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Re: is she well-reviewed here on TER?
teamlannister1 605 reads

we contacted thru email only and didnt provide a phone number
but well reviewed prroviders want references and as a newbie i dont have any so i cant

so i have an appointment for tmm for my first time and now im paranoid as hell
she seems new and said she just left her agency last week and shes goin independent,
on her ad it gave a 250/h rate and no phone and only contact thru email and google image search of her pics didnt yeild any results, shes located at a pretty good hotel in mahattan, we chatted a little bit and nothing vulgar was discussed,  

is she anything to worry about?

any tips appreciated  
thanks a lot

and by reviewers who have lots of other reviews?
If not, then you might want to reconsider and book with somone who is well-reviewed here (more than a half dozen or so reviews and with good scores by established members).

we contacted thru email only and didnt provide a phone number
but well reviewed prroviders want references and as a newbie i dont have any so i cant

You're a newbie, she has no reviews, and has only been an independent for a short time.

I would not go ahead with this.

There are ways around not having references.  There are some gals with reviews who will see newbies, just ask around on your local board.

There are also the screening services like P411 and Datecheck, so join one of them.  There is a lot of information on them if you do some research on this board.

Dare I ask:  Have your read the Newbie/Self Help section yet?  If not, make that your next step.  It is linked right on this page.

I was new to this last year myself.
Joining P411 and getting screened by them is what opened this world up to me.
And again, only see well reviewed ladies.

my paranoia spooked her i guess, she ignored me last minute before meeting, i had good reason to believe she was not fake because her agency pics matched her "selfie" bp pics and the bp pics didnt have results when searched on google images
i guess she wasnt le, which was my main concern, a bad provider or bad service is the least of my concerns

well now im at penn station with my thumb up my ass
i guess i gotta find some newbie friendly providers

thanks for the response guys

Getting started can be hard but as a newbie you should only be seeing someone with many reviews written by reviewers who have written many reviews.  Give up some info to a verification service and then see newbie friendly providers. She may be a great gal but if she is seeing you without screening she's putting you and herself at risk, and she wont make a good reference for you in the future due to her lack of screening.

the punt fake.  Way too many dots here that do not line up.

I'm on Team Titties & Granny Tyrell myself, but if you wanna play by the rules, stick with Khaleesi.

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