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Re: It's a hotel...
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 346 reads

Posted By: MarieLuscious
Why would they be suspicious for you asking about extra towels?  
 How many clients are you seeing in a day that it would raise suspicion? Seriously...
Doesn't matter if it's high or low volume hookers out to make money... Clients need towels and washcloths clean up after paid sessions..Hotels and motels NOSY.

For ladies that use hotels for incalls, how do you always have an abundance of towels for your guests to use and clean up? Doesn't it send red flags if you say, Oh can I have 10 towels please? Always been curious as to how you go about getting clean ones...

They bring their own?

Posted By: clman55
For ladies that use hotels for incalls, how do you always have an abundance of towels for your guests to use and clean up? Doesn't it send red flags if you say, Oh can I have 10 towels please? Always been curious as to how you go about getting clean ones...

it is called " Room Service "

Why would they be suspicious for you asking about extra towels?

How many clients are you seeing in a day that it would raise suspicion? Seriously...

That's what I was thinking. Plus, it's a hotel and as long as your not overly hooker-ish asking for extra towels should never raise suspicion. People ask for much weirder shit lol I have it in my hhonors and marriott profiles that I want extra towels already in my room when I arrive. Solves that problem. I've never been looked at weird for needing more towels.

Posted By: MarieLuscious
Why would they be suspicious for you asking about extra towels?  
 How many clients are you seeing in a day that it would raise suspicion? Seriously...

Posted By: MarieLuscious
Why would they be suspicious for you asking about extra towels?  
 How many clients are you seeing in a day that it would raise suspicion? Seriously...
Doesn't matter if it's high or low volume hookers out to make money... Clients need towels and washcloths clean up after paid sessions..Hotels and motels NOSY.

Posted By: MarieLuscious
Why would they be suspicious for you asking about extra towels?  
 How many clients are you seeing in a day that it would raise suspicion? Seriously...
Some hotels only give you TWO EACH of every towel.  So if a lady uses one of each type for herself and then has one client who does the same..... she'll need more for any additional clients either that day or the next day prior to Housekeeping doing their rounds.  It all depends on what the hotel supplies, and how alert that establishment is to anything out of the norm.  :-)

Years back, I worked for an agency who would have multiple ladies using the same hotel room on any given day.  Unbeknownst to me, the provider who'd been in the room before me one day had called the front desk TWICE to ask for more towels.  So then when I was in the room with a client, who should come knocking at the door?  

Not Housekeeping, but LE.  The hotel had notified them of "suspicious activity" going on.  
Yeah, that was fun.  ;-)

So now I won't ask for extra towels for any amount of $$$.   I bring my own.  

In my opinion, it's just always best to err on the side of caution.  :-)

Yeah... that's not the norm, multiple ladies using the same room... Working in hotels... I've seen people ask for all kinds of shit. and towels aren't that big of a draw, unless a situation like yours comes up, which doesn't happen when someone is touring by themselves. I've asked for several towels while on vacation with my friends, separate rooms. lol nothing is weird about that. and again how many clients are you having, 3 extra sets of towels isn't a big deal, 10... yeah that's a lot.  

Also think about common sense here, why not ask for all you need at once, calling them repeatedly for any reason raises suspicion. When you're not used to things you think everything is suspicious. Request it upfront and it makes you look like you require towels... nothing else. It's a big hotel , or should be, and they aren't worried about you.

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Posted By: MarieLuscious
Why would they be suspicious for you asking about extra towels?  
  How many clients are you seeing in a day that it would raise suspicion? Seriously...
 Some hotels only give you TWO EACH of every towel.  So if a lady uses one of each type for herself and then has one client who does the same..... she'll need more for any additional clients either that day or the next day prior to Housekeeping doing their rounds.  It all depends on what the hotel supplies, and how alert that establishment is to anything out of the norm.  :-)  
 Years back, I worked for an agency who would have multiple ladies using the same hotel room on any given day.  Unbeknownst to me, the provider who'd been in the room before me one day had called the front desk TWICE to ask for more towels.  So then when I was in the room with a client, who should come knocking at the door?    
 Not Housekeeping, but LE.  The hotel had notified them of "suspicious activity" going on.    
 Yeah, that was fun.  ;-)  
 So now I won't ask for extra towels for any amount of $$$.   I bring my own.    
 In my opinion, it's just always best to err on the side of caution.  :-)

Finish my workout, throw a water bottle and a stack of towels in the ol' backpack and they're none the wiser.  

But then again, I don't tour much.

Super sexxxy, right???  ;-)

Seriously, asking for more or even stealing them from the Housekeeping cart can get noticed and have ill consequences.  Some ladies manage to get away with that, but I prefer not to chance it.  

I'm touring now, and half of my carry-on sized suitcase is ALL TOWELS.  Only bath-size and washcloths, though.  Not that the bath-size are needed very often as too few men actually shower.  :-

Then....I go downstairs to front desk and ask for MORE towels hehe

when i travel i have always asked for extra towels once im in the room i call housekeeping and usually tell them i have friends visiting and we are all getting ready in the room for a night out, i have never had anyone question me about it, they just ask how many i want, i usually get about 4 or 5 more.

When I use to work in hotels, I'd be on the look out for the cleaning lady that knocks on your door in the morning.. when she's cleaning a different room then yours, she leaves the big cart with the towels in the hallway, I would just go and brag extra towels, make sure she doesn't see you. Lol

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