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Re: LE Question
WildTurkey-101 141 Reviews 2387 reads

Boston guy is right, you don't get to make the rules,LOL. And as someone else said, LE is only one of many things that the ladies screen for.

hi all, looking forward to future hobbying and something has been on my mind. didn't find any previous post on this matter in detail so here's the LE allowed to get naked for a bust? if they are not wouldn't it be easier for both the provider and client to follow some simple rules instead of having to go through a verification website. I think the rules should go as follow...

1.initial call is to set up appt. no other talk
2.refer to everything as a massage until further notice
3.both parties need to get comfortable at the same time, assuming that LE is not allowed to get nude
4.only then after both parties are comfortable, this is when services could be discussed
5.if either provider or client is unwilling to get comfortable then that would let you know to terminate the session immediately. this way no services were mentioned and no bust can occur. right?

LE is allowed to run over your grandmother if it can be shown to have been necessary to get a bust.

LE has wide lattiude to lie, get naked, have sex and generally act like assholes, if it can be shown that such behavior was necessary.

By the way, refering to any activities as massage could set up a serious felony bust in some states for practicing massage without a license.

(still not a lawyer)

If they want to push it one year in jail and a $5,ooo fine for massage without a license in Florida.

Le can do what it takes to make a bust and you have to prove otherwise. The old adage of innocent till proven guilty does not apply to prostitution. You will have to use your money to get yourself out of jail and pay a lawyer.

Guys: If you mention a service or price, put money on the table or take your clothes off and your with the wrong person, LE has you. By the way just showing up is enough. Just watch DateLine! This is where doing your homework comes in.

Ladies: Our website, even if no sex act is mentioned will be used against us. They want you, they have you just by showing up. Don't talk money or mention anything but companionship and you may be able to fight it. But most do lose.

Everybody stay safe
 Kisses Haley

johnhuntback1765 reads

Yes, TER got some negative publicity last month when David Elms got busted. So even more important to stay low profile.

I think it depends on where you are and what the cops do in that area.  I've heard of stories where providers getting busted after the guy received the service.  I think if you get busted, you get busted no matter what.  Besides, I screen my clients for different reasons, cops is just one of them.

So the ladies still have to worry all of the way through.  If they've done their screening well, they should be OK, but there are no guarantees.

I can practically guarantee that a female LE decoy will neither get naked, nor have sex with you for a variety of reasons having little to do with legalities.  It just won't happen, but that doesn't let you off of the hook.  If you enter the room (they almost never do outcall stings) you will be busted no matter what you do, conviction be damned.  Unfortunately, it's the bust that would ruin most of us, not the conviction later, and they know that.

Research, research, research, and don't see anyone not reviewed.

agoldbe21223 reads

There was a news story few years ago involving a Virginia police department where some of the officers were receiving sexual favors "underover" at a local massage parlor.

It was an official investigation, and the police department argued that multiple visits involving sexual contact were necessary to establish the providers trust in order to build a case.

Somehow the info must have leaked, because the Mayor (I think) publicly ordered them to stop.

I think it depends on the location and local attitudes about that sort of thing.

johnhuntback1311 reads

Me thinks the police may have been using this as an excuse to get massages while on duty, and on taxpayer dollars. But that's just my humble opinion.

They were about to bust his ATF.  8o)

Thank goodness for horny mayors.

agoldbe21213 reads

Here is a link regarding LE participating in sex during undercover operations.  I think this is the same story that I referenced.

You don't get to make the rules.

Providers screen for a number of reasons, LE is only one of them.  If you want to see quality ladies be prepared to share personal information. You can't expect them to trust you if you do not trust them.

LE can pretty much do whatever they want whenever they want. Don't kid yourself into thinking that there are any magic words that protect you from getting busted if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The best way to avoid LE is never to wind up in the same room with them. Do your research and stick with providers who do theirs.

Boston guy is right, you don't get to make the rules,LOL. And as someone else said, LE is only one of many things that the ladies screen for.

thanks for all of the responses. im still a newbie to this hobby, so im trying to learn all that I can on TER to make my first experience the right one.

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