if someone wants the info.

I have a screening form on my website that some guys do fill out and others prefer to rather email me that info.
Either way is fine with me as long as I get the info I need to verify.
Some providers will accept screening by email as well and others who require their website form be filled out.

There's no such thing as a secure form. Sure the site could be using HTTPS and likely the information won't be intercepted in-transit, there's no way to really know who's on the other side of that form.

Also your phone/computer could be compromised, as well as the provider's phone/computer, at which point all bets are off for everyone.

So what's the point? The point is, never, ever transmit something incriminating to another person.

I have never had a gal shoot me down bc I sent my verification info to her email addy. The forms are a pita and often require too much info than the girl really needs or that I am comfortable giving.

They really have gone the way of the dinosaur, but girls copy what other girls do so it lives on. It is antiquated model that you don't have to adhere to in 99.9% of cases. reads

Does the provider has multiple of reviews by long time reviewers? Is she a member of P411? etc. Basically, how do you know she's not LE? After that, there's usually multiple channel to arrange a date. Booking forms, secure or not, would not be my preferred method. Personally, I prefer to set up dates through P411.

While I understand that screening can be a bit scary for some, especially someone new, I commend you for asking!

As a provider, I can tell you the majority of us will accept an email with all the information requested in a succinct and polite manner. It's when we have to start this emailing back and forth to get the information we deem important to screen that this process becomes frustrating.  

Many providers websites are SSL-secure. For instance, even if you were to enter the url as http:// on my website it will convert it to https. In addition, most forms, if the provider has done their research are SSL-secure. The information you do give on a form is literally emailed right to the provider within minutes. Either way, we will receive the information.  

Be prepared to come to terms with what information you are willing to provide. Understandably, there have been some horror stories of information being incorrectly used - but those are few and far between. However, if you do YOUR research and recognize that the woman you are seeking is a credible and reputable provider, providing the required information she needs whether (emphasis on whether) that be employment verification, companion references, or your legal name and real phone number, should not worry you. Finally, in regards to your question about the information being deleted, I would ask that specific provider. Each one is different. Just because I delete the information from email, the database, etc., doesn't mean another person does.  

You'll figure it out, my friend!

Most of all... have fun!!

I am all for a roast and believe I have a sophisticated sense of humour but when it is just ugly, let's call it that.   I see a donkey, I say that is a donkey.  Simple logic.

Posted By: Fancy8888
Good point safety for clients and professional in illegal business

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