Newbie - FAQ

Re: It sounds to me like you need a mentor (e)
TrishaXXXChicago 211 reads

Oh yes I do!!  Really bad!!  Just because I just went indie and only worked for 1 gent in my 2 years enjoying the hobby!!

Ok so when screening i am asking for references, now the question is if i am not vip and can not pm another provider, how do i check the references?

what else do I ask for verification until i can get a couple reviews to be added to p411 and other verification sites?

Him -- You AND Him -- Her

When you ask for references, ask the guy to alert his reference that you might be calling or emailing them.  It will save time.  She might have no recollection of some guy she saw once 4 months ago UNLESS he reminds her in advance.  Without that, your call will just get a "Who?  When?  I have no recollection."  If he alerts her to your contact, she will have a chance to check your ad (or TER posts) so has an idea of who she is talking to: Sarah or LE

..... it could easily be the gentleman's SO, or wife.

      If a gentleman lists me as a reference, the lady needs to e-mail me, and include her web address, and other id, such as ter, or P411, in her correspondence.  

Hugs and Kisses,

I seem to recall that they can PM other members/providers if they reviews without needing to be full VIP?  Non-VIP providers can still check out their own reviews, and have unlimited access to the PM system if they have reviews here, correct?

If not, then those providers can contact any references via e-mail outside the system for verification.  The potential hobbyist should have provided this, or should be able to upon request.

Oh yes I do!!  Really bad!!  Just because I just went indie and only worked for 1 gent in my 2 years enjoying the hobby!!

I'm not an expert on these things by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm willing to provide whatever advice and/or guidance I can.  

You may also want to keep an eye out for any upcoming Meet & Greets, which might provide a networking opportunity for you.  Just a thought!   :-)

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